Example sentences of "belong to one " in BNC.

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1 These are seen to belong to one particular country and are at their best when performed by dancers from that country .
2 On the other hand if particular property is shown to belong to one partner , then only he is entitled to take the benefit of increased worth .
3 Yet more clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent clearly , perhaps , by describing something as an ontological existent we are in effect committed to accepting that this something , at any given time , can be rightfully claimed to belong to one , and only one , out of each pair of mutually exclusive classed in any universe of discourse in which this existent features as a topic .
4 ‘ I used to belong to one of the university jazz bands when I was studying here in Copenhagen , ’ he told her easily .
5 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
6 One problem of assignment has already been encountered : in Chapter 9 we saw how , although and are clearly distinct in most contexts , there are other contexts where we find a sound which can not clearly be said to belong to one or other of these two phonemes .
7 The pleasure and satisfaction of belonging to one of the world 's leading whale and dolphin conservation groups .
8 Fossil cephalopods belonging to one species are often found together in large numbers and this may reflect similar gregarious habits , but there are other possible explanations — for example , concentrations of fossil shells may have been sorted by currents .
9 ‘ The most disturbing part was that one of the bags contained two pairs of glasses belonging to one of the sisters who is recovering from cataract operations and can barely see without them , ’ said a police spokesman .
10 Thoroughly alarmed he leapt out , and there behind the truck , rather squashed , was the remains of a private car belonging to one of the Station officers .
11 FARMERS on Tealham and Tadham moors on the Somerset Levels are rushing to drain their land in order to forestall a plan by the Nature Conservancy Council to declare the area a Site of Special Scientific Interest for its rare combination of waterfowl , meadow plants and aquatic flora and fauna , Tom King , secretary of state for the environment , has already granted the council 's request for an emergency order to stop deep drains being installed on 30 hectares belonging to one farmer .
12 They had their own uniforms and military codes , and belonging to one of the squadrons became a popular Sunday pastime .
13 Anyone attempting to use terminals belonging to the Lexicographer Group will be authenticated by the system as : a known lexicographer belonging to one or more established work groups .
14 There are other difficulties in making an order in such a case as this where a number of defendants have been equally involved in committing a crime , for the purpose of which a vehicle belonging to one of them has been used .
15 These relationships can be viewed as belonging to one of three main categories : preferential , hierarchical or affinitive :
16 On June 26 , 16 people belonging to one family were massacred in the Punjab provincial capital , Lahore .
17 The DIFFERENCE of two relations is the set of all tuples belonging to one relation but not the other .
18 Therefore , we considered all subjects as belonging to one group when presenting the data for the these parameters .
19 Sixty frames belonging to one of the hosiers were smashed , and by November such activity had become widespread , reaching into Leicestershire .
20 Their child had been acknowledged as his daughter and raised in his house , which gave her all the privileges and benefits of belonging to one of Egypt 's leading families .
21 A significant difference in natural connected speech is the way that sounds belonging to one word can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighbouring words .
22 My friend may well be one of the 1600 members of the SUSA-funded Sports Union , perhaps belonging to one of their 40 sports clubs .
23 Mintel 's research found that most adult consumers belonged to one of the following three groups :
24 It is recorded in the Domesday Book as a manor , and belonged to one Fratmund until 1064 .
25 Between father and son , also , some things specifically belonged to one or the other : a child 's bicycle was his , not his father 's .
26 The young count belonged to one of the wealthiest land-owning families of Hungary .
27 The majority of farmers belonged to one or more of the co-operatives .
28 In his important book The concept of mind ( 1949 ) Ryle exploded the dogma by successfully demonstrating that , as used in the Cartesian ‘ myth ’ , the term represents the facts of mental life as if it belonged to one logical type or category , when it actually belongs to another .
29 Johnny Marr simply clutched his twelve-string Rickenbacker ( Which once belonged to one of his heroes , Roger McGuinn from The Byrds ) and concentrated on the meagre task of fulfilling the promise held by one of the most eagerly awaited début albums in history .
30 Then with her needle she worked eyebrows , eyes and mouth , and made a dress out of an old dress that belonged to one of her girls .
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