Example sentences of "count [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Whitehouse , in turn , began to organise those organisations on whom she felt she could count for support .
2 If you did then the chances are that all your service will count for family benefits .
3 Remember that a writ can be issued by fax in an emergency ( RSCOrder 6 , r 7 ) , that the day of the accident does not count for limitation purposes , that if the limitation expires on a Sunday you can issue on the Monday and that if the plaintiff is deceased , limitation runs from the date of death .
4 All we need is to show that your belief that you are not a brain in a vat can not be justified since nothing in your experience can count as evidence for that proposition , and then appeal to an analogue of : which holds that if a is justified in believing that p and that p implies q , a is justified in believing that q .
5 There we claimed that if nothing in your experience could count as evidence that you were not a brain in a vat , your belief that you are not a brain in a vat can not be called justified .
6 A weakly verifiable statement is not itself strongly verifiable , but is confirmable or disconfirmable by appeal to other statements which are conclusively verifiable ; that is , strongly verifiable statements can count as evidence for or against it .
7 This is an essential aspect of theory testing , of course : results which are consistent with all models can not count as evidence for any of them .
8 Should an individual wish to take an S/NVQ who already has a qualification relating to the funeral service , that qualification will not give direct credit exemption but can count as evidence of competence .
9 Having a go at the piker , the bilker and the debtor as he tries to shield his recession-affected business or his mortgaged home from just retribution must surely count as sport .
10 In the present case , we all of us suffer from numerous false beliefs which have some role in our inferential processes , and so on this suggestion none of our present true justified beliefs would count as knowledge .
11 Apart from that early sexual encounter , which did not count as love , there had been Peter Datchett and two others .
12 Lili agreed with me , saying that a reddened nose did n't count as crying , not in her book .
13 Do not count as life that which passes without love .
14 These years will not count as part of your working life , and the number of qualifying years you need for a full pension will be reduced .
15 She had quickly joined the emigration society of which her cousins were already members , and it had been agreed that she should count as part of their family .
16 Boxing at this level is up on stage with show business and this kind of performance does not count as entertainment .
17 The reason is that there is no clear border line between what should and what should not count as money .
18 What should count as money ?
19 Goods ( fridges , cars and cabbages ) do not count as money .
20 Do they count as money ?
21 Note that cheques and credit cards , although they are used to pay for goods directly , do not themselves count as money .
22 The attendance of a member at a meeting of a committee or subcommittee of the local authority is regarded as attendance at a meeting of the authority , but attendance at a meeting of a joint committee , joint board or other body will only count as attendance at a meeting of the authority when any functions of the local authority have been transferred or delegated to those bodies .
23 Provided the blow does not cause actual injury ( and winding someone does not count as injury ) then it is likely to score .
24 I have been using the playhouse for about ten years now and going back to the point that someone made earlier about sex well about erm racism sexism is does n't that count as censorship .
25 ‘ I will also return to England , and any further attempt to keep me here I shall count as kidnapping . ’
26 For example , some people define ‘ language ’ in such a way that only a system of intentional communication between conspecifics could count as language , and some regard abstract features such as syntactic structure or individuating reference to past events as necessary to ‘ language ’ .
27 In the new TV era , it 'll probably count as quality .
28 We Brits know that cardigans , leggings and anoraks are real clothes and cossies do n't count as investment dressing .
29 Or put another way , for every £1 00 of your income that counts for income tax purposes up to £2,000 , you have to pay £20 to the Exchequer — and are allowed to keep the remaining £80 .
30 The main instruments of this confidence trick are : controlling what counts as intelligence ; controlling systems of measuring it ; and creating the expectation that most people will fail this system .
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