Example sentences of "emerge from [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are in the wrong position to see the flash of light as the sun erupts again , settling instead for seeing it emerge from behind the northward island as we paddle slowly in .
2 Nevertheless Cara smiled at them that morning , as she smiled at the frail , clerical-looking gentleman who was both their saviour and their torment , the pawnbroker who held his court on one corner of St Jude 's Passage , the other corner housing the red-headed madam of the fringed shawl who did not emerge from behind her green shutters so early in the day .
3 ‘ Fascism ’ , he said , ‘ is not a creed for the smug mice who choose to emerge from under Bloomsbury tea-cosies to have a nibble at it . ’
4 So I sat down on a chair that stood by the counter and looked around the shop while waiting for Mary to emerge from behind the colourful painted screen where she was trying things on .
5 There was not one villager who had dared to emerge from behind his shuttered door , not since the foreigner had come to the village .
6 Pears himself died in 1986 , leaving a new generation of British tenors to emerge from beneath his shadow at a time when Britten 's own work is undergoing vital reassessment and revival .
7 Whoever was about to emerge from beneath the dripping straw roof of this tiny hut on this minute hamlet on the eastern edge of this unknown volcanic islet was the first person in the world to rise on this February Saturday morning : Homo Pacificus , the symbol of all I had travelled half a world to see .
8 You will be able to see the lush green streamer weed swaying in the current , and if you look carefully , letting your eyes adjust to the movement of the current and weed , preferably with the use of polaroid spectacles , you may see one or more black shapes that suddenly emerge from under the green ribbon , hover for a few seconds in the open water and then just as suddenly disappear back into the weed .
9 I emerge from under her desk with a handful of dismembered glockenspiel bars .
10 You must also listen closely for the vitriolic jewels that emerge from behind the gold-capped smiles .
11 There was a sense of the primeval about the place , and it would not have surprised me unduly to see a pterodactyl alight clumsily , or a dinosaur emerge from behind the rocks .
12 It is a small ditch which emerges from under gardens backing onto rows of houses .
13 It has a flight of steps leading down into the depths , and its main feature is a high waterfall that emerges from behind a wedged boulder known as Mohammed 's Coffin .
14 Then something emerges from behind a tree ahead .
15 Roger 's violent personality has emerged from beyond his ‘ superego ’ which once held back his conditioned arm from throwing stones , which now is demonstrated by the dropping of a rock on Piggy , the beating up of Sam 'n' Eric and the sharpening of his stick at both ends .
16 Her eyes were as blue as the patch of bright sky which had suddenly emerged from between the clouds and when she looked at him he was sure there was invitation in their depths .
17 Grubby brown chipboard has emerged from under the designer fitted units and the cobalt blue Mexican tiles appear to have rusted .
18 It was as if a blinding sun had emerged from behind a black cloud .
19 And when the château the Princesse had now occupied for over twenty years emerged from amidst snow-clad trees halfway up an escarpment , she felt dizzy with the beauty of it all .
20 Chris Novoselic ambled up to say ‘ hi ’ and bemoan a chronic hangover — the inevitable punishment for a late-night sesh with support band Teenage Fanclub — and Dave Grohl soon emerged from down the rampway that led to the sun-baked arena , all smiles as ever .
21 The man must have been shot from above at close range as he emerged from under the scaffolding .
22 While the Bakufu administration had for several decades been subject to criticisms from within its own ranks , a more serious threat to its supremacy emerged from within domains traditionally hostile to it .
23 Indistinct sounds emerged from within the earth , deprived of sense by the complicated acoustics of the soil .
24 Pressures for a particular settlement in the Church , in other words , emerged from within society before the establishment of the new regime ; the eventual religious settlement worked out did not so much create the religious problem but rather was an attempt to deal with a religious problem that already existed , although in doing so the government inevitably created new religious tensions in the process .
25 Muldoon never emerged from behind his desk to greet colleagues .
26 The Colonel emerged from behind his newspaper to allow his wife a view of his expressionless face .
27 She emerged from behind the screen and walked over to the dressing-table , brushing gently against Thiercelin as she did so .
28 The fighting which followed took place spasmodically as the moon emerged from behind a cloud or one side fired at the other 's musket flashes and the Battle of Clifton turned out to be little more than a skirmish .
29 Nicholson emerged from behind his desk slowly , almost reluctantly .
30 Cleo did another circuit of the room and emerged from behind a chair with a well-sucked Teddy Bear .
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