Example sentences of "amount to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Willses ' modesty about their own achievements has amounted to selfdisparagement , and their preference for understatement has made some of them seem uncommunicative , especially at large gatherings , and has masked their underlying good humour and quiet sense of fun .
2 This principle has been applied , and the money held to be recoverable , in cases where the sanction has amounted to duress of the person of the subject or of his goods .
3 Not only would this have amounted to abandonment of a well-established principle ( not a thing welcome to lawyers ) , but it would also have threatened the stability of contracts of sale .
4 What amounts to reasonableness is a question of fact and any answer approaching certainty can only be given after examining the circumstances of each case .
5 However , what generally amounts to reasonableness can be examined by reference to three criteria although they inevitably overlap .
6 Prior to the block exemption , such agreements would have had to be cleared individually by the Commission , a practice which effectively amounts to notification .
7 It hardly amounts to ordinariness .
8 The question of what amounts to recklessness was considered in M. F.I .
9 For Althusser , the apparently simple contradiction is always overdetermined : the inversion of Hegel 's single principle to a dialectic generating successive modes of production amounts to economism .
10 Pascal , Butler and Newman pointed out in their different ways that religious belief can be endangered by too much evidence for the existence of God — evidence that amounts to proof .
11 Poor timekeeping over a long period usually amounts to misconduct .
12 He has vilified Simon Bates with a campaign that amounts to persecution and he flies into a howling rage every time he hears Sing Something Simple ( R2 ) .
13 Since 1973 the threshold of what amounts to dominance has been widened by a series of European Court decisions and the Court has also interpreted abuse less strictly .
14 The two areas of land law in this chapter provide a focus on the ways in which land is capable of being possessed , and what amounts to possession in English law , although they are rarely examined together .
15 ‘ Many are very insistent and they try to press leaflets on people which I think amounts to harassment . ’
16 It amounts to meddling , no more .
17 Thus , the kind of obtaining by deception which amounts to larceny by a trick and involves appropriation could be successfully prosecuted under section 1 , but the old false pretences type of obtaining by deception could not .
18 When machines provide the energy and set the pace the objective of the operator ( and consequently of ergonomics ) shifts from rates and amounts to quality , reliability and safety .
19 Then Brian Pendreigh will begin and tell of political correctness in children 's books which some authors now fear amounts to censorship
20 What amounts to urgency is incapable of precise definition , and would be open in many cases to honest and reasonable differences of opinion .
21 What amounts to urgency is incapable of precise definition , and would be open in many cases to honest and reasonable differences of opinion .
22 If a profit is equivalent to surplus labour , then the capitalist , in keeping a larger share of the surplus than is given to the workers , is in effect ‘ stealing ’ from them , although what amounts to theft is written into an agreement and therefore not recognised as such .
23 For the DPP Miss Goddard said that mere delay is not capable of being an abuse of the process unless the delay is so great that what is sought by the Crown is no longer the vindication of justice but amounts to oppression or harassment of a defendant .
24 These various ideas are joined by what amounts to recitative , with speech patterns in the vocal parts , extended passages of monotone ( a device Britten uses a lot in Grimes ) , and very light orchestral accompaniment including a number of silent bars .
25 Gentle readers did not want their poetry linked with what amounts to sociology ; with his taste for ‘ interviewing ’ the practitioners of strange trades like the Leechgatherer and asking ‘ How is it that you live and what is it you do ? ’
26 Otherwise it amounts to fraud . ’
27 It amounts to amendment not so much under pressure from third states , but by parties which are concerned at the identity and power of the non-parties .
28 In less extreme cases of unauthorised use by a bailee the question whether his act amounts to conversion probably depends upon the degree of departure from the terms of the bailment .
29 The destruction of goods amounts to conversion and so does the alteration of their nature .
30 It has even been held that refusing to hand over the registration book of the plaintiff 's car amounts to conversion of the car since the absence of the book makes it difficult to deal with the car .
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