Example sentences of "worth [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 An information board for each entrance should also be provided , so that visitors can be given topical information — what is going on , what is worth seeing at any given time — as well as permanent information on the Garden itself .
2 These teachings clearly influenced the early books of The Prelude , and it is worth digressing at this point to see how Wordsworth amended and yet clung to the spirit of Rousseau 's ideals .
3 As an observation it seems sufficiently true , on the basis of simple observation of everyday life , to be worth accepting at this point in the theory , although it is a crucial proposition .
4 Returns do come in , often just before the curtain , but it 's well worth checking at Festival House daily ( or even hourly if you are really keen ) for any of the sold-out shows .
5 For if not then ultimately there is no meaning to survival ; for a life whose meaning stands and falls on whether one escapes or not … ultimately would not be worth living at all ’
6 But there were Schonfeld supporters who came perilously close to arguing that , if Jewish children could not be saved for a particular sector of the faith , they were not worth saving at all .
7 It is worth looking at , for from it sprang his fund of knowledge along with the all-important Jewish scriptures and his family 's experiences with them in eastern Europe .
8 It is also worth looking at the smaller , regional building societies .
9 It is also worth looking at the smaller , regional building societies .
10 It is also worth looking at the smaller , regional building societies .
11 It is worth looking at the way the Soviet leader 's behaviour changed in the course of the crisis .
12 It is worth looking at these in detail :
13 ‘ There are some patterns that are not worth looking at , miss .
14 The angels on the altar by Ignác Platzer and the Crucifixion by F. X. Balko are well worth looking at .
15 But they are worth looking at in that they give an understanding of royal taste in the 16 and 17C , and indeed their founder , Rudolf II , is considered to be one of the greatest European patrons of the arts ( see p. 9 ) .
16 Only the façade is worth looking at : like so many other houses , this one was turned into flats in the 19C .
17 The paintings by Petr Brandl in the church are worth looking at .
18 It is worth looking at each key word or phrase in turn .
19 It 's also worth looking at your present routine to see if it can be streamlined .
20 But it is perhaps worth looking at part of one fairly characteristic set .
21 Before explaining how to tackle a course race it is worth looking at what makes one sailor go faster than another .
22 I have covered all the major items of tackle that warrant discussion , but before this chapter is concluded I think that a comparison of end tackles is worth looking at .
23 Because this writing was very much the style from which our modern everyday hand has descended , it is worth looking at in slightly greater detail .
24 For examples of carefully worded questions in public opinion polls it is worth looking at the newspapers to see how very carefully the professional market research firms word their questions when they are asking ordinary people for their current political views .
25 The National Trust , Friends of the Lake District and the National Parks have put into practice many of Green 's ideas , but the extent of his plans went even further than these and might well be worth looking at again .
26 The topic of integration is worth looking at in somewhat more detail .
27 ‘ Not worth looking at , ’ Selkirk replied .
28 Before the Digital Servo Interface is described it may be worth looking at the principles of operation of these model servos .
29 Bryan Adams has a tremendous knack of writing very catchy and memorable guitar parts , and although he 's not particularly known as a lead soloist his rhythm playing approach is well worth looking at .
30 They are nothing worth looking at , for they have green hair and green teeth and little pigs ' eyes and long red noses and shod arms more like a flipper than any respectable arm that could do a day 's work .
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