Example sentences of "stare at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , we might as well all stay at home and stare at computer terminals .
2 ( They stare at audience . )
3 Staring at space , Frere shook his head .
5 He looked the other way , staring at TV aerials as if he was doing a project on them .
6 He was staring at Maxim 's plate with real puzzlement ; his own was still half-full .
7 Damian sat down slowly in his place , completely silenced by the rebuke , staring at Gawain as if he were trying to understand the thought-processes which had led up to it .
8 Tonight he had been immersed in scenes of Mafia violence and found himself the next moment slumped in the Chesterfield staring at silver snow on the screen .
9 She was staring at Tug .
10 Ditty staring at defeat
11 ‘ I used to spend an extraordinary amount of time staring at light switches and thinking they were owls .
12 Cranston stared at Athelstan with red-rimmed eyes .
13 But she just turned her head and stared at Granny .
14 Mr Priest looked up and stared at Dad for a while and Dad stood there waiting for a reply .
15 They were walking along a broad corridor between glass-partitioned offices , lit by bleak fluorescent strip lighting , where sallow-faced men in shirt-sleeves stared at computer terminals or pored over sheets of printout .
16 Isabel dragged her eyes away from the ground and stared at fitzAlan .
17 Something in the back of her mind was saying : shock , , you 're in shock , Bernice snap out of it , woman , but she tuned it out and just stared at Ace until the world came back into focus around her and she heard Bishop saying calmly :
18 Alexei stared at parin and showed his teeth .
19 As they passed Mon Ré , the cream-coloured car was just turning into the drive ; and again the two bovine occupants stared at Breeze .
20 Nathan leaned forwards , stared at scenery that , even in the dark , he knew off by heart and could recite .
21 The artillery Colonel jerked round , stared at Rebecque for an instant , then bellowed his own orders , but instead of ordering a killing volley into the tall rye , he commanded his men to retreat .
22 Aunt Tossie put her elbows on the table in a rude way and , with her chin in her hands , stared at Maman through the epergne of silver and little vases that came between them .
23 Bicker stared at Finnan for a long moment , then turned to take in the rest of the company .
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