Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [to-vb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 One is North Korea 's declared intention to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) after the demand of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) to inspect sites which Pyongyang says are non-nuclear .
2 Expert systems are the first commercial products to come from the world of Artificial Intelligence research .
3 The solar wind originates in the atmosphere of the Sun , and consists of a tenuous gas that has acquired sufficiently high outward speed to escape from the Sun .
4 The most conspicuous group to emerge from the 947 names on the Prime Minister 's list — about 30 more than usual — are key figures in the traumatic aftermath to the terrorist bombing of Pan-Am 's Flight 103 over Lockerbie last December .
5 Neither the post-Stalin ‘ thaw ’ , nor as yet Gorbachev 's perestroika , has led the historical establishment to depart from the basic propositions of the Marxist-Leninist interpretation .
6 We scrambled over the chockstone of the Eye onto the plateau and wandered over shimmering snowfields to drink from the icy waters of the Garbh Uisge where it emerged from a shadowy blue tunnel before tumbling from the plateau .
7 Monitoring services Once the services have been arranged it is tempting for social workers to withdraw from the situation .
8 By nine in the evening I was fully conscious and observed out of the big window at the end of the room the light beginning to drain from a violet sky .
9 Leading environmentalist Medha Paktar and 400 others were arrested to prevent them commiting samarpan ( self-sacrifice ) in protest against the dam project , which would force 250,000 tribal people to move from the Narmada valley .
10 One of the most exciting suggestions to emerge from the research of the Schools Council History project , and in later research into primary history teaching methods , has been the idea that certain , concept-based methods of History teaching can lead to pupils reaching certain levels of historical understanding at a rather earlier stage than had previously been thought possible .
11 This discussion of the primacy of communal property is a point central to Marx 's whole work , and the pleasure he gained in its confirmation in the work of Morgan seems to me to be the only really clear element to emerge from the notebooks .
12 Meanwhile , much smaller North West neighbour Liverpool is looking to continue building up domestic and regional aviation-related business following its becoming the first local authority-owned airport to transfer from the public to private sector when it was bought by British Aerospace in 1990 .
13 In France , the launch of Glen Ord has put United Distillers in an improved position to benefit from a market which is currently growing at around 8 per cent per annum .
14 A man of 65 , from Bristol , last week became the first British patient to benefit from the technique , known as rotational angioplasty .
15 Close ties with a medical publisher had enabled us to monitor early attempts to move from a traditional print-based publishing enterprise to new technologies : laser-disc publication had proved wasteful and made too many demands of staff with no experience in editing or marketing such material , let alone its production ; on-line database publication drawing on the company 's range of printed publications , many of which were in electronic form anyway before imprisonment on paper , proved more compatible with existing operations and more amenable to the skills of existing staff .
16 Clearly , from the operator 's point of view , one of the favourable elements to emerge from the competitive price battle of late 1985 was the reversal of this tendency , at least temporarily .
17 Overseas participation enables American , European and Japanese banks to benefit from the dynamic industrial growth experienced by some NICs .
18 The chief conclusion to emerge from the work discussed in this chapter is that retrieval processes contribute to the hybrid — that the latent inhibition effect occurs , at least in part , because subjects tend to retrieve information acquired during pre-exposure to the target stimulus rather than information acquired during conditioning .
19 B arcelona will be Mota 's last major championship run and she wants it to be the perfect platform to retire from the international scene .
20 On April 9 the Cabinet approved tax-free incentives to encourage civil servants to move from the west to the east , and announced pension increases of 15 per cent from July 1 for eastern pensioners ( whose pensions would still be half those of western pensioners ) .
21 John Major saying that people will have to accept restrictions on on car usages and it 's an amazing thing to come from a Tory .
22 The first official document to survive from a Merovingian king is a letter addressed by Clovis to his bishops , explaining that en route for " Vouillé " he had issued an edict protecting Church property .
23 We believe a reasonable target is for civil R&D to increase from the present 1.8 per cent to 2.5 per cent of GDP .
24 Steve Bee , pensions boss of the Pru , warns : ‘ It 's absolute madness to move from a company scheme to a personal scheme .
25 You know , the difficulty of getting up to the flats , i you know I I suffered from arthritis , and er you know i it was quite a strenuous business to get from the ground up to our own flat .
26 Dixons has been one of the first retail chains to suffer from the slowing of retail demand .
27 Most of these acts can be attributed to the emotion of compassion , referred to earlier in this book as probably being one of the earliest of human emotions to emerge from the dawning of civilisation .
28 Creditors were hoping to persuade Nigeria to abandon its long-standing refusal to borrow from the IMF in order to make funds available for a buyback of commercial debt .
29 It only takes 10 paying guests to benefit from the reduced admission prices .
30 It 's the start of the Falcons ' year ; training for next season 's displays and a unique chance to jump from the second biggest plane in the world , courtesy of the US Airforce .
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