Example sentences of "opening up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I HAVE recently joined a National Economic Development Council working party on European public purchasing , which is seeking to contribute to the opening up of public sector purchasing in the EC .
2 In seminar teaching it should elicit feedback , questioning , the bringing out of implications or contradictions , and the opening up of fresh aspects of the subject .
3 The ‘ enterprise culture ’ , the opening up of markets and the need to survive competition all place businesses under great pressure .
4 Perhaps the opening up of the secret police files , once Mr Krenz 's little empire , was the final shove , combined with the resignation of all the security chiefs and the placing under house arrest of his former boss Mr Honecker .
5 New technology , like video discs , or new politics , such as the opening up of Eastern Europe , have delivered new audiences .
6 Leaving aside social legislation , the most important of these factors was the opening up of the grain-bearing areas of North America , refrigeration , and acceleration of maritime transport .
7 The reasons for the migration are hugely complex but the opening up of the New World and the Ottoman closure of Eastern Europe were crucial to it .
8 Certainly the opening up of knowledge about finance does enable all heads of faculty to have an organisation-wide view rather than bidding behind closed doors .
9 The opening up of public procurement to competition beyond national borders is a good example of what the single market is all about .
10 The Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association ( AMMA ) in 1985 studied the arguments for and against access and concluded , ‘ the opening up of school records to parents and older students would greatly reduce understandable , if unfounded , fears of needless secrecy , … serve to strengthen the relationship between educational establishments , parents and pupils … [ and ] improve the quality and value of the records .
11 At the moment , it is important only to note that the prospective sale of the industry and the opening up of competition within electricity generation produced a fundamental dilemma .
12 It may be thought that this was a remarkably small price to pay for the opening up of our democratic processes to the public .
13 A field discovered following the controversial opening up of the Santa Maria basin off California could turn out to be the largest discovered since the Prudhoe Bay field in Alaska but the most stringent efforts will do no more than mitigate an inevitable production decline .
14 The opening up of copper mines on Caradon in the 1830's led to Liskeard becoming a booming mining town with , as 1850 's historian John Allen recorded , ‘ … fever and immorality were the natural consequences ’ .
15 Rather it means the extension of a longstanding trend whereby council houses have generally been built in either Kirkwall or Stromness , and in a sense the opening up of new opportunities since council houses are now more readily available than they were before .
16 Welcome though it is to see such friendly typecasting , we should hope that the opening up of broadcasting to more gay representation will allow for greater diversity .
17 The opening up of BBC and ITV to independent producers and the ending of closed shops is already undermining the power of those who work within broadcasting : this could affect their ability to influence content , and also the training and employment practices of the broadcasting institutions .
18 The opening up of broadcasting has developed across thirty years , but we are still left with huge room for improvement .
19 Only with the repeal of these measures , the abolition of all laws based upon precepts of ‘ obscenity ’ and ‘ indecency ’ , and the opening up of the narrow , prescriptive sexual teachings insisted upon by the moralists , can we get on and live our lives , talk about our desires and argue about them without feeling ashamed or guilty .
20 We may be nostalgic for the security of those old standards which have been dissolved by changing conditions and needs , and by the opening up of viewpoints which have only lately become articulate , of women , working-class , blacks , Third World , homosexuals .
21 The resorts gave an undoubted boost to the opening up of Georgian Sussex but their importance is easily exaggerated and the turnpikes were probably more important in servicing and emphasising the continued status of the network of local market towns .
22 If a certain opening up of the political life could reinvigorate the economy , that would be sufficient justification for adding a new dimension to ‘ socialism with Chinese characteristics ’ .
23 After the opening up of the borders between East and West Germany in 1989 the project became much easier .
24 A major new book is Jelena Hahl-Koch 's Kandinsky ( £75 ) with 420 illustrations and incorporating many works only known after the opening up of the old USSR in 1989 and the first Kandinsky retrospective in his homeland .
25 Secondly , the opening up of the sugar market was perfectly compatible with an amelioration policy designed to improve slaves ' conditions and prepare them to take responsibility for their future freedom .
26 The process of de-industrialization in India under colonial rule began with the deliberate destruction of the cotton manufacturing industry and the opening up of Indian markets to British cotton manufacturers ; from a net exporter , India was reduced to a major importer of cotton manufactures , most of these from Britain , and indeed India was forced to become the single largest importer of British cotton manufactures , sometimes taking as much as 40 per cent of British exports .
27 Far from creating a feeling of dissatisfaction , the opening up of such discussions frequently seemed to give them an opportunity to face questions that had been suppressed , but none the less niggling at the back of their minds .
28 The combination of these influences has encouraged the opening up of the airwaves to competition .
29 However the real benefit of the upgrade for walkers is increased waymarking and the opening up of new stretches of the 100 mile route which has a fascinating history .
30 From a detached perspective , it might therefore seem that the political viability of the USSR 's East European clients depends not only on greater economic and administrative competence on their part , but the opening up of communication channels between élite and mass and a narrowing of the gulf between state and society .
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