Example sentences of "elect [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As regards industrial members , to the extent that they are fee-paying clients , their interests and those of the practising members are likely to converge : they can , if they wish , elect for a voluntary audit , if this is needed for shareholders , lenders or creditors .
2 WESTERN political commentators were supercilious , to put it mildly , when India elected as a prime minister to succeed Mrs Gandhi , a man who , on his own admission , drank his own urine every morning , Morarji Desai .
3 Legislative power is vested in a single-chamber National Assembly of 175 members , also elected for a five-year term .
4 Legislative power is vested in the 180-member National Assembly , also elected for a five-year term .
5 It is certain that the vice-chancellor in the chair gained the impression from what was said at the meeting that they were forced to elect from a weak field of candidates .
6 This applies whether you are trying to get yourself elected as a parent governor , a church committee member , or a party leader .
7 Although he ‘ sought to avoid public controversy ’ — a standard Victorian prefix to anyone who enthusiastically engaged in political warfare — he was elected as a Poor Law Guardian and a member of the Burial Board and the Public Library Committee .
8 Sir Godfrey Webster , the fifth baronet , was elected as a Tory member for the county in 1812 ; almost immediately he voted against the government whose friends had put him in and became increasingly radical in his demands for electoral reform and the abolition of political sinecures for the supporters of ministers .
9 ‘ Since the board has elected as a matter of practice not to give reasons , and has given none to Mr. Cunningham , it has been bound by its own logic not to attempt to justify for the benefit of the court the figure awarded .
10 In 1912 she was elected as a Labour councillor in the London borough of Kensington , where she pressed for public provision of baby clinics , school meals , improved council housing , employment schemes , and prohibition of sweated labour .
11 We reckoned that Just William ( see right ) probably failed to get elected as a Thatcherite Tory candidate in the General Election , his campaign having been scuppered partly because of rumours to his large and highly unsuccessful estate agency , where he is subject to bouts of manic depression and alcohol abuse .
12 FORMER Mr Universe Terry Phillips , 53 , has been elected as a Conservative councillor in Knowsley , Merseyside .
13 Kaysone 's wife , Thongvinh Phomvihane , was removed from the central committee , but his son , Saysomphone Phomvihane , was elected as a new member .
14 Koirala announced a new Cabinet on May 29 which included one woman ( Sailja Acharya ) and only one person who not been elected as a member of the House of Representatives ( Basu Dev Risal ) .
15 Pham Vam Khai , 58 , was elected as a Vice-Premier , replacing the veteran communist leader and war hero Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap .
16 Its 60 members were drawn equally from the Parliament and the Congress of Estonia , a 495-member body elected as a pressure group in March 1990 by citizens of pre-war Estonia and their descendants .
17 A well-known Peronist dissident and Menem critic Saúl Ubaldini , the leader of the major CGT union confederation , failed to be elected as a deputy to Congress as did Alvaro Alsogaray , former minister and leader of the centre-right Union of the Democratic Centre ( UCeDé ) .
18 In November India 1990 was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 1991 .
19 Priyanka Gandhi , 19 , daughter of assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi , declined on Jan. 14 to be elected as a member of the Uttar Pradesh Congress ( I ) committee , saying that her priority was to complete her education .
20 Abdelkader Moghni , the imam of the al-Sunna mosque in Bab al-Oued in Algiers and recently elected as a deputy , was arrested on Feb. 7 and replaced by a government-appointed imam .
21 All but one of the 14 Cabinet members were from the HZDS ( including Ludovit Cernak , elected as a member of the Slovak National Party , who joined the HZDS after the election ) .
22 Some four and a half years ago when I was elected as a branch secretary of a fairly substantial branch in the Birmingham Region , I had two hours with the then finance officer and he said , well it did n't last the two hours , and he said er , well you know all there is to know now , about how to run this branch .
23 Well when you 're elected as a councillor , you 've got provision for three years , that 's right , I got re-elected after three years , after three months there they changed their minds and decided to put er , a labour council in , so I mean .
24 At Bridgwater , in the following month , Vernon Bartlett , a Liberal supporter of the " Peace Alliance " , was elected as a " Progressive " in what had been a National seat .
25 But , although this undoubtedly reflected increased working-class pressure as full employment was achieved , or approached ( chapters 11 and 12 ) , such pressure drew a response from right-wing governments as well as from those of the left elected as a direct result of it .
26 He was trained at the École Nationale d'Administration , which is the national administration training school , and in fact at the École Polytechnique as well , which is , so he was one of the few people who went through both the elite training establishments , and he served as a civil servant for a while before turning to political life and getting elected as a Member of Parliament .
27 Muawad was elected during a Parliament session held at an air base in northern Lebanon .
28 He was taught the trade of a blacksmith but , like so many from that village , elected for a life at sea .
29 The vicar calls for silence for the ‘ Lord Mayor ’ , who makes a short speech declaring he has been elected for a year and a day .
30 With the Tories elected for a fourth successive term , the politics of the opposition are obviously up for radical examination .
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