Example sentences of "slow down the " in BNC.

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1 In the standard recovery , the full opposite rudder is always applied first , and if it does slow down the rotation , the nose of the glider will automatically drop , helping to unstall the wings .
2 The brewers argued that introducing arbitration would inevitably slow down the process of negotiating agreements .
3 This narrowing or furring up of the arteries can slow down the flow of the blood to your heart ( giving rise to the condition known as angina ) or even cut off the supply completely , at which point a heart attack then occurs .
4 Vitamin E : research shows that it interrupts the free radical chain of destruction and so can slow down the ageing process .
5 It may slow down the discussion but improve its quality .
6 LICENSING difficulties may slow down the building of nuclear power plants in the United States , Britain and West Germany — but the French still press on almost untrammelled by objectors .
7 If you live at any distance from medical help , or are not within easy reach of a telephone , it might be wise to add some ‘ activated charcoal ’ to the medicine cupboard , as it can slow down the absorption of poison .
8 AIDS patients are being given a new vaccine which could slow down the effects of the disease .
9 It has no calories of its own , but it does slow down the metabolic rate , making it harder to burn up the calories you do consume .
10 It is believed the characteristic dimply appearance results from a build-up of toxins and fluid which can slow down the metabolism of the cells .
11 To add a new word into the dawg , the current structure would need to be searched both forwards and backwards to establish whether or not the required paths exist , which would slow down the building algorithm ( see section 3.3.3 ) .
12 Lower stimulus intensities will engender fewer sensitized stores and the greater diffusional distances will slow down the wave speeds .
13 However , Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system .
14 However , if weight loss is excessive , then muscle tissue rather than fat tissue is lost , and this in turn will slow down the metabolic rate , making it more difficult to lose weight thereafter .
15 Thus one organization will expound in the media about the urgent need to ‘ slow down the hospital closures ’ , while another will follow hot on their heels , saying , ‘ Close the hospitals as rapidly as possible . ’
16 In regions of slower expansion , the gravitational attraction of the matter would slow down the expansion still further .
17 The Institute of Housing , in more moderate tones , claims that the replacement of fair rents by market rents will slow down the decline of the private rented sector rather than revive it .
18 Although the structure and powers of the new committee have yet to be decided , conservationists argue that the additional bureaucracy will slow down the process of designation , cost a lot of money , reduce the power of SNH and may result in designated sites losing their status .
19 Better sacks have bound seams which do at least slow down the leaking process .
20 Any friction at the hammer pivot will slow down the movement of the hammer , tending to make the action sluggish .
21 Furthermore , it may be in Big 's interest to deliberately slow down the progress of an acquisition possibly to await the occurrence of certain events or to put pressure on the vendor .
22 John Houghton , director of the Meteorological Office and chair of the IPCC 's Working Group I , said that Thatcher 's programme , if repeated worldwide , would not stop the rise in temperatures , but would slow down the rate of increase .
23 The merger with the CBSI should slow down the fall in membership and thus the subscription base , though the eventual impact on reserves is hard to forecast .
24 A new drug which could slow down the onset of Aids in people infected with the HIV virus is undergoing trials in America .
25 It 's not a miracle cure , but it 's hoped American trials prove it can slow down the onset of Aids .
26 As the glider slows down the braking should be reduced to avoid lifting the tail .
27 This slows down the towplane , leaving it at low speed below the glider and having its tail pulled up out of control .
28 It automatically slows down the rate of eating for you !
29 Cooler water slows down the fish 's metabolism .
30 You should remember that a fridge does n't kill bacteria , only slows down the rate at which they multiply .
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