Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Foucault specifies the difference between them by contrasting their relation to the document : the historians of total history have been engaged above all in the interpretation of documents , attempting to reconstitute the past , to give it an inner meaning ( always available only to the historian ) , to recover a voice and allow it to speak .
2 If ‘ mentioned-in-the-text ’ is taken as the basis for selection of discourse subjects , it should be noted that the analyst is , in fact , attempting to reconstitute the presupposition pool which the participants must have had prior to the discourse fragment being analysed .
3 Inside , about 12 demonstrators , believed to be National Front members , were ejected by police after attempting to disrupt the meeting .
4 Attempting to disrupt the election , the Maoist Shining Path ( Sendero Luminoso ) guerrillas called " armed strikes " which were , however , only partially observed in the Andean highlands .
5 As general election campaigns got under way Andreotti on March 18 issued a communiqué to Italy 's 92 civil governors warning that certain forces were attempting to disrupt the electoral process .
6 Any time spent in doing other things than attempting to transmit the meme may be regarded as time wasted from the meme 's point of view .
7 Goodricke succeeded as fifth baronet 21 July 1738 ; left with an encumbered estate , he spent some difficult years in attempting to restore the family fortune .
8 in attempting to estimate the emergence of a land mass from present altitudes of planation surfaces , their origins , base levels and most probably regional slopes must be considered ;
9 It is clear that both earnings per share and PE ratios can be dubious quantities , yet investment analysts make extensive use of both in attempting to estimate the true values of firms and in making comparisons between firms .
10 In this case it was a jury of 12 which , by its verdict , appeared to be commenting on the legitimacy of governmental action in attempting to mislead the Foreign Affairs Select Committee about the circumstances surrounding the sinking of the General Belgrano , an Argentinian warship , during the Falklands Campaign in 1982 .
11 A group of users , integrators and vendors is , we hear , attempting to re-draw the laws of conventional computing in a effort to put users — rather than computers — at the centre of the industry 's cosmological system .
12 Now a rise in interest rates would be seen in its true colours , as a means for attempting to support the value of sterling at an artificially high level against the D-Mark within the ERM .
13 On a more pragmatic , but related , issue , students were finding it harder to ‘ pass ’ inference skills IN 1–3 , than IN 4–6 , and since this had important implications for their grading , I was attempting to remediate the early skills on an ad hoc basis with some non-subject-specific pencil and paper exercises .
14 It was impossible for Theodore to maintain the integrity of Wilfrid 's position while at the same time attempting to conserve the tradition which Eata , Eadhaed and Bosa represented , and in the years which followed it was the latter which was consolidated .
15 When the bluff failed , it is hardly surprising that no-one seriously considered attempting to implement the general strike against war .
16 Firstly , unless and until definitions are agreed , we may be attempting to compare the incidence of different phenomena .
17 I am not attempting to compare the quality of the Territorial Army now and following national service , but the TA then consisted almost entirely of people who had served for two years on a full-time basis , and the level of skill and general martial ability was very high .
18 Returning to London eventually , and still attempting to arrange the peace for which they were empowered , they stayed on for a second year , accumulating benefices and sustained by clerical procurations meanwhile .
19 Great care should be taken before attempting to drain the water out of this type of system — the boiler must be let out first .
20 The Green Party has announced its intention of forcing environmental issues into the mainstream political agenda during the election campaign by attempting to affect the outcome of key marginal seats .
21 Then , if there is no further movement , it should be obvious that the ferret has made firm contact and will be attempting to kill the rabbit .
22 Everything below , we were sure , was exactly as it would have appeared in centuries past-apart from one major anachronism , a bright yellow construction crane , which was attempting to plant the last monolith in the stone circle .
23 The RAAF utilised the Lincoln primarily as a ‘ quick reaction ’ strike aircraft , tasking sorties after direct request for ground support from combat units , usually attempting to drive the bandits into ambush sites .
24 I do not think that anyone attempting to classify the vertebrates would fail to recognize the Anura as a group , or that , presented with an adult vertebrate , one would be in any doubt as to whether or not it was an Anuran .
25 Moreover , these successes have to be set beside the less successful regeneration projects attempting to replicate the well known formula in cities such as Richmond ( Virginia ) , Toledo ( Ohio ) and Flint ( Michigan ) , all of which are faltering ( Guskind , 1989 ) .
26 It does appear that many large pension funds do carry out such a policy , with many of them attempting to replicate the FTSE 100 Index with their core portfolios so that the returns will match the market .
27 ‘ In my opinion , attempting to replicate the past success of Amstrad by gambling on product ideas and building up large stocks in the hope of achieving ‘ blockbuster ’ sales would be putting shareholders ' funds at risk and demoralising for me . ’
28 On the whole , the champions of the literal approach have been the party attempting to strike down a particular clause whilst the object and intent approach tends to favour parties who are attempting to uphold the restraint .
29 Some are now attempting to combat the isolation they feel by setting up a national body to represent their interests .
30 There is no justification in attempting to emphasise the superficially attractive at the expense of those things that form the core of our work .
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