Example sentences of "result from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 So they 're all , they 're trading off their gains from economies of scale , right , with erm , variability of , of income that may result from sort of , putting all their eggs in one basket , so diversification is the main way in which farmers cope er , with an uncertain environment .
32 Also , endoscopic treatment has the advantage of pre-emptying the obstruction that may result from radiotherapy .
33 They could also result from impact in a stratified surface .
34 This analysis was performed in the control groups to avoid the potential bias that might result from lifestyle changes ( particularly treatment ) occurring after myocardial infarction .
35 coping with behavioural problems which may result from disruption in the child 's life — 50 per cent of adopters ' referrals to the London Post Adoption Centre ( PAC ) concern behaviours such as attention-seeking , bedwetting and truanting .
36 Spots , and in some cases acne , can result from testosterone excess and it may help them to know that it is a passing affliction .
37 Computer equipment runs on electricity so there is always the danger of electrical shock and , if this results from negligence , there is a strong possibility of an action in negligence .
38 Much remains unknown about viral persistence but in general it results from stalemate in the battle between the virus and the body .
39 We know , too , the frequent result of such crude precautions , the often painful unpleasantness-to use a mild term — which results from putrefaction , and which the undertaker assures the family is ‘ quite inevitable ’ … whereas when the body has been prepared by the Operator it keeps the appearance of life for an indefinite period , and the last look remains as a pleasant remembrance to their friends .
40 It is the state of pleasurable content of mind , which results from success or the attainment of what is considered good .
41 This results from uncertainty about the segmentation of the input string ( i.e. where does one character stop and the next one start in a cursive word ) .
42 But the trade war , which results from failure to agree , offers no sort of solution at all .
43 Africa is characterised by rampant population growth , uncontrolled urban expansion , declining irrigated land resulting in food shortages and progressive deforestation , some of which results from use of wood as an energy source .
44 Failure to act may be due to reactive inhibition which results from pain or fatigue and acts either as a barrier to repetition of the act or as a drive strengthening any activity associated with its reduction , such as rest ( Rivers 1964 pp 171–2 ) .
45 This is the kind of action , he maintains , that results from devotion to Truth , but it is also the means whereby one is enabled to see Truth more clearly .
46 Another possible cause is a condition called corky pit which results from boron deficiency in the soil .
47 Only new investment will provide the kick-start needed to escape from recession and reduce the waste of talent and energy which results from unemployment .
48 Correspondingly , Alcoholics Anonymous emphasizes that the choice of understanding and action involved in working the suggested twelve step programme of recovery will have definite beneficial emotional consequences as well as the obvious physiological improvements resulting from abstinence .
49 Sands and gravels deposited by water flowing from the melting glaciers are restricted to a few localities and there are no major raised beach deposits resulting from sea level changes relative to the land surface .
50 Losses of £38m resulting from Hurricane Andrew claims left General Accident with losses before tax of £36.7m ( v £133m ) for the nine months to 30 September .
51 Thus the criminal law defines only some types of avoidable killing as murder : it excludes , for example , deaths resulting from acts of negligence , such as employers ' failure to maintain safe working conditions in factories and mines ( Swartz 1975 ) ; or deaths resulting from an organization 's reluctance to maintain appropriate safety standards ( Erickson 1976 ) ; or deaths which result from governmental agencies ' giving environmental health risks a low priority ( Liazos 1972 ) ; or deaths resulting from drug manufacturers ' failure to conduct adequate research on new chemical compounds before embarking on aggressive marketing campaigns ( Silverman and Lee 1974 ) ; or deaths from a dangerous drug that was approved by health authorities on the strength of a bribe from a pharmaceutical company ( Braithwaite and Geis 1981 ) ; or deaths resulting from car manufacturers refusing to recall and repair thousands of known defective vehicles because they calculate that the costs of meeting civil damages will be less ( Swigert and Farrell 1981 ) ; and in most jurisdictions deaths resulting from drunken or reckless people driving cars with total indifference to the potential cost in terms of human lives are also excluded .
52 In order to reinforce the Cartagena Declaration , Bush stated that he would ask the US Congress to sanction increased aid to the three Andean countries for the period 1991-94 , to help them deal with the social and economic problems resulting from drug eradication programmes .
53 This research is based on a contrasting hypothesis that a long-term relationship built on trust and obligation between a buyer and a sub-contractor leads to better cooperation in innovation , improved quality monitoring and prompt delivery , and that these gains outweigh efficiency loss resulting from rigidity in not switching customers or sub-contractors as prices dictate .
54 The alternative event resulting from decision 1 is that the project fails .
55 The alternative event resulting from decision 1 is that the project fails .
56 The oscillatory rhythm resulting from repetition of the cycle is therefore myogenic and its frequency depends on the mechanical properties of the cuticular thoracic wall .
57 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
58 Other contributory causes that were suggested included the inadequacy of pre-school provision and its particular unsuitability for West Indian families ; prejudice on the part of some teachers against West Indian children 's use of English ; inappropriate curricula and teaching materials ; and the discouraging effect of the relatively poor employment prospects of West Indian school leavers resulting from discrimination in the labour market .
59 However , error resulting from map generalization can not be removed automatically .
60 Nevertheless , the basic directions of economic reform are rather similar to Hungary , though the initial position is quite different , in that Yugoslavia already had long experience of worker-managed firms as well as a high degree of monetary mismanagement ( including a spell of hyperinflation ) resulting from inability of the country 's federal structure to impose monetary discipline .
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