Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because the second–class coaches use a common bodyshell with first–class coaches , seats do not always align with the windows .
2 The situational shifts prevent a consistent plot-line from forming , making the novel essentially unpredictable , and Sukenick further complicates our sense of sequence by counterpointing a ‘ count-down ’ sequence of chapters against the ascending page-numbers .
3 ‘ There is a popular perception that the monetary authorities dictate the general level of interest rates , and of course it is true that we are able to exert a very considerable influence on it .
4 Second , regional policies play an ideological role favourable to private capital : they present the economic recession as a problem of geographical distribution of jobs rather than what it is — a problem of simply insufficient jobs on a national level .
5 Thus point stimuli located at the centre of the receptive field produce a large output while stimuli falling away from the centre produce a smaller output .
6 Such flows approach asymptotically to the self-preserving form , although often very slowly ; for reasons to be seen in Section 21.4 , turbulent flows have a long ‘ memory ’ of upstream conditions .
7 Having established the overall principle that conciliatory attitudes provide a prime dynamic for strengthening relationships , Paul then goes on to spell out how in each case male and female partners are to work this out in practice .
8 The regional authorities have a major role in resource and curriculum planning for the school and community education sectors .
9 The machine-based fundament of modern civilisation has emancipated even those most exposed to severance from the requirements of life ; broader and less mutilated existence become a viable possibility .
10 Highly cohesive groups display a strong loyalty to their members and a strong adherence to group norms .
11 On the one hand , large-scale capital movements , investments and political strategies create a physical landscape of shopping centres , streets and public buildings .
12 It is suggested that this non-invasive techniquemay provide a useful screening test of the pathophysiological basis of the functional obstruction in children with chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction .
13 On this view , however , it can not be the phonological system in which priming occurs , because both reading aloud and answering definitions by an oral response use the phonological system ( since both culminate in the subject saying a word ) ; yet these two activities do not prime each other .
14 If the combined ranks give an equal result , using the combined probabilities to order those allowable candidate strings with the same ranks gives good results ( see section 2.3 for details of ranks and probabilities ) .
15 Investing institutions expect a net cash inflow of £30 billion-40 billion this year .
16 The full-fledged technical experts vilify the screeching retinue of Elvis Presley .
17 The questions which are tackled at Advanced level reflect the many aspects and problems of History as a subject .
18 The Comintern worked predictably but with difficulty to establish control over the recalcitrant comrades in both factions but was faced with firm opposition from those who did not wish to see Korean communism become a minor branch of the world communist movement directed by Moscow .
19 For sheltered rocky coves follow the pine-shaded lane along the river Tina Menor to the horseshoe-shaped beach at Pechón .
20 Possible strategies include the domestic strategy where the female recognizes domestic qualities in males in advance and therefore benefits herself by choosing a male with qualities .
21 Patients with coronary artery disease , moderately impaired left ventricular function , and inducible VT comprise the largest subgroup of cardiac arrest survivors .
22 It is just unfortunate that reality obliges him , instead , to contemplate the tiresome possibility that the Liberal Democrats hold the balance of power in a Parliament in which neither Tory nor Labour parties have an overall majority .
23 The committee takes the view that government research projects carried out by private industry have a better chance of leading to commercial rewards in terms of new products and processes .
24 There is , in fact , a complex network of gene interactions , the product of one gene controlling the activity of others which involves an intimate relationship between nucleus and cytoplasm , because cytoplasmic signals play a crucial role in controlling transcription and thus determining whether genes are on or off .
25 Fast components are a plus , but the most advanced servers feature an optimized hard disk sub-system , where each component complements the others .
26 Annual or perennial rudbeckias make a dazzling display in full sun
27 Blocks of strong colour in striking combinations create the newest and most daring of today 's looks .
28 Economic strategists hope the thousands of new small businesses being registered will soak up the unemployed .
29 Whatever may have been the original rationale of this form of liability , it was certainly not the same as that of scienter , for agricultural animals present no peculiar risk .
30 ( a ) Where all or any of the principals of a multi-national partnership have a separate legal practice as foreign lawyers :
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