Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd fled , but not before he 'd accused her with brutish , angry words of a number of character and personality deficiencies , the greatest of which appeared to be her total inability to appreciate the finer qualities of Marcus Pritchard .
2 Mottle Foin , the only foin on which trees grew , little stunted pines making a black dappling on its surface , was the highest hill on the moor after Big Allen and now its rocky hump hid the Milder 's northerly curves , Pierce Foin and all of Lustley Dale .
3 Whilst it might cause some obvious short-term distress to tell the older people that they have unrealistic expectations of their children , to fail to do so inevitably leads to more unhappiness in the longer term .
4 A big brown beard covered the lower half of his thin , pale , serious face .
5 At this point it is sufficient to state that the estimates are based on high quality data supplied by The Scotch Whisky Association 's nine largest companies and they provide the first published attempt to quantify the wider economic significance of this important industry .
6 The work was published with the approbations of Christian scholars , including the celebrated Jean Buxtorf the younger , a new departure by Jewish authors of a Hebrew book .
7 ‘ How 's she getting on without a farm manager ? ’ the old maltster asked the younger men .
8 The most successful writer who had lived in an English colony was Aphra Behn , who was brought up in Surinam before it was transferred to the Dutch in 1668 , and her most important novel of American life , Oronooko , was so completely sympathetic to the Indian hero that it should be considered as an early contribution to the cult of the noble savage rather than a book which could help its English readers understand the wider world .
9 Impressed with the Buckau 's success , the German Admiralty commissioned the Weser Shipyards in Bremen to build a new , larger rotor ship on a proven full design .
10 So insistent were the Data Protection Committee that the public sector constituted the greater threat that they recommended wholesale registration of all public sector users but only piecemeal or phased registration of private sector users .
11 When the Data Protection Committee came to consider the case for legislation it had no doubt that the public sector presented the greater set of problems : the complex modern government bureaucracies at national and local level are great consumers of personal information about citizens — mostly to the citizens ' benefit , of course , but some of the possibilities of linkage , network-formation and hence secret profile-building about identifiable individuals seemed frightening .
12 It seemed that , every time she resolved not to let her wayward emotions get the better of her , he said something that had her responding to him like a fourteen-year-old star-struck teenager all over again .
13 The finest work of the Victorian architect C. E. Buckeridge , the church 's picturesque medieval appearance reflects the earlier church it replaced in 1868 .
14 It encourages woman-centred psychologists to ignore the wider discursive structuring of methodology , and to assume that revaluing a traditionally female-identified method positively guarantees its feminism .
15 It was not just that the Old King possessed the greater resources — which he did -he was also able to overwhelm his enemies by sheer speed of movement .
16 Until quite recently it was considered that it was the crust that attained equilibrium with respect to the mantle , but it is now known that isostatic adjustments also involve the rigid mantle forming the lower part of the lithosphere .
17 Old Red watched the older man 's slow movements clinically as he held aside the red screen , then followed him out to talk .
18 Apart from an inkstained blotter and a penstand it held a small wooden bookshelf containing the Shorter Oxford Dictionary , a dictionary of quotations , Roget 's Thesaurus and Fowler 's Modern English Usage .
19 But pure animalistic lust gets the better of me .
20 Anthony Quinn 's Mexican/Irish temper got the better of him on the day he married Katherine De Mille , daughter of the director Cecil B De Mille .
21 Lights from Joan Robbins 's top windows illuminated the higher levels of No. 45 , but did not reach the thickets of the overgrown garden .
22 Cambridge struck 38½ to Oxford 's 40 in the first minute and despite the Light Blues having the better of the tide , the crews were level at Beverley Brook .
23 I would advise the interested enthusiast to purchase the smaller set that includes the skew chisel C17 , and try those before going the whole hog .
24 Published reports reveal the greater desire for detail and the development of new techniques to cope with the particular problems of early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries .
25 I 'm afraid curiosity got the better of me and now I have broken your mood .
26 Page 235 states : ’ In our surveys the British samples reported the greater number of vocational learning experiences .
27 Not only does allowing the so-called minnows to play the bigger teams provide their players with the highlights of the rugby lives — but it also means that sides like South Korea , conquerors of the Barbarians , get the exposure to top level competition .
28 Their light-hearted attitude balances the greater seriousness of events in The Three Commanders , for they still scamper into adventure as their respective ships operate against slave-traders off the African coast and when they carry troops and fight battles off the Turkish coast during the Crimean War .
29 In the latter case , rural consumers were also typically charged higher prices , since the pressure from the local voters and ratepayers in the town was usually effective in curbing any idea of subsidy to the rural areas to meet the higher costs of supply .
30 Although one or two polytechnics had misgivings about the break with local government , the vast majority welcomed the greater independence of action implied by the separation .
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