Example sentences of "protect [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Adam held me steady against the wall , protecting me with his body , very pleasantly .
2 If you were protecting me for my own good , she thought , I would be cross with you , but not this cross .
3 This guaranteed that the water fell to the ground just clear of the walls , so protecting them against damp , discoloration and decay .
4 Where stakes are needed , preparation for planting therefore includes preparing stakes of sufficient length and strength , and protecting them against rotting .
5 M.Ps have no privilege protecting them against an arrest on criminal charges but they are protected against arrest in connection with a civil matter while parliament is in session and for 40 days before and after .
6 Of course , such a device is doing more than protecting them from an over-exciting adventure ; it is also in a calmer way building up their anticipation of a real mystery .
7 Her young are born in the nest and she leaves them there , protecting them from predators by blocking the hole with soil , which she packs down quite tightly .
8 Operators who have their tachograph charts analysed by an outside agency need to be careful about exactly what it is they are buying and whether it meets their requirements in protecting them from breaches of the law by their employees and agents .
9 They lay comparatively few eggs but look after them carefully , protecting them from predators .
10 Now Koquillion claims he is protecting them from the wrath of his people .
11 In particular , one may need help to see that caretaking for other people , protecting them from damaging consequences and also doing everything one can to " help " , may be having the exact opposite of the desired effect .
12 He was dressed in close-fitting grey trousers that emphasised the length of his legs and a short-sleeved cotton-knit shirt , also in grey , a striped butcher 's apron protecting them from fat splashes .
13 As they returned to Swinbrook on Grye , the gipsy horse , the trees of Wychwood closed in about them and Carrie imagined the sadly diminished yet still proud forest was protecting them from the rest of the world .
14 In fact in its original Hebrew setting the shepherd referred to a totally different picture — one who actually cared for and was perhaps even prepared to give his life for the sheep , protecting them from very real danger from which they could not be expected to protect themselves .
15 They are responsible for the complete replication of the extreme ends of chromosomal molecules and contribute to chromosome stability in protecting them from exonucleolytic degradation and end to end fusion events ( 2 ) .
16 One key way of protecting ourselves in future is to ensure that the premiums charged fully reflect the risks that the country has to take on in allowing such cover to go forward .
17 It is hard to know now whether Eden was really being serious , or merely protecting himself for posterity .
18 It 's changed partly because Stalin 's er strategy in China has been shown to be a disaster and Stalin is trying to cover his tracks and most effective way of protecting himself against the criticism and the unpopularity which is likely to come from the failure is by insisting that the strategy was right all along and the revolution is about to triumph .
19 The fact is that from the moment you put fibre-rich food into your mouth it starts to give both physical and psychological advantages in filling you , satisfying you , protecting you from feeling hungry again soon , and speeding your weight loss .
20 ‘ He 's being kind to you — protecting you from the truth . ’
21 The worst response would be the sort that has already begun to be hinted at for ICI : protecting itself through a tangle of joint ventures .
22 ONE type of wild potato has developed a novel way of protecting itself from the ravages of aphids — by producing the chemical that aphids themselves use as an alarm signal .
23 But if you 're walking along with a bird on a jess , your movement disrupts it and stops it protecting itself from the wind as it would do naturally .
24 Society has an interest in protecting itself from activities which threaten to undermine the harmony within it .
25 Bacon and Eltis went on to suggest that labour had been successful in protecting itself from erosion of C m , so that adjustment had fallen largely on I m i.e. investment in the marketable sector .
26 But it would be very odd if a corporation had no means of protecting itself against wrong ; and if its property is injured by slander it has no means of redress except by action .
27 But it would be very odd if a corporation had no means of protecting itself against wrong ; and if its property is injured by slander it has no means of redress except by action .
28 The National Trust is responsible for protecting one in every six miles of coastline in England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
29 After protecting herself during her travelling years by dressing like a boy , she is temporarily hanging up her hat and exploring her sensual , feminine side .
30 Well , she 'd spent most of her life flying solo , protecting herself from the rest of the world behind high barriers ; now , after risking and losing all in one fell swoop , she 'd simply have to set about the painful business of re-erecting those walls .
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