Example sentences of "protect from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the wild the male remains with the nest , protecting from all intruders except other females which he will attempt to entice in to spawn with .
2 Children must be taken care of by others and protected from external injury and against their own actions .
3 It will be said that children should maintain their innocence and should be protected from such distressing subjects as bereavement .
4 Jaguar had felt itself to be protected from such a takeover by a golden share ( a mechanism whereby the government provides protection from takeover to recently privatised companies for a finite period of time ) .
5 If the public are to be protected from gratuitous affront , then this will involve applying the manners test not only to public displays but to any matter which invades the privacy of individuals without their consent , which of course extends to unsolicited matter sent through the post .
6 Indeed , this sort of campaigning has given rise to a certain newspaper image — that Mr Kinnock is being protected from real people , shepherded into a succession of carefully-staged photo-opportunities designed to look good on television but a million miles away from the real cut and thrust of the hustings .
7 Like artists of the earlier wars , Keane was frustrated by his dependence on the forces , their movements , their security and their unalloyed , albeit good-natured , company , which led him to be protected from real military action and from the indigenous civilian population of Iraq .
8 Like artists of the earlier wars , Keane was frustrated by his dependence on the forces , their movements , their security and their unalloyed , albeit good-natured , company , which led him to be protected from real military action and from the indigenous civilian population of Iraq .
9 The protection afforded by pellets has already been mentioned , and bone that is left in pellets or scats is protected from many modifying agents for as long as the pellets and scats remain intact .
10 The public should be protected from unacceptable risks .
11 Under the Act the citizen is protected from arbitrary and oppressive harassment by the establishment of a special procedure for obtaining what is called ‘ special procedure material ’ , defined , in broad terms , as material which is in the possession of a person who holds it subject to an obligation of confidence .
12 France and Italy have agreed to set up a sanctuary in which dolphins will be protected from drift-net fishing .
13 Unfortunately in 1971 I was not protected from that most pernicious word by those inverted commas .
14 With local , with in-house teams it means that we are protected from that ever happening , and I hope that our in-house teams will continue to go on and on from strength to strength , valuable resource to the county council .
15 Access to software must be regulated so that the software of one producer is protected from all other unauthorised producers .
16 Alone of the Pacific species , N. emarginata shows something like a comparable variation in shell shape with exposure ( Crothers , 1984 ) , but the shell is so thin as to afford little protection from crabs regardless of its shape ( Kitching , 1976 ) and an ability to resist desiccation could be of great value to this highQQintertidal species in sites protected from continuous spray .
17 It was held that , because of the reputation the plaintiff 's product had gained , it should be protected from deceptive use of its name by competitors even though the goodwill was shared by several traders .
18 But then , as Blackstone pointed out , the opinion gained ground that it would be to the advantage of trade , and of creditors in general , if debtors outside the scope of the bankruptcy laws who were on the point of insolvency could also surrender their property for the benefit of their creditors , and in return be protected from legal process .
19 Investor protection legislation overlaps with both prudential and structural regulation in that the investor is in theory protected from financial institutions becoming insolvent through excessive risk-taking and protected from conflicts of interest by separation of types of business , but also extends much further into the manner in which investment business is carried out — the size of commissions , advertising regulations , cold calling etc .
20 The role of adult education , in this respect , is therefore twofold : to provide leisure or recreational courses to enable unemployed people to fill in their increased ‘ leisure hours ’ with personally satisfying ( but cheap ) activities ; and to ensure that in a variety of ways unemployed people are ‘ reintegrated ’ into society , brought within the norms of the dominant culture , and protected from deviant modes of thought and behaviour .
21 They had sex protected from each other , the little slip of rubber a true barrier made of caution and sensibility .
22 In the Tertiary period , weathering produced a deep regolith ( Fitzpatrick , 1963 ) , the remnants of which exist in the Outer Hebrides at a few sites protected from severe glacial erosion ( Glentworth , 1979 ) .
23 Badgers and their setts are now protected from human interference for the first time , with the introduction of the Badgers Act ( 1991 ) in October .
24 Moreover , older workers lose the right to be protected from unfair dismissal if they are over the ‘ upper age limit ’ ( this may be 65 or it may be whatever is the ‘ normal retiring age ’ for the job the individual holds ) .
25 After November 1987 , a woman who wants to carry on working after state retirement age will be protected from unfair dismissal by her employer , provided the retirement age for a man doing her job is above the age of 60 .
26 It is protected from public scrutiny by the technicality of its jargon .
27 Early twentieth-century male and female doctors used eugenic concern about the quality and quantity of the race to argue that the welfare of future generations depended on girls being protected from rigorous examination schedules and receiving adequate training in house and mothercraft .
28 The gills are protected from further damage , the mucus assists in ‘ sloughing away offending parasites , and in the case of toxic water , the fish swims away .
29 It is probably not accidental that the most famous and widely discussed paranoiac of modern psychiatric literature , Schreber , had a father who seems to have approximated rather closely to the divine monarchs of earlier times and certainly practised a regime of child-rearing which was notable not only for its authoritarianism but also for its central concern for the welfare of the child , who was to be protected from harmful influences , bad habits and incorrect posture by rigidly enforced and total parental control , which even included applying iron and leather braces and restraints to the child 's body .
30 During the appeal process , Koons was protected from those penalties .
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