Example sentences of "switch [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No point in putting on the lights if we 're only passing through , ’ said the Headmaster , switching on a torch .
2 It is rather like someone switching on a cassette in one room and then walking into another .
3 Visualise a senior executive switching on a notebook PC in a hotel room , plugging the modem into the telephone socket and then settling down to tap into information stored on any of the organisation 's computer systems , anywhere in the world , through a simple click-and-point action of the mouse .
4 Can a chimp perceive a movie as representing a second individual trying to solve a problem , like reaching bananas or switching on a heater ?
5 One case which may cause problems is where the doctor 's facilitation takes the form of switching off a necessary mechanical aid , such as a ventilator or an artificial kidney machine .
6 Its major aim , as will appear , is to demonstrate that the crucial medical-legal decision is not switching off a ventilator , but rather , switching it on , either initially or after having once turned it off .
7 Like switching off a machine .
8 If we are gon na start switching off a heavy night the night before and you need visual stimulation to get you up and .
9 ‘ I go to work early , ’ he replied , getting irritated as he tried to figure out how to switch on a standard lamp .
10 ‘ Do you think it 's safe to switch on a light ? ’
11 Perry 's manager Sally Dickinson said at one point Mr Glenn had tried to switch on a light to raise the alarm but had been threatened with violence .
12 Emily switched on a bare bulb overhead .
13 Connors looked at him intently through the smoke haze as he reached out and switched on a tape recorder .
14 She switched on a desk lamp , and quickly scanned what she had just written , murmuring to herself .
15 Later , in the mid-70s , while on holiday in the Caribbean , he switched on a lamp that had frayed wiring and he received a terrific shock .
16 Suddenly she switched on a yellow lamp that stood by her on the table and moved the snake-like stem so that Larry 's face was spotlighted as if on stage .
17 When the selected pile alone remained , he switched on a powerful reading spotlamp above the table , took a jeweller 's loupe from his pocket , a pair of tweezers in his right hand , and held up the first stone to the light .
18 Clearly this was no place for me , and having tiptoed back to the sitting-room , I switched on a light and picked up the evening paper .
19 Evelyn reached over his shoulder , switched on a light , and gasped .
20 It so happened that the Gulf War in Kuwait was filling our attention , and so I switched on a video tape whenever something attracted me and I found that I would be most likely to record the daily sessions on the BBC 's Newsnight with Peter Snow discussing the disposition of troops over the battle zone using a visual aid which is now known as the sandpit .
21 Anyway , when the complete transferral was done , I dressed myself with care and switched on a full length mirror for an inspection .
22 She turned and switched on a lamp .
23 They were met at the front door by a delirious spaniel , who clearly had no idea of funeral decorum , and they proceeded into the front room , where Bill Clough switched on a bulging orangey imitation-coal electric fire , and then went to a horrible drinks cabinet — all plastic and flashing lights .
24 He switched on a few lights , took off his coat and tie and rolled up his sleeves , then he pottered around the kitchen making himself a good night mug of milkless tea .
25 All she got for her pains was a slight smile but no verbal reply as with efficient ease he filled and switched on a percolator .
26 When they reached the edge of the bush he switched on a torch , and as they entered the opening in the trees they left the canopy of twinkling stars for the canopy of overhead branches .
27 Sara switched on a lamp and Lizzie became visible .
28 Rising to his feet , he stretched , as sleek and graceful as one of his own cats , and switched on a couple of standard lamps .
29 What I 'm sorry I switched off a couple of minutes ago
30 Just as a doctor may decide to switch off a life support machine because the patient is in effect dead , so care workers could ‘ switch off ’ the services on which the old person is totally dependent for care in the community , thus making admission to an institution inevitable .
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