Example sentences of "prior to [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 When rifting leads to the rupture of a continent the original elevation of the landsurface above sea level prior to rifting inevitably creates some relief once a new base level is established .
2 Immediately prior to polling day the Alliance played the extremist card .
3 Prior to polling day the government announced a new package of economic stimulants including public works expenditure and tax cuts .
4 Prior to polling the NDC formed an electoral alliance with the National Convention Party ( NCP ) , although each party offered separate candidates in the constituencies .
5 ‘ The main differences between the two styles of cuisine is in the way the Chinese blend ingredients , how they introduce colour into the food , and that up to 90% of the work is done prior to cooking . ’
6 The skins can be rubbed with a little margarine prior to cooking .
7 At RAF Lyneham 500 men are sweating over the vast amounts of equipment the individual soldier attaches to his body prior to jumping into a theatre of war .
8 But the influx of migratory salmonids prior to spawning is quite independent of the primary productivity .
9 Like many carnivores , Killers seem to be adaptable , taking whatever prey is available and are not averse to salmon if they find them massing in an estuary prior to spawning .
10 This is particularly true for the female , as she must be in top condition to make good quality eggs prior to spawning .
11 A protein-rich diet prior to spawning for cock fish is also desirable to promote virility and success of spawning .
12 The patient was also quite unaware that he had been rubbing his chest just prior to fainting .
13 Brigadier Scott is taken to the Sergeants ' Mess to meet the Mess members , all of Whom have played vital parts either as instructors or in the administrative support of the recruits ' training , prior to lunching in the Officers ' Mess .
14 The model SEFA-P portable X-ray fluorescence analyser is for safe screening of waste oil samples for heavy metal contaminants prior to recycling .
15 This was followed by public presentations and exhibitions , based on the early draft by the council , throughout the region , and criticism received was considered prior to submitting the draft structure plan to the Secretary of State .
16 Other acts quick to cash in on the latest sensation showed equally becoming maidens shedding their clothes prior to bathing , being examined by a doctor , or sun bathing .
17 The miners themselves were deeply divided , not least because Arthur Scargill had refused to carry out a ballot prior to calling a strike .
18 Prior to calling the election Mahathir had claimed to have tapes of Razaleigh telling his own supporters that if Semangat " 46 won , he would " destroy " the PAS and the Democratic Action Party ( DAP ) , the largest opposition party in the coalition .
19 User must have access to all modules to be read prior to calling READ_COMPLETE_ROOT_PACKAGE .
20 User must have access to root package prior to calling READ_COMPLETE_ROOT_PACKAGE .
21 Prior to calling the subroutine , The processor 's A , B , C , D , E , F , H and L registers are initialised to the least significant words of A% , B% , C% , D% , E% , F% , H% and L% respectively ( see also CALL ) .
22 Rather than commit you at this stage to the costs of detailed accounting , due diligence and contract drafting , which may subsequently prove to be abortive , MAS would intend performing a short key features review devised to highlight potential deal breaking points and other inevitably contentious issues ( such as possible earn-out terms ) which will need to be resolved with the vendors prior to proceeding .
23 The third group of dolphins was in transit in Yeliu Harbour , prior to shipping to the oceanarium on mainland Taiwan .
24 If animals are to be sent abroad all the necessary documentation must be arranged prior to shipping and the necessary papers must travel with the animals .
25 There the ore was stored until carted to the firm 's copper yard on the Ulverston Canal where it was mixed , weighed and sampled , prior to shipping after purchase by the Smelter 's Agent .
26 The insurance company can check ex post in some cases ( after a theft ) or it can screen prior to accepting risk ( health insurance ) .
27 Since ocean carriers must now verify prior to accepting NVOCC shipments to or from the United States that FMC bonding and tariff filing requirements have been met , the registration feature is designed to facilitate the carriers ' verification and to gain a standing for the NVOCC bill equal to that of its European counterpart , the FIATA bill of lading .
28 Prior to accepting his new position he was CCG 's personnel director .
29 A mixture of equal quantities of raw linseed oil and substitute turps is often rubbed into pine prior to staining .
30 This is true whether or not the embryos are disaggregated prior to staining .
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