Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the present team have been with the organisation at least since 1974 when Mr d'Ancona , an assistant secretary with the Department of Energy at the time , was asked to implement a political decision to transfer the headquarters of the fledgling organisation from London to Glasgow .
2 Its function is not known as yet , but the leaf may serve as mobile camouflage to protect the fish from the eight species of kingfisher which feed along this river or it may act as a ‘ stalking horse ’ as the fish pursues its prey .
3 In the 1985/6 Westland Affair two political opponents deployed the media as part of their armoury but , in the event , both were forced to resign as the affair gained a momentum of its own .
4 The Gann Report received qualified approval from the colleges , though in many quarters regret was expressed that it had not taken the opportunity to recommend a single validating body for all courses in art and design , and not just non-advanced ones , and that its proposal for two different types of courses was ‘ elitist ’ and a vain attempt to separate the sheep from the goats .
5 Illegal political parties include the People 's Party of Brunei ( Parti Ra'ayat Brunei — PRB ) and the Brunei National Democratic Party ( BNDP ) .
6 They would use incendiary-cum-explosive bombs to disable the aircraft and then retire to a pre-arranged rendezvous point in the desert where they could be picked up by a patrol of the Long Range Desert Group ( LRDG ) .
7 If it can raise a vast amount of capital — £1.8 billion — and believes that it is worth while to do so , surely it is possible for British Rail to commit the £100 million that is needed to electrify the main line .
8 Their degree of preference for one party Over others had an important influence upon the usefulness-ratings they gave the media for helping them decide how to Vote ( those with clear preferences found the media less useful for that purpose ) but had little or no influence on other aspects of usefulness-ratings .
9 Late in 1970 the substantial remains of Lancaster I EE173 of 207 Squadron were discovered in Lake Krumme in the suburbs of West Berlin and after the German authorities salvaged the aircraft , the RAF Museum were offered the opportunity to keep such items as might be useful for the restoration of R5868 .
10 The failure to enforce laws is explained not by organizational complexity but by the ability of an external business and social elite to control the means of implementation .
11 The advantages to the individual company entering international selling were discussed and this was followed by aspects of how different cultures affect the sales approach .
12 For , eg , cereals , he wants to cut the EC 's intervention price by 40% , using direct aid to compensate the 4m cereal farms of less than 30 hectares .
13 Maintenance of an adequate circulation to provide the means of transport for oxygen and carbon dioxide depends not only on the correct functioning of the heart and vessels but also on the presence of an adequate amount of fluid to circulate .
14 It would only take a marginally improved thrust to give the aircraft a vastly improved ground-to-air time , a higher ceiling and a greatly boosted top airspeed . ’
15 All coarse fishermen return the fish to the water almost immediately , unless they are involved in competition , when the fish are retained for a matter of hours in specially designed nets .
16 Mud is apt to be thrown up by aircraft wheels in landing and taking off , muddy water enters the aircraft through drainage holes and all sorts of other orifices and then the water drains out , leaving a film of wet mud .
17 ‘ Perhaps the old gentleman told the people to wave , ’ said Bobbie .
18 However , West Germany was reluctant to spend heavily on the foreign exchanges to support the yen , because of its likely inflationary impact .
19 Down from the top floor bounced the offspring of Mr and Mrs Beavis , the girls in nightdresses , the boys in nightshirts .
20 Does the Minister agree that the best prospect of reaching and sustaining adequate inward investment will arise only when right hon. and hon. Members representing the people of Northern Ireland put aside their petty differences and continue talks with the Secretary of State to bring the violence in the Province to an end ?
21 This long neck and dignified strut makes the heron 's posture an enduring image .
22 In one of these turrets was a camera oscura , a dark room with a crystal prism set in it , which enabled the old Contessa to see the people walking in the square below .
23 You will ask ‘ Is not the British Army protecting the people of the cities ? ’ and I would have to answer ‘ Yes , that is part of their duty . ’
24 RUPERT MURDOCH 's News International is furious that the Audit Bureau of Circulations has allowed Robert Maxwell 's Daily Mirror to include the sales of its Scottish sister paper the Daily Record in calculating its circulation figures .
25 British Coal regarded the £1m campaign as of such importance that Hoare Wilkins presented to , and had work approved by , the board itself , through public relations director Michael Green .
26 In the individual contests , Alan took top points to win the 250cc class in his Suzuki with a first second and third on Saturday and a second on Sunday .
27 Britain 's top singer-impressionist told The People and friends he was planning to take the AIDS wonder drug AZT in a desperate fight against lymphoma , a rare and deadly form of cancer which he contracted four years ago .
28 The popular press needed the sales revenue from large circulations to cover their costs .
29 A well run association will take under its wing the organisation of the bulk of meetings , fund raising and social events leaving the staff to concentrate on curriculum related matters .
30 The youngster , who had the operation in America after a public appeal raised the £350,000 needed , was being taken to visit her grandparents nearby .
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