Example sentences of "extend over a " in BNC.

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1 The remaining forms of severe handicaps extend over a wide range of mental and physical disabilities caused by an even wider range of genetic factors , infections and diseases affecting the normal reproductory process .
2 The cases extend over a period of ten years .
3 To earn full grant-aid , Terminal courses had to extend over a minimum of twelve meetings , and aggregate twenty-four hours of attendance for a minimum of twelve students .
4 As a result , the new temple was built to a single co-ordinated design , and the site levelled and terraced to allow it to extend over a wider area of the hill summit .
5 But it was not only officers and members of the WEA and the District who were pleased with the final agreement over the rural areas scheme and the conclusion of negotiations of byzantine complexity extending over a period of four difficult years .
6 Lack of scattering does not , however , explain the existence of plateaux extending over a range of values of the gate voltage .
7 An Experiment ( 5 ) Extending Over a Few Days
8 If the investigation is a sustained piece of work extending over a period of weeks , a diary work file or log book of activities should be maintained .
9 Continental basins generally seem to be long-lived features with a subsidence history often extending over a period of 100 Ma or more .
10 Second Army was now extended over a front of some 97km/60mls , with its two wings separated from the centre .
11 perhaps the most enduring of these funded arrangements was the Cassell Fund 's support for Miss Green 's appointment in the Kettering district , which with Miss Stocks as personal guarantor and additional fund-raiser , support from employers , and modest contributions from the LEA , extended over a period of some twenty years .
12 The preliminaries on this occasion extended over a rather lengthy period and so the 150 or so guests were in pretty good form when we eventually sat down to one of the best ‘ function type ’ meals that I have ever enjoyed .
13 It is no longer adequate just to produce a plan of a church : all walls and elevations need to be examined closely , since most churches are built , developed and extended over a long period .
14 This was a process which extended over a long period , and in the seventeenth century the extent of their privileges in this respect was still far from clear .
15 This source observes that although demilitarisation generally extends over a limited zone with the goal of separating potentially hostile parties it may also cover regions and even continents , such as the Åland and Spitzbergen archipelagos and Antarctica .
16 The research — which will be conducted under the auspices of the Universiti Brunei Darussalam and extends over a two-and -a-half year period — is expected to make a significant contribution to current debates about the exploitation and future of rainforest , and to attempts to place economic values on its component parts .
17 This task of considering key moments can be a very valuable way of recapping from one session to the next when the drama extends over a long period , as it usually does once it becomes part of a project or topic work .
18 In particular , the largest bulges and indentations are produced by the large eddies to be described in Sections 21.4 and 21.6 ; these eddies are responsible for the fact that the region in which γ is non-zero but less than 1 extends over a sizeable fraction of the flow ( see , e.g. , Fig. 21.5 ) .
19 Where production extends over a long period as in construction industries and shipbuilding , measurement of work in progress has to be achieved by other means .
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