Example sentences of "except for the " in BNC.

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1 Be that as it may , it may turn out that the preparedness not to acquiesce in any all-Ireland solution is decidedly stronger than most commentators until recently were prepared to accept , except for the work of Bew , Gibbon , and Patterson .
2 For him , wrote Harsnet , there is only the endless metamorphosis of narrative , no end except for the non-end of his death .
3 Except for the late 19th century saloon bars , Victorian pubs were , in contrast to modern ‘ Victorian-style ’ pubs , normally very plainly furnished and fitted .
4 Except for the more delicate crabs , they had a provincial Sunday lunch quality .
5 Many of the plants can be put in at any time of year , except for the dahlias .
6 Except for the burial at sea of a woman travelling to meet her husband , it was a dull voyage .
7 Seems reasonable , except for the fact that he has n't cut the mortises for the mullions .
8 Except for the few slats supporting the tank , all the shelves in the cupboard can be removed in a moment , making access really easy .
9 Most look similar except for the frame material ; choose this to match your windows if possible .
10 Now , this may not seem to be a feasible solution , except for the odd application such as electric blanket or underfloor heating where full wave rectified unsmoothed 50 or 60Hz AC will produce heating from a mixture of 81% DC and 19% AC at 100 or 120Hz and above .
11 The question of the relation of Pound 's poem with the book of Propertius 's elegies does not arise , except for the literary historian .
12 The tall brick houses would have looked like Victorian mansions , except for the pagoda roofs and the intricate wood lattices in place of glass window panes .
13 PERHAPS we are the only definable group , except for the landladies , who look forward to conference at all , conference and elections being the only points in the calendar when our lives become primed with meaning .
14 As in the Land-Rover and Range Rover , the Discovery 's body , except for the roof , is made of rust-resistant aluminium alloy .
15 From 6 a.m. the morning was fairly quiet , except for the occasional sniping .
16 There was an unusual quietness in the air , except for the sound of artillery in the distance and the occasional whine of a sniper 's bullet through the orchard .
17 The shelling and the mortaring had ceased except for the occasional explosion near at hand .
18 Everything was peaceful except for the whine of a sniper 's bullet through the trees and the sound of the mortar crew sending the occasional bomb to explode at the distant crossroads .
19 The shelling and mortaring had almost died away , except for the occasional round from the mortar team back in the orchard .
20 There were two mortar explosions over by the road , then all was fairly quiet except for the sound of firing away in the distance at the other end of the village , where I had been earlier on in the evening .
21 All was silent except for the automatic fire fairly close at hand , somewhere down by the crossroads .
22 The parade dispersed , the Commandos returning to their respective units , and soon the village green was quiet , except for the murmur of French voices as the civilians read the newsheet pinned to a tree .
23 The new tax in kind fell on all areas of Russia and on all types of peasant in 1922 except for the completely destitute .
24 Except for the flies that is which had the persistence of pit bull terriers .
25 Coming out of the meeting , a lady was heard remarking , ‘ Mr Ramsey spoke very nicely but I do think he is young to be Master of a College ’ ; for she thought that he was the new Master of Magdalene whose name was the same except for the spelling .
26 Behind them she could work with a charm and singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes .
27 He failed to notice the borrowed things that the girls wore , looking around him instead in dumb bafflement : it was a wedding day , a shining moment in his life , and , except for the dressed children , it could be any ordinary day .
28 Icelandic weather is really buggering me about , I decide , and conditions are now near perfect except for the metre of soft snow that lies over everything in sight .
29 But it was n't like I 'd imagined — except for the long silences when I 'd been hoping for laughs .
30 David Coleman has unwittingly given his name to this tradition of sporting gaffe published mercilessly in Private Eye , of which Murray Walker 's ‘ this car is absolutely unique , except for the one behind , which is identical ’ must stand for the many .
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