Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] through the " in BNC.

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1 She turned on the maxiscreamers , and the riot-control noise boomed through the town , shaking teeth loose , bursting eardrums , bringing rickety buildings down .
2 while helpless blood broke through the mattress .
3 A strong wind tore through the trees whipping the branches fiercely to one side while the rain swept across their faces .
4 The high , family cheek-bones stuck up gaunt and stark and her narrow shoulders jutted through the fabric of her sweater like bony wings .
5 Translucent shapes undulated through the jungle , glimmering in the sunlight : the only life the Lucifer System had so far offered up for study .
6 Then the drifting cloud that had massed before the rising sun parted , and a single shaft of direct light leaped through the east window , setting the rose tracery ablaze with glowing colours , and flew like a lance from end to end of the church , calling out of shadow the strong , slender ribs that patterned the vault with great starry flowers , turning the roofrib to gold , and glittering in the curls of all the singing cherubim on the painted bosses .
7 A worsening shortage of places in higher education , and especially the universities , generated greater competition and more rigorous demands mediated through the examination system .
8 Beyond them , a brown light seeped through the columned groves of palm trees .
9 When the daily help came through the back door and into the kitchen , she found Beth sitting at the table , breathless and dishevelled .
10 Then , almost alone , he awaited his fate , and as the British troops stormed through the gateway of his stronghold he shot himself with a pistol sent to him in happier days by Queen Victoria .
11 In the Urals the late Palaeozoic geosyncline persisted through the greater part of the Permian and the Asian record is , on the whole , very different from that of Europe .
12 I nestled my shoulders against the pillar a little more firmly and sipped from my glass as Jamie 's feet beat against my chest and the howling , crashing music thundered through the sweaty room .
13 A weak sun shone through the dispersing clouds , sending misty rays of light dancing through the trees and turning their necklaces of raindrops into sparkling gems .
14 He stepped out into the square and lit his pipe just as a watery sun broke through the clouds .
15 The shock waves travelled through the wall and slammed into our heads and then there was silence as the dismembered vehicle fell through the air .
16 A harsh , chilling light shone through the soul , and where it shone , in its wake the ultimate darkness began to gather .
17 He was standing on the bottom stair when he heard footsteps coming up the back stairs from the kitchen and then Jane 's large dark eyes peered through the banisters at him .
18 A warm wind shone through the long stubble which shimmered like silk in the heat ; the sun glared off the metal cabs of lorries and buses , the tar melted into mirages of water and cleared again .
19 The warm breeze whispered through the chimes hanging from the balcony ceiling .
20 What gave this and subsequent works weight was their sheer authenticity : real people spoke through the text , via Terkel 's tape recorder .
21 But at The Wine Garden , the menu featured verse and monologues , and the impish Les sauntered through the trials and tribulations of 20th century indiscretion in a mockingly disapproving manner .
22 Few people watching the tearful , scruffily-dressed woman burst through the court doors to freedom would have recognised her as a countess .
23 Thus Wing Commander Hodsoll , Secretary of the ARP Committee , gloomily warned his colleagues in November 1936 that ‘ certain areas have been scheduled as likely to be subject to almost continuous bombing in the event of war ’ , and similar pessimism ran through the 1938 Anderson report on evacuation .
24 A girl screamed , and a masked man ran through the bar , pursued by two cops in turn-of-the-century uniforms .
25 These magical attributes persisted through the ages and died out only with the rise of scientific investigations in the 16th century .
26 An audible groan rippled through the new Form Two , quelled at once by one of Miss Hardbroom 's piercing glances which always made each pupil feel that they had been noticed personally .
27 A black and vicious claw burst through the woodwork of the door with an explosive crash that echoed up and down the staircase like thunder .
28 Brown and the remaining pair went through the front door .
29 Despite the fact that he was personally on only the periphery of the Polanski affair , he was caught up in the backwash , in the resultant discussion of the wider issues of the counter-culture , and it was in this category that the critics had firmly placed their new star as the analysis of his role in Easy Rider continued through the run-up to the Oscar presentations and beyond .
30 Mr Clinton 's economic package squeaked through the House of Representatives by 219 votes to 213 .
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