Example sentences of "strike [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The ITGWU and the Workers ' Party organized a march of trade union members to picket the County Offices and then crowd the public gallery to watch the meeting , while dockers supporting the protest struck for a day , bringing work in the port to a halt and tying up seven ships .
2 Mallender than struck for a third time when Miandad could not resist one which moved away a little , Stewart gloving it with ease : 64 for 3 .
3 Favourites were ‘ confetti strikes ’ , where different workers struck for a set period at a time determined by the last digit or colour of their registration cards .
4 Nevertheless , a blow has been struck for the land-owning taxpayer , particularly those less well-off individuals who have not been able to defend themselves against the local district valuer 's increasingly aggressive commercial techniques .
5 TODAY racing followers were also in the money when Pot Luck struck for the second day running with two winning Placepot lines for a profit of over £50 at Doncaster .
6 Then disaster struck for the second time when he pulled a tendon in his left leg , an injury that has ended many a greyhound 's racing career .
7 Under headlines such as ‘ Fiend 's third victim ’ ( Daily Mirror ) and ‘ Terror of tape bondage rapist ’ ( Sun ) , it was noted how ‘ a sticky-tape sex-fiend has struck for the third time ’ bringing ‘ terror to a triangle of Hampshire towns ’ .
8 The market for the share must be liquid in the sense that there is a constant stream of bargains struck for the securities every day .
9 As a social group they could record both gains and losses from war , and there has been some debate among historians about how far a balance sheet can be struck for the country as a whole , whether England gained or lost from its military operations .
10 MEAN-HEARTED thieves have struck for the third time at the Wrexham depot of the Operation Christmas Child charity , stealing a fax machine used to send out vital documents for aid convoys .
11 ARSONISTS have struck for the second time in five days at a Middlesbrough park .
12 Now a deal has been struck for the scientists to take 200 packs of Elagen , which contains refined , concentrated extracts of powdered eleutherococcus , back with them to Russia for use by cosmonauts at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre in Moscow .
13 He was already struck off the circulation list and would soon be off the payroll .
14 If older people are rejected by or struck off the lists of GPs , access to local care could deteriorate .
15 If a user continues to operate the computer after being struck off the list he will be guilty of a criminal offence and liable to an unlimited fine .
16 A company , which is about to be struck off the Company Register under s 562 CA 1985 , has share capital and distributable reserves balanced by cash .
17 The 47-year-old consultant now faces being struck off the Medical Register for attempting to murder a terminally-ill patient .
18 Dr Henry Allbut was struck off the register in 1880 for publishing The Wife 's Handbook , popularizing contraceptive knowledge .
19 He was struck off the medical register for his pains .
20 Mr Davies did not contest an application by the aggrieved client , Mr Parsons , that he should be struck off the roll of solicitors following the reduction on taxation of a grossly inflated and inaccurate litigation bill from £197,000 to £67,000 .
21 control the employment of a solicitor who has been suspended from practice or struck off the roll of solicitors ;
22 I say used to because he 's been struck off the medical register .
23 Virgin , the stores where most Sex Pistols records were being sold , was therefore struck off the list .
24 ‘ Incidentally , if I deliberately breached a power of attorney and exploited it for my own benefit — although I ca n't think how that would be possible — I would be struck off the Roll of Solicitors by the Law Society . ’
25 A very nice man who 's been struck off the register because he married a patient .
26 ‘ I told you , he 's been struck off the register .
27 Most unrotten doctors have n't been struck off the register .
28 30–8–1856 John Campbell , publichouse keeper , was struck off the Communion Roll the authorities having fined him for " keeping his house open at unreasonable hours . "
29 In serious breaches of these codes , the professional can be struck off the professional register .
30 The Committee ordered that the name of Mr Allan be struck off the Roll of Solicitors in Scotland .
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