Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We crossed the lowered drawbridge and went under an arched entrance depicting the wonderfully carved scene of the Annunciation .
2 From her sensible shoes to her practical haircut , her appearance proclaims her membership of that generation of British women who survived the privations of wartime and went on to spend their lives in ungrumbling toil creating the now tarnished Jerusalem of the Welfare State .
3 Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Dal ( BNP — Bangladesh Nationalist Party formed in 1978 by merger of right-of-centre groups supporting the then President Ziaur Rahman ( assassinated in 1981 ) ; Begum Khaleda Zia ch. ; Badruddoja Choudhry vice-ch . ) .
4 The English LEAs spending the most on transport were Norfolk for primary children ( 30 ) and Cornwall for secondary ( 103 ) .
5 A new report from Frost & Sullivan predicts that the US plastic additive industry should enjoy moderate growth over the next five years as plastic consumption recovers from the recession , with light stabilisers showing the most dramatic increase .
6 The elegant shops were filled with every type of produce , from unimaginable foodstuffs to high fashion and jewellery ; the seats of the pavement cafés were filled with people happily eating and drinking and watching the world pass by ; queues waited expectantly outside cinemas offering the very latest movies from around the world .
7 Future trials comparing the most commonly used IVIG preparations in marrow transplantation should measure not only differences in infection but in the incidence of GVHD , to further elucidate the mechanism of immune changes due to IVIG .
8 The DJ fills out the early evening playing the most obvious indie-dance records , as he will finish the evening .
9 The JCT suggest that the form is suitable where the proposed works are of a simple content involving the normally recognised basic trades and skills of the industry and are without any building service installations or other complex specialist work .
10 There had been high spots , of course — particularly the grand couloir , with its subterranean lake and its vast stalactites overhanging the uncannily still green water — but the presence of so much technology and the chattering tourists had the effect of reducing a natural wonder to the level of a modern theme park .
11 This morning for instance the Scottish executive of the people 's party will have an opportunity to examine the fruits of some of the labours of the Scottish Trades Union Congress , which has been functioning as the honest broker following the swiftly evaporating euphoria of the 25,000 souls who turned up on 12 December .
12 The Latin American economy is characterised by a large number of very small firms and yet some workers are employed by large transnationals using the most modern technology and employing thousands of workers .
13 It is ironic , in retrospect , that Nizan 's leading article announcing the seemingly miraculous news was published on 1 April 1939 .
14 The ‘ newer , perspectives on deviance — whether interactionist , Marxist — radical or structuralist — shared common criticisms of the positivistic assumptions underlying the supposedly ‘ scientific ’ approach to crime and deviance ( cf Taylor et al , 1973 ; Taylor , 1982 ) .
15 Large firms pursuing the most sophisticated levels of managerially-directed computer-control of production processes will confine traditional metal working skills to marginal remedial tasks .
16 His attitudes towards nature Cosslett presents as very close to those of the popularisers — ‘ from a heroic facing of facts that seem to destroy his dearest dreams , to an imaginative perception of harmonious law and organic pattern pervading the constantly changing universe ’ .
17 People whose sexual behaviour is at total variance with their previous mood — the most exciting and passionate sex following the most horrendous and enraged row — are demonstrating a split or lack of integration in their personality .
18 The basis of any method is the assembly of several different actions or steps into an orderly procedure taking the most efficient route from start to finish .
19 Emily Grundy ( 1986 ) has rightly stressed how little is known about the epidemiology and aetiology , let alone prevention and treatment , of some of the major disorders affecting the very old , such as dementia .
20 Here near to Foxton are examples of all sorts of things that excite the blood of the canal enthusiast : a delightful cut through the centre of the village taking the boatman to the once prosperous wharves and building yards of Market Harborough ; a wonderful hand-operated swingbridge allowing the more adventurous visitors to negotiate Swingbridge Lane on their own ; visible and tangible memories of boatmen 's inns .
21 to set objectives and plan programmes , designed to satisfy identified needs using the most effective methods ,
22 It is extremely difficult to discover any coherent pattern to the oprichnina and , although it is true his victims included many boyars , Western scholars have had great fun exploding the carefully constructed ‘ class ’ explanations advanced by Soviet historians .
23 THE National Health Service will be permanently transformed as a result of the Conservative victory , with fund-holding family doctors and self-governing hospitals becoming the more usual form of organisation of health care over the next five years .
24 The view supported in these chapters is closest to the traditional view emphasizing the so called organic relations between an individual and his community .
25 On a macro scale , this is of course how Blacks were and to a large extent are still viewed : as a disruptive , damaging force disturbing the previously calm , stable landscape of cultural superiority .
26 For the same reason the Housing Act of 1890 , a permissive Act allowing the newly formed local councils to build housing for rent , provided little relief .
27 The angry male exclamation was punctuated by the angry sound of a zip opening and angry footsteps rounding the now only glowing fire .
28 In recent years this has become more widely recognized , with various authors identifying the fundamentally different sets of values upon which different studies have been based .
29 Over the past two centuries the ships employed have ranged from totally unsuitable ones , which happened to be available at the time , to , less commonly , purpose-built vessels incorporating the most sophisticated technology of the day . ’
30 It seemed that in a school where he was in such a minority , his language and ethnicity had been defined as particular problems requiring the rather Draconian solution of Statementing .
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