Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Normal values encourage some patients to opt for less drastic treatments .
2 Energy was the release of such power that 2.2 pounds weight of the material , plutonium , could in the event of complete fission produce violent strength in the muscle of physics that was equivalent to the detonation of 20,000 tons of conventional explosive .
3 The Labour proposals to extend urban boundaries to take in surrounding suburban and rural areas in a pattern of unitary authorities threatened the traditional Labour dominance in the major cities in the non-metropolitan areas .
4 Work done outside normal hours means extra costs .
5 During the spring and summer of this year the Chairman and members of the committee have invited presentations from a wide range of suppliers of financial services products and it is hoped in due course to publish both recommendations as to the type of financial services products members of the Bar should consider taking up and details of advantageous group insurance schemes .
6 Scott-Kilvert showed his affection for Greece by serving for many years on the council and executive committee of the Anglo-Hellenic League , in due course becoming honorary secretary .
7 A year or so later his professional technique scored another success .
8 Because chromatic notes have this power to create tension as they approach points of resolution , they are frequently used by improvisors to highlight the transition between two adjacent chords .
9 Only a last-ditch struggle saved that fragment .
10 Zambia achieved political independence without a prolonged conflict , but in Zimbabwe it took more than a decade of military and political struggle to overthrow white minority rule .
11 Mr Freeman last week told the committee of MPs considering the Railways Bill that they will not ask private operators to guarantee off-peak services in areas such as Strathclyde covered by passenger transport executives .
12 More stable groups have multiple goals and review and renew their goals , giving them greater permanency .
13 A specific grant allows central government to encourage local authorities to pursue particular policies by making money available only for programmes of which they approve .
14 Similarly , professional groups possessing key skills can often rely on employers ' dependence upon them .
15 Finally , professional groups have distinct cultures , norms and values and these cultures may come into conflict .
16 The paper details SNP ideas for a recalled parliament involving 150 members sitting on a Friday to discuss issues previously agreed by consensus .
17 From intensive trading arose changes in the life style , values and population structure of local communities , massive over-use of resources , and the need for new economic inputs to maintain northern communities at even a minimal standard of living .
18 Today the human species has the knowledge of past mistakes , and the analytical and technical skills to halt destructive trends and to provide an adequate diet for all using lands well suited for agriculture .
19 Britain 's political institutions need thorough-going reform : stable and representative government , elected Parliaments in Scotland and Wales , decentralisation of power to the English regions and to local government , freedom of information and a Bill of Rights .
20 For the future , research needs to address the extent to which these dimensions of organization imperatives do form coherent patterns ; the extent to which the coherent patterns form national clusters ; and the extent to which they relate to more common criteria of organizational analysis such as the Aston measures .
21 Undoubtedly , the Prince of Wales ' unprecedented public denunciation in April 1989 of Ceauşescu 's demolitions in Bucharest and his plan to ‘ systematize , rural Romania represented genuine revulsion at the human consequences of the Conducator 's policies .
22 With all this intellectual philanthropy , a Russian intelligence gatherer needs no covert skills to extract valuable information .
23 The only evidence offered by the Israeli authorities to support this allegation was the accusation made by a Palestinian caught in possession of 150 PFLP leaflets .
24 Apparently there are no specific plans to recruit more scientists to do the job , according to a Pentagon official who oversees the defence department 's research grants to university scientists .
25 Then , around 1700 BC , the Minoans developed from the hieroglyphic script a new syllabic form , today called Linear A. When the Mycenaeans invaded Crete they adapted Linear A to produce a revised form , Linear B. Both scripts have been preserved on clay tablets , most of which are inventories ; however , only a few hundred examples of Linear A exist , whereas there are some thousands of surviving tablets bearing Linear B.
26 From palaeomagnetic evidence , it is alleged that the African and European continents moved vast distances during the Devonian and only began to approach each other during Carboniferous times .
27 Anticipating land reform , poor peasants and agricultural labourers occupied large estates in a number of southern provinces ; several villagers , as in Yeste ( Albacete ) , perished in the attempt at the hands of the Civil Guard .
28 Examples were given of machinery overturning on land undermined by badger workings ; a horse and rider both suffering broken bones when the horse put a foot through the roof of a badger tunnel ; a nine-month-old calf breaking its neck when it fell into a sett ; a young lamb trapped in a sett ; extensive damage to spring grazing pastures by badgers grubbing for worms ; wheat crops flattened and eaten or soiled by badgers ; and numerous examples of TB in dairy herds close to large badger populations known to be infected with TB .
29 The decent community solidarity and welfare socialism that Mr Kinnock embodied was caught on the horns of a terrible contradiction , which Labour in opposition did nothing to resolve , since it did not tackle early enough the low tax/public spending anti-welfare consensus that Thatcherism built .
30 If a social and political decision is taken against tobacco products and cigarettes , clearly there is a social and political responsibility to find other forms of employment for those people .
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