Example sentences of "account for the " in BNC.

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1 My various crops have competed not only with weeds but also with each other , a major factor in the profit and loss account for the plot .
2 The latissimus dorsi account for the very impressive ‘ V ’ shape of athletes and bodybuilders .
3 Your income and savings are not taken into account for the reduction scheme .
4 Account for the previous week , he is busy filling in the end-of-month returns required by Company Headquarters .
5 It is , of course , possible that factors specific to both economies account for the same movement .
6 Though this is good news for American and Japanese firms , who share a paltry 11% slice of the luxury market , it is disastrous for European companies which account for the remaining 89% of sales ( see chart on next page ) , but which sell nearly half of all their fancy products in America or Japan .
7 The nature-versus-culture model of analysis was first developed within anthropology to help account for the universal subordination or secondary status of women in all societies at all times .
8 That , plus £250m of property writedowns — half in Britain and half in the United States — and another £100m of provisions account for the £450m fall in Heron 's value .
9 Differences in trim level account for the price structure :
10 In the same report ( UNEP 1982 : 265 ) , it is claimed that the total area being reclaimed by irrigation is probably about the same as is being abandoned through salinisation , alkalinisation and water-logging , and that these problems account for the loss of about 2–3 million ha of the world 's best agricultural land each year .
11 Its beginnings partly account for the novel 's loose picaresque form , recounting a series of adventures of Mr Pickwick and his friends ( Snodgrass , Winkle , and Tupman ) , although the initiation of Mrs Bardell 's breach-of-promise action provides a continuing plot-interest , and Mr Pickwick is transformed from the conventional comic figure of the early chapters by his connection with Sam Weller .
12 Several interrelated factors account for the development and growth of international banking in recent years :
13 Although some of this variation may be attributed to inherent reliability problems in the computation method or original poor data quality , other geological factors probably account for the greater part of the observed variation .
14 It also seems Auxetophones account for the large numbers of records made by both candidates for the American Presidential Election of 1908 , which were recorded by Victor , the Gramophone Company 's American partner .
15 Although the lines are exceedingly fine ( ie , just resolved ) at this distance , increasing the separation between source and observer can produce very strong lines which account for the glare I have noticed .
16 These are known as ‘ transferred cases ’ and account for the vast majority of appeals .
17 Key resources are technical personnel and aircraft spare parts which account for the largest share of the maintenance budget .
18 Various other tales account for the origin of the fairy godmother — one has it that , like the Italian witch Befana , a fairy godmother was actually looking endlessly for the Christ Child .
19 Assuming that the service life stays the same , the charge to the p&l account for the year ending 31 March 1993 would be £53m ( £50 + £30/10 ) and the prepayment in the balance sheet at that date would be £27m ( £50m — £53 + £30 ) .
20 You will have to apply para 41 if you are to equity account for the associate in accordance with standard practice .
21 There would then be no minority interest figure in the profit and loss account for the current year , since the minority interest will also have been a debit balance last year end .
22 Tunstall Group ( community alarm systems and hospital communications ) has not satisfactorily applied UITF 3 , Treatment of Goodwill on Disposal of a Business , in its p&l account for the year ended 30 September 1992
23 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
24 There is , however , a specific exemption from the general requirement to spread variations from regular cost : ‘ Where a refund that is subject to deduction of tax in accordance with the provisions of the UK Finance Act 1986 , or equivalent legislation , is made to the employer , the enterprise may depart from the requirements of paragraph 80 and account for the surplus or deficiency in the period in which the refund occurs . ’
25 Until the FRC and its cohorts have made substantial progress in imposing uniformity in accounting matters , the profession will continue to be criticised because companies account for the same things in different ways .
26 She is uninterested in fame ; she may attract it , however , and although she finds it annoying , she can turn it to good account for the work she is doing .
27 The following set of figures shows new fixed-sum and other retail credit as a percentage of the total volume of spending on clothing and shoes , durables ( including electrical goods and furniture ) and cars and motorcycles , which account for the great bulk of this type of credit :
28 Can you think of reasons in others which account for the way you react as you do ?
29 The Gaboon viper of Africa : its large venom glands account for the distorted arrow shape of its head .
30 The different playing philosophies that account for the North-South divide are emphasised by the views of two of the most successful coaches or recent times — Australia 's Bob Dwyer and Ian McGeechan of Scotland and the British Lions .
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