Example sentences of "vary [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 Thus between 1964 and 1976 numbers varied between one bird in the winter of 1964/65 and c. 90 in the winter of 1969/70 and 1971/72 .
2 The amount of heroin reported to be used by 195 daily users known to the Drugs Council and 207 daily users known to the Detoxification Unit varied between one 5 ‘ bag ’ per day ( enough for a few ‘ hits ’ ) and 4 grams per day ( costing up to 240 ) .
3 The speed at which an awareness of national fashions in architecture grew varied from one area to another .
4 ( 1988 ) was that their S2 varied from one pre-exposure trial to the next .
5 The degree of success varied from one head to another .
6 Other teachers point out that evaluations of Shakespeare have varied from one historical point to the next , and they argue that pupils should be encouraged to think critically about his status in the canon .
7 The price varied from one shilling ( five new pence ) to one shilling and sixpence a pound postage extra .
8 Other teachers point out that evaluations of Shakespeare have varied from one historical period to the next , and they argue that pupils should be encouraged to think critically about his status in the canon .
9 Their controlled study showed that the social withdrawal and poverty of speech of chronic patients varied from one hospital to another according to the severity of ward restrictiveness , absence of personal belongings , and the length of time that patients were left to do nothing .
10 As Tables 10–13 , below , show , most of the factors mentioned were common to all exhibitions , although the degree to which a particular factor contributed to an exhibition 's success varied from one exhibition to another .
11 Concepts , attitudes and types of behaviour vary between one society and another .
12 The lesions consist of separate , raised , umbilicated spots which vary from one millimetre to one centimetre in diameter .
13 The map and the diagrams show how their decisions vary from one area to another .
14 Although the effects of loss vary from one individual to another , on the whole it seems that men tend to fare a little better in bereavement than women , and fewer of them are found to be in need of psychiatric treatment for chronic grief and depression .
15 Ideas of how the Universe will die vary from one scientific theory to the next .
16 Tax rates vary from one country to another : a prime example being VAT , which in some parts of Europe at the time of writing is over 20 per cent on certain items .
17 In so far as top businessmen play a decisive role in company strategy — as distinct from its public presentation — the talents they need will vary from one situation to another .
18 Level 1 Know that human beings vary from one individual to the next .
19 How far does the relative emphasis on academic , professional or general courses vary from one part of the system to another ?
20 However much the relative values of particular substances vary from one culture to another , each one owes its status to physical attributes .
21 There is not enough space in this chapter to do them justice and standing orders vary from one committee to another .
22 So what is a reasonable time to complain will , I think , vary from one product to another .
23 The employment prospects vary from one federal state to another , but in Schleswig-Holstein , for instance , the chances of employment on completion of training are described in a 1989 ministry document , as ‘ slim ’ , both now and in the immediate future .
24 Stocks and rates of production vary from one area of the Southern Ocean to another .
25 Thus northern communities that live above subsistence level generally have to be subsidized , and can expect to survive only while subsidies last ; their continuance depends on political decisions , which vary from one part of the north to another ( Armstrong and others , 1978 ) .
26 ( 5 ) Simulations of expected duration The nature of this model and its estimation is such that the elasticities , hazard rates and the expected durations all vary from one individual to another and are dependent on the values of benefits , expected earnings and all extra income receipts in both employment and unemployment .
27 The study seeks to identify the main constraining factors operating in each country , and to see to what extent these factors , and the ‘ mix ’ in which they seem to operate , vary from one country to another .
28 This is crucial , as tumour samples are almost invariably mixtures of tumour cells , non-tumour epithelium , connective tissue , and inflammatory cells , the proportions of which vary from one sample to a nother .
29 In these respects , the EC has taken a very proactive role , guided by the importance of the single market which can not effectively exist if intellectual property rights vary from one Member State to another or if they can be used to restrict the free movement of goods .
30 It is not possible to provide the reader with a comprehensive list of these , because they vary from one transaction to another .
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