Example sentences of "press against [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But she was soon aware of his fat thigh pressing against hers , and each time they passed a gas lamp he turned to look at her .
2 But most alarming of all was the feel of the hard-muscled thigh pressing against hers , and , for some reason she could n't explain , she found it hard to drag her eyes away from his .
3 Suddenly she could feel it pressing against hers .
4 ‘ I ca n't , ’ said Damian in the cramped interior beside her , then moved to look out of her window , his body pressing against hers , one powerful arm across her , his hard chest against her breasts .
5 In a moment , he was beside her , his hands caressing her hair , his body pressing against her , the roughness of his jacket brushing against her face , abrading her skin , the warm smell of cloth invading her nostrils .
6 She could feel the hard strength of him pressing against her ; his heat scorching her through the thin cotton of her nightdress as if he , too , were on fire .
7 She winced at his ruthless manipulation , and he moved forwards quickly , confounding her by kneeling and pulling away her hands , holding them by her sides , the weight of his body pressing against her as his mouth came inexorably closer towards her pulsating nipple .
8 People were pressing against her .
9 Her breasts were tight and painful , crushed to his chest , and he pushed her back to the side of the pool , his weight pressing against her .
10 She longed to feel his nakedness pressing against her , to feel his strength as he entered her , to feel his power as he consumed her .
11 She could feel the heat of him pressing against her .
12 Damian Flint said smoothly , and leant across her , his powerful chest pressing against her , his hard mouth inches from hers .
13 Her hand lay gently on his shoulder , barely pressing against him , yet it seemed he was gathered there at the point of contact , his whole self focused in her touch .
14 Riven rubbed his sword hilt with a white thumb , thinking for a second of Madra pressing against him .
15 Her arms twined around his neck , her body pressing against him , her lips receiving his with a passion that scorched her .
16 Killion felt the warm and cool curves and points pressing against him .
17 He lifted his head , darkly flushed , and his mouth was on hers , opening her lips hungrily while she gasped , pressing against him , her hands in his hair , on his strong neck , his shoulders , blind to everything but her own overpowering excitement .
18 The foam filled artificial leather earpads are large enough in area to rest against the sides of the head and enclose the ears completely without pressing against them .
19 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
20 Already it was pressing against it , jamming the wheel , making it difficult to steer .
21 And something stilled within her as in that instant she caught a tantalising waft of the rich , dark scent of him and felt the hard , powerful warmth of him press against her .
22 We lead more private lives today than ever before , a defence perhaps against the masses who press against us in the tubes , in the office , at school .
23 She was aware , more strongly now than before , of all the human bodies pressed against her , the elbows and breasts and stomachs and buttocks and shoulders , and of the hard glass panel against which her own side was crushed .
24 She could hear his heart thudding under her ear , feel his warmth pressed against her , making her giddy .
25 He laughed softly , and soon his strong body and long legs were pressed against her .
26 Rigidly she listened to the even sound of his breathing , so aware of him pressed against her that her very skin prickled .
27 Though she was huddled in the corner as far from him as she could get , the car was n't very big , and every time they went round a corner his thigh and shoulder pressed against hers .
28 As his lips pressed against hers , warm and exciting , she could not hold back the longing inside her .
29 She tried frantically to struggle , but his strength was far greater than hers , and even as she pushed against him she was overwhelmed by a far more desperate need to hold him , to feel his strong body pressed against hers once more .
30 But even as she made to turn away , his arms slid around her and she closed her eyes to everything but the sheer beauty of his kiss , the exquisite torture of his lips moving over her own , the hard strength of his body pressed against hers .
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