Example sentences of "let's ask the " in BNC.

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1 So if it 's drama you 're seeking , let's ask the Adjutant if he 's yet appointed an Entertainments Officer . ’
2 Let's ask the lady herself . ’
3 Let's let's ask the gentlemen to er , in fact I might do that .
4 Let's ask the twelve nurses at hospital how they feel about their own jobs .
5 Let's ask the man himself .
6 And er the subject matter of the , the lecture is ‘ Searching the heart of humanity , to find the common bond ’ , which is of course , it 's , it 's just like my film ‘ Eternity ’ , it 's a huge , you know , it creates a huge expectation , but I 'm not afraid to step in front of people now and , and er you know , present myself and say ‘ well let's ask the big question , let's , let's go for it , so er so it should be quite a lot of fun tomorrow .
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