Example sentences of "conclude that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the difficulties and the continuing insecurity of support , Linda concludes that life for Elizabeth and Helen has been improved by their time in the community and that the hard journey is worth it .
2 The report concludes that London is likely to experience a longer hangover from the late 1980s boom than the rest of the country ; economists ' forecasts that new jobs in the capital during the 1990s will only grow by 48,000 ( 4.9% ) means that there will still be a lot of space available , and office tenants should be the beneficiaries .
3 She concludes that women 's views need to be considered and then synthesised with men 's to ‘ find a human whole ’ .
4 Korpi concludes that workplace bargaining is not more under the control of the central union organs in Swedish manufacturing industry than has been the case with its British counterpart .
5 Siann concludes that evidence from hormonal studies and ethology is extremely ambiguous and that no conclusions can be drawn with regard to male and female behaviour or emotions , and that psychoanalytic approaches can not produce any firm answers on questions of sex and gender ( Siann 1985 : 33–9 , 82–4 , 123–8 ) .
6 Commenting on the poor quality of bibliographies in published papers , Kochen concludes that failures to cite are due to :
7 Hemming around the former 's minimal asymmetric couture with yards of decorative musing on fashion and identity , Wenders concludes that Yamamoto is n't just a designer but an author in cloth .
8 Wagner concludes that managers should strive to increase market share , lower relative costs and/or achieve high product quality , and that any investment activity must be directed at at least one of these aims if it is to prove successful .
9 This study concludes that H pylori eradication considerably changes the natural history of H pylori associated gastric ulcer disease .
10 He finds that there are six classes of selection methods with high validity — peer ratings , biodata , ability tests , assessment centres , work sample tests and job knowledge tests , and concludes that ability tests are probably the best alternative because of their high generality , high practicality and low cost .
11 Controversy over proposed open-cast mining in the Lake St Lucia wetlands , Natal [ see ED 67 ] , has been heightened by publication of a South African government environmental impact assessment which concludes that mining would not damage the area 's delicate dune ecosystem .
12 Since the terms which describe the process of behavioural change can not be tested against examples of natural language , Chomsky concludes that Skinner 's whole account of language is fatally flawed :
13 The paper concludes that NCR may yet be a winner from its loss of the Sumitomo Bank account since it can now focus entirely on its Open Systems strategy in Japan .
14 But even if the study concludes that electrification is feasible , it 'll all be academic if BR is n't awarded the Great Western franchise once the railway network 's privatised .
15 Again , Petrey concludes that Austin is right , but this time it does not automatically follow that Derrida and de Man are wrong , because the two camps are actually addressing different questions .
16 Meyers finds ‘ The equation of the anus with the life source … an obscene and outrageous idea ’ ( Homosexuality and Literature , 148 ) and concludes that Birkin is using Ursula as a homosexual substitute — this being even more perverse than homosexuality proper because ( according to Clifford Allen in a book ominously titled Homosexuality : Its Nature , Causation and Treatment ) the anus in homosexual love symbolizes the vagina and ‘ anal intercourse is only unconscious incestuous behaviour ’ ( p. 50 , quoted by Meyers , Homosexuality and Literature , 178 ) .
17 He concludes that theses occupy a distinctive but peripheral position in the information transfer chain .
18 The article concludes that ASWs need be aware of potential sexist GP practice , that their psychosocial perspective is critical to assessment and that ASW training should include gender issues .
19 She concludes that wife rape is one of the more upsetting kinds of rape .
20 Cumings concludes that Kim was probably based at Kharborovsk from 1941 to 1945 and conducted his guerrilla forays from there .
21 Our new world industry correspondent , Richard Feast , casts a critical eye over recent motor show offerings , and concludes that Japan 's ‘ lean ’ production methods give them the opportunity to offer imaginative and stimulating new models
22 The patient quickly concludes that tablets are the real treatment and the diet of secondary importance .
23 Saying that the Framing Opinions campaign has only just begun , English Heritage chief executive , Jennifer Page concludes that authorities and voluntary groups from national to local level must be prepared to offer help and advice to anyone wanting to alter a building .
24 The EC hopes that the project , which began last month , will increase user confidence in the potential of the European massively parallel computers and will create a report on high-performance computing in Europe , compiled by CERN director for the EC , concludes that Europe can compete effectively with US companies , traditionally the leaders in the supercomputing field , provided that the support is given to overcome the perennial problem of turning basic research results into competitive products .
25 He concludes that changes in genetic factors obviously can not explain the crime wave .
26 Clearly , then , this school concludes that change can come from the people themselves .
27 Dworkin concludes that liberty ‘ is ill in Britain ’ .
28 This section is written by Schneider of the International Energy Agency , who concludes that renewables have many chances to contribute to energy futures , and should be advanced by government action .
29 ‘ NOW Arthur sends his Eagle to Shaftesbury to share with all the world a Message shaped by the Way of Healing experienced in Avalon and glorified by the Grace of Gaia 's planetary heart ’ — Passage from new book , Spheres of Destiny , The Shaftesbury Prophecy , by Robert Coon , which concludes that Shaftesbury is the energy centre of the Earth .
30 Metcalf ( 1988 ) concludes that levels of unionization , which were higher in large plants , did affect productivity .
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