Example sentences of "otherwise [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 It served to make the Finnish detective rather sharper than he might otherwise have been .
2 As a first stage towards reviving the route 's viability plans were made to accelerate certain key Glasgow services by raising the line speeds from 100 to 110mph ; the second stage was to prepare an investment case for new equipment to fill the gap which would otherwise have been covered by APT .
3 He has certainly demonstrated that he is a ‘ draw ’ : there must already be some 250 Conservative MPs in his debt for turning out an audience at least double that which they would otherwise have been able to collect .
4 Such ritual brings no hope , and it diverts to barrenness emotions which might otherwise have been fruitful .
5 A domestic market that becomes part of an international market is going to be subjected to the effects of changes which might otherwise have been more slow in coming — or would n't have immediately affected it .
6 The use of aisles permitted the erection of a much wider building than would otherwise have been possible .
7 The ‘ state of war ’ declaration clouded what might otherwise have been a clear-cut case of American aggression and gave the White House the makings of a case under international law .
8 The new ceiling enabled the War Office to retain some extra units that would otherwise have been disbanded .
9 However much the buyer may complain , he acted voluntarily : he is better off than he would otherwise have been .
10 In southern California , where only 6% of travel to work is by public transport , most users would otherwise have been passengers in cars , not drivers .
11 Although the 1914–18 war quickened the speed of the decline in fertility and resulted , during a loss of around 600,000 unborn children who would otherwise have been brought into the world , at no time did the rate touch the low level at which it stood in 1939 .
12 They often came into conflict with the local Transport Committees , formed from the local branches of the main transport unions , who correctly maintained that they alone had the right to issue permits for the movement of essential items which would otherwise have been held up in the dispute .
13 For these reasons Magharba and Zuwaya who were not tribally minded stayed away : voters who regarded themselves as modernizing were silent , and the turn-out was somewhat lower than would otherwise have been the case .
14 But the Protestant Elizabeth , the queen whom he thought he was flattering by likening her to Deborah ( the prophetess who , with the help of the Lord , saved Israel from the Canaanites ) , was never to forgive him , and this ensured that his role in the years of success for the Scottish Protestants after 1560 was less than it might otherwise have been .
15 Sometimes it can be shown that the tissue not only looks homogeneous , but actually is so , because , if the tissue is cut in half , each half will regulate to give rise to the same pattern as would otherwise have been produced by the whole .
16 The North American mink , he says , has fitted into the niche which would otherwise have been occupied by the European mink had it ever reached Britain .
17 Accordingly , since the beginning of 1958 , a succession of volunteers from Leslie Tilbury onwards have served as secretary to the Essex Federation , a post which would otherwise have been held ex officio by the tutor-organiser .
18 ( 7 ) The possible loss of such employment opportunities abroad threatens the southern DRAs now , but the complex effects of such temporary migration on DRAs require rigorous assessment ; for example , many migrant workers will be returning with capital savings and experience which could never otherwise have been accumulated .
19 This suggests the significance of specialist workers in two possible ways : either preventing compulsion where there was insufficient risk to the patient or others , or persuading those who would otherwise have been sectioned to enter hospital informally .
20 There was also sadly a degree of controversy with regard to some records , making the work less valuable than it might otherwise have been .
21 In order to understand what they had found they needed to classify the fossil organisms into particular kinds , more or less similar , to impose an order on what would otherwise have been a vast and chaotic mass of different and apparently unrelated relics .
22 Now , instead of her clients coming to her , she had to walk the streets displaying her attractions ; perhaps luring to depravity men who might otherwise have been content to dream and wonder .
23 And rather than being at the mercy of the autobiographer 's choice of what to mention , we can ask questions and open up areas of significant memory which would otherwise have been lost .
24 There had been a morning of heavy rain before the event and this must have reduced the expected numbers present and made it more subdued than it might otherwise have been .
25 This rather tenuous Morrissey connection managed to gain pockets of press coverage that would otherwise have been wasted on Bananarama or something equally appalling .
26 From being an additional safeguard for those already arrested , the necessity principle becomes , in the hands of the Home Office , the basis of a separate and quite independent set of criteria justifying arrests that would otherwise have been unlawful .
27 Stephen refers to a crime being excusable if the defendant can show as one of the requisites that what was done was done to avoid a consequence which could not otherwise have been avoided , and which , if not done , would have inflicted harm on him or on others he was bound to protect .
28 You are thus investing money for retirement much of which would only otherwise have been paid to the taxman
29 In order to evaluate whether the enhanced home support of the action scheme was successful in sustaining at home some people who would otherwise have been likely to enter institutional care , it was necessary for the action to take place in a prescribed geographical area , so that an equivalent , matched area could become a control area .
30 Since the conditions applied are almost certainly too restrictive ( the project may well have sustained somewhat more than four to five clients per week who would otherwise have been in an institution ) the total annual sum saved is almost certainly nearer £24,000 — £26,000 .
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