Example sentences of "repeat in the " in BNC.

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1 Masur does incidentally , even in this live performance , observe the exposition repeat in the first movement .
2 In the CytR binding site , the substitutions in the five mutant promoters are indicated , the inverted arrows indicate the inverted repeat in the CytR binding site and the tandem arrows indicate the direct repeat .
3 The arrows indicate the sequences in the CRP sites that share homology with the consensus CRP site , the boxes indicate the sequences sharing homology with the inverted repeat in the CytR recognition sequence in deoP2 , the numbers indicate coordinates with respect to the start site for transcription ( +1 ) .
4 Jean-Louis Mandel ( Institute de Chimie Biologique , Strasbourg ) described now diseases such as fragile X syndrome and myotonic dystrophy ( recently joined by spinobulbar muscular atrophy and Huntington 's disease ) are caused by a progressive expansion in successive generations of a triplet repeat in the gene .
5 Dame Joan gave a compelling performance , handling the coloratura apparently without effort , and rising superbly to the final altissimo E flat — a stratospheric note which she then repeated in the encore .
6 To correlate the level of reactivity of individual colonies with the number of CAAT repeats in the lic loci , single ‘ on ’ or ‘ off ’ colonies were excised from the filter using a scalpel blade .
7 Mr Parkinson is concerned that the cost over-runs of the tunnel , which rose last month by £1bn to an estimated £7bn , could be repeated in the building of the rail link from Folkestone to London .
8 The protection for losing authorities ( for the following three years ) will be paid for by the Exchequer , ’ Mr Hunt said , answering a demand for central funding repeated in the debate .
9 Football : Brazil scratch seven-year itch : Paddy Agnew in Rome on a match which many Italian fans would like to see repeated in the 1990 World Cup final
10 Though the poetic richness of ‘ Exequy ’ would be surpassed in The Waste Land , a far subtler piece of writing , the emptiness of the lesser work and its pained despair would be repeated in the masterpiece .
11 There is something curiously intimate about the tutorial — about meeting regularly à deux to have conversations of a depth and intellectual intensity which will probably never be repeated in the pupil 's life .
12 This is hardly likely to be repeated in the developing countries .
13 ‘ The Government is warned that privatisation proceeds would be severely reduced if the full FGD commitment were repeated in the prospectuses of National Power and PowerGen , ’ said the newspaper on 29 March 1990 .
14 This trial was repeated in the life of one of her daughters , Mary , who gave birth to a son a week after being widowed in 1737 .
15 On 9 September he sent Hanns a telegram : ‘ Committee says redesign Scarlet Woman ’ , an instruction repeated in the depressed letter already quoted .
16 In 1943 the Norwood Report put forward such a suggestion , which was repeated in the report of the Secondary Schools Examination Council in 1947 , and by the Crowther Report in 1959 .
17 This artificial exercise was not repeated in the Shove case .
18 Marcellus says the condition on the manumission is not to be taken to be repeated in the case of the substitutes .
19 Why then omit to inform viewers that Baker 's other tests , involving bus loads of students direction-finding after tortuous , blindfold journeys , have been repeated in the United States with negative outcome ?
20 It is not necessarily the case that similar patterns are being repeated in the quite different social context of the UK .
21 Although , for some , the tragedies of one generation will be repeated in the next , people can and do learn from experience .
22 This pattern is repeated in the route of the sun 's progress in the northern hemisphere today .
23 Japanese success story : Can it be repeated in the UK ?
24 The syllables ‘ nagement ’ are repeated in the first line of the next page .
25 News in Bemba broadcast at lunchtime was rarely repeated in the evening Bemba news .
26 Here is a cautionary tale with some parallels repeated in the 1989 episode , and also some differences .
27 The experience of early workers in data-bases is being repeated in the hyper-medium by those engaged in developing hyper-text .
28 The reader will come to know that the rape cases he reads in his daily newspaper will not needlessly be repeated in the Sunday newspaper ’ , this caused outrage from Sir Larry Lamb .
29 The view that rapists should be treated more severely was repeated in the editorial in the Sunday People under the headline GET TOUGH WITH RAPISTS .
30 His undoubted personal success in the 1920s in Birmingham was not to be repeated in the 1930s , as fascism made less impact there than in the East End of London or the north-west .
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