Example sentences of "mark [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The bird starts by flying persistently in front of its chosen site and repeatedly dabbing the rock with its tongue , laying down a curved line of saliva which marks the lower edge of the nest-to-be .
2 The Second Quartet , composed in 1951 , is a far more concise work in a much freer tonal idiom , mostly avoiding the elaborate texture which marks the earlier quartet : perhaps for that reason I find it the more memorable of the two .
3 It sounds a familiar excuse , marking the darker chapters of recent Germany history .
4 The Hot Autumn also marks a greater turning point in economic performance than occurred elsewhere .
5 The election also marks a further stage in the decline of the manual workers : for example , there would be 13 miners in the new parliamentary Labour Party , against 16 in the old , and 31 in the party Harold Wilson led back from the wilderness in 1964 .
6 This marks a further small reduction against last year 's estimate and an overall real reduction of £3 billion against the original 1982 forecast .
7 The move marks a further step in the downgrading of the government 's involvement in the nuclear energy industry .
8 As Gibbs ( 1975 , p. 11 ) points out , in a book marking a later resurgence of interest , the positivist eclipse of classicism led to an almost total loss of interest in deterrence in the writings of criminologists , even when they were considering ‘ policy questions pertaining to the control of crime ’ ; and he gives many examples .
9 Oliver Tambo , president of the African National Congress ( ANC ) , returned to South Africa on Dec. 13 after 30 years in exile , marking a further step in the ANC 's return to a full political role in the country .
10 It was widely known , however , that China had been pressing for a Japanese imperial visit for some time as a means of marking a further stage in the country 's rehabilitation from the diplomatic isolation which had followed the Tiananmen Square massacre .
11 Katharine cantered Benji in a smaller and smaller circle , keeping a strong outside rein so that his hind legs were marking a smaller circle and working towards a canter pirouette .
12 The proposed legislation appeared to mark a stronger move towards direct state regulation of sexuality .
13 I use the term " child " here in contradistinction to " parent " — not all incest involves juveniles — but one would expect any effect to be more marked the younger the child concerned .
14 The Hot Autumn marked a greater shift in the balance of power between labour and capital than occurred elsewhere .
15 Although it is already fashionable to explain away the scale of the election successes — by such factors as the Falklands , Foot , Benn , and an inept Labour campaign in 1983 , and prosperity and the disproportional electoral system in 1987 — the results marked a further stage in the decline of the Labour party .
16 The visit , the first by a Chinese Prime Minister in 31 years , marked a further stage in the thaw in bilateral relations which bagan with a visit to China by the late Indian Prime Minister , Rajiv Gandhi , in December 1988 [ see p. 36381 ] .
17 Third parties believed that Unkiar-Skelessi marked a further stage in Russia 's southward advance .
18 She returned through the black woods , past the shrines , to the narrow defile which marked the nearer barrier to the castle .
19 The growth of transnational companies has been swiftly followed by the mushrooming of economic and political apparatuses above the level of the nation state — such as the European Economic Community — developments which mark a further stage in the development of monopoly capital and international imperialism .
20 The meeting also marked a further stage in the MEP 's move away from pursuing full independence in 1996 .
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