Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The panel will try to assess the recruit 's ability to remain impartial and courteous even under pressure and their ability to keep any strong opinions they may have from influencing the advice process .
2 We provide a full sailing programme with rescue cover at least six hours a day ; we do n't allow sailing in strong winds without rescue cover , so if level 5 sailors ( can carve gybe ) wish to sail outside normal hours they must arrange alternative rescue cover .
3 As for the real problem , we are in the midst of discussions with the Building Societies Association and others and in due course we shall make an announcement that will build on the assistance that we have already provided .
4 In due course we shall see that people 's standard of living hinged broadly on their position in the landholding hierarchy , and it will be necessary to examine this after reviewing the material conditions it enabled them to enjoy .
5 We hope that our continuing work will shed light on these different concepts , and in due course we shall publish our results in medical journals .
6 In due course we might look closer at that episode with the Gilberd : she admits after much blushing and prevarication that he accused her in the High Street delicatessen of baby-snatching — did it openly , in a loud voice .
7 In due course we will witness similar , half a world away on the Mile End Road . ’
8 In due course we will add rights and freedoms not currently included in the Convention , extending into a full UK Bill of Rights .
9 I 'm erm I 've been working in low cost housing , housing charities , for a very long time , with Shelter and various other charities like that , and I never cease to be amazed that the Conservative Group , here or nationally , are hostile to subsidies for council housing , because the subsidy which goes to owner-occupiers , through mortgage tax relief , is very much greater than the subsidy that goes to council housing and there 's nothing we as a Council can do about this , but I do hope that in due course we will get a fair system of subsidising houses for everybody , so that wealthy people on high incomes who are getting a big subsidy on their housing through their tax relief , erm are not getting more than people on low incomes living in council houses .
10 to some degree but not all and you know in in due course we will provide you with a full breakdown of this , exactly what is in and what is n't in .
11 Clearly there is some chicanery going on and perhaps in due course we will find out the truth .
12 He would tell them some story — precisely what , he had not decided — and in due course they would check and discover its falsehood .
13 No doubt in due course they would become equally vocal in their complaints about the French , but Thiercelin decided that so far as possible his own behaviour should be above reproach .
14 While such a set-up would probably be established under the auspices of the Bank of England , the main users in the shape of the institutions envisage that in due course they would take over ownership .
15 In due course they will arrive in Safra to be offloaded over a beach and thence travel by road into the theatre of operations .
16 In due course he 'll rub it off himself . ’
17 In due course she would dispose of it , but not just yet .
18 In due course I will answer it for you , that and many other things that I know have quizzed you these past years . ’
19 In due course you should find ways to reward the achievements of those who have acted on your behalf .
20 Although at the political level it would seem that the Keynesian position has been relegated , at the theoretical ( and practical ) level it is maintained that fiscal policy can influence the achievement of the objectives of government policy .
21 But they 're not like real Rickenbacker necks , since they have kicked-back headstocks and no walnut stripes , and in fact they look and feel like the standard Korean-issue necks you 'd find on a hundred other guitars .
22 If you are working in a very technical field you should do your homework before the interview so that you are prepared for detailed questions about equipment and techniques you may have to deal with .
23 As an example of the geographical comparison of normal patterns we can compare the relative incidence of coins of the first two centuries AD in two different areas such as Britain and Italy .
24 But if the youngster follows normal patterns he will return home after the tests to await the selection of the donor and final preparations for the NHS hospital procedure .
25 But if the youngster follows normal patterns he will return home after the tests to await the selection of the donor and final preparations for the NHS hospital procedure .
26 See lot lot of these jobs are done by the tide , say you take a ship now what 's been sunk in the river , at low tide they 'll put the wires underneath , make them fast to the ships and when the tide when the t t tide rise out come the ship , and they can take it where they want to .
27 At low tide you can cross the bays on the beach but at high tide you have to go inland , a lot further round so timing is important — we got it wrong once or twice !
28 Also if it 's within your own normal income you can give anything , in other words if you do n't reduce your capital .
29 Instead of an anecdotal narrative it must aspire to the rigorous standards of a science .
30 As justification for claiming strong Norman support he could advance the wickedness of Harold , the ‘ backwardness ’ of the English church , the increasing separation of Scandinavian — English politics from the mainlines of central and southern European development and , perhaps most immediately attractive to his baronial supporters , the promise of considerable territorial gains if the gamble came off .
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