Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [be] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 It suggests that a 65 year-old retiree with a large private income is in some meaningful sense more dependent than a 64 year-old labourer in receipt of a low weekly wage .
2 The administrative budget was for some RF26,000 million , a reduction in real terms over the previous year , and the investment budget stood at RF14,320,000 , of which some RF5,500 million came from domestic financing and the remainder ( 61 per cent ) from external sources .
3 Specific applications of multimedia in business and professional environments are to some extent determined by commercial ingenuity .
4 Aristotelian physics was to some extent quite successful .
5 Occasionally a married man , particularly if his sexual capacity is for some reason declining , may find pornography more attractive than the " real thing " .
6 Thus while philanthropic work was for some integral to their feminist beliefs , for others it represented merely a diversion from household cares , a sublimation of other desires , or , and this was probably the most common motivation , a socially acceptable way for both married women and their daughters to engage in purposeful work .
7 The motives described by these authors are little more than romantic inventions , but the fact that the dying cat 's actions have been recorded in this way by very different writers is of some interest .
8 Without the steady drip-feed of leaked documents , clearly the hon. Gentleman is in some difficulty with his figures .
9 Foreign policy was in some ways still remarkably simple .
10 This is because social arrangements are to some extent arbitrary ways of organising human life — there is an apparently endless range of variations in social rules , ideas and conventions .
11 Slowish tempos are to some degree unavoidable , because of the textural detail in Mozart 's score ; and the conductor can not altogether be blamed for the ways in which the music is softened .
12 Social distress — a restricted , inadequate or disturbed individual whose social performance is in some way leading to personal difficulties .
13 But as the century proceeded , these rigid differences were to some extent eroded .
14 There is , furthermore , considerable evidence in this study of social factors being of some significance .
15 Even in the Constitution on the Liturgy , approved in the second session , where a theology of liturgical pluralism is to some extent accepted , there is no use of the word ‘ church ’ in the plural nor of the phrase ‘ ecclesia particularis ’ ( particular church ) , though the thought of the constitution would have benefited from such use .
16 With the exception of Paul Nilon 's delightfully zany Count Belfiore , the principal roles were in some danger of being upstaged by the slightly lesser ones ( Nilon is not to blame if it remains incredible that any woman , let alone two , should fall in love with such a bizarre creature ) .
17 Still , there had been Maggie 's arena ( the tiny sun was like some red-gel spotlight blazing just to highlight her ) .
18 This is starting to become a trend in Britain as well , although the planning system which encourages standard development is to some extent acting as a block .
19 Previously the support from central government was to some extent related to the provision of services , which were themselves related to local needs , at least in the view of the local authority .
20 The system is complicated and credited contributions are for some purposes not as good as paid contributions .
21 Both the village and surrounding countryside are worth some exploration and I was lucky as my trek gave me an insight into both .
22 It is simply that the most plausible stories now available about that evolution , including its very recent date and also certain considerations about the physical characteristics of the species , suggests that human beings are to some degree a mess , and that the rapid and immense development of symbolic and cultural capacities has left man as a being for which no form of life is likely to prove entirely satisfactory , either individually or socially .
23 Some of them are rather like cave paintings are n't they and have they 've got this from my a sort of tedious association of the drawings and pictures and er Catherine 's it seems to be suggesting that animals were around , animals and other creatures were around a long time before human beings and that human beings are in some ways intruders therefore in their in their world .
24 It is , for example , becoming clear that a family history of left handedness is in some way related to the cerebral organisation of functions .
25 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
26 Small traces may not hurt , but in households where modern hygiene has become a fanatical pursuit , the unhappy pet is at some risk .
27 The present pavement is to some extent gauged to enhance that relationship , which will be savaged by the proposed reconstruction of pavements .
28 On the other hand , if the bulge is elongated and its long axis is at some angle oblique to the line of sight ( see Fig. 3 ) , perspective effects cause equivalent lines of sight on either side of the centre to have systematically different surface brightnesses .
29 It presupposes that the functionally optimal capitalist state is in some senses class-neutral .
30 This does not mean however that mental processes are in some way divorced from the physical world , nor does it mean that they should be excluded from the subject matter of natural science .
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