Example sentences of "no [adv] take " in BNC.

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1 This could have been the return to the stresses and strains of normal life or because she was no longer taking Arg Nit so I put her on Arg Nit LM1 .
2 It amused him to think that , although Marcus Judge was no longer taking an active part in the running of the Brotherhood , leaving most of the day-to-day organisation to his son , Josh was still afraid of the old man .
3 John Lyall 's team have such a commanding lead that at least one leading bookmaker is no longer taking bets on the race .
4 I no longer took what the English said seriously .
5 The dentist I had been going to for years no longer took NHS patients .
6 To her disappointment Nahum only seemed to visit the old and sick , and after the first few days he no longer took her with him , having suffered embarrassment each time he introduced his new wife whose youth could n't be disguised .
7 I still dreamed of food and the convivial , outdoor feast , but I no longer took full part in the proceedings .
8 Though Marcus no longer took part in this process , he never missed a single morning ; he liked to know everything that was going on — how many cargo-ships berthed for loading or unloading — how many hours taken to clear each one — how many men needed on every job .
9 She no longer took such an interest in the farm , and very sensibly appointed Gabriel Oak her farm manager .
10 How pleased Mama would be ! — and she no longer took things for granted as she once had .
11 And he no longer took things at face value .
12 It seems that we no longer take pride in our oral heritage .
13 Men no longer take to the barricades to redress wrongs .
14 I feel it is important that you , your readers and the tennis public should know that I no longer take part in any decision making relating to the business of the company or the centre and therefore I take no responsibility , for either the success or failure of Junior Tennis Centre Ltd nor Sutton Junior Tennis Centre .
15 I no longer take any interest in the company , nor , although co-founder , do I take any responsibility for the success or failure of present or future coaching programmes , standards of coaching or the selection of coaches ( Teaching Professionals ) at Sutton Junior Tennis Centre .
16 The old standards have decayed , the aristocracy no longer take the intellectual lead ; men of letters and booksellers are left face to face with a multitude of readers whose intellectual appetites and tastes are emancipated from all direct influence and control .
17 You no longer take your vitamins in pill form these days — the latest trend is to rub them into your skin .
18 When a plant or animal dies it ceases to participate in carbon exchange with the biosphere and no longer takes in 14 C. If 14 C were stable , its concentration relative to 12 C would remain constant after death , but , since it is not .
19 ( This job has devolved onto the BMNH from the Queen , who owns all stranded whales but no longer takes an interest in them . )
20 De Pace says he no longer takes tourists to Ramsay Street .
21 Thus illegitimacy is no longer taken into consideration in determining the rights of succession of an illegitimate person , or the rights of succession to his estate , or the rights of succession traced through an illegitimate relationship .
22 At the same time , there was emerging a new set of theories surrounding reproduction , in which female orgasm was no longer taken for granted as necessary in the conception of a child .
23 Cattle were no longer taken on long drives , but were delivered by rail and cattle drives were then made illegal .
24 the food basket ( i.e. rationed food ) is no longer taken advantage of in full by the poorer segments of the urban population simply because they can not afford it any more .
25 Parties , in many respects , were no longer taken seriously by the voters ; many more people now disavowed parties altogether and declared themselves to be independents .
26 Many of the important decisions affecting village life are now no longer taken locally , but by inaccessible and apparently impenetrable bureaucracies which , however well-intentioned , can not be sensitive to local problems and idiosyncrasies .
27 Many unexplained and ignored results still litter the research journals of the early 1970s , unread and unconsidered because as a research paradigm memory transfer is no longer taken seriously ; it had become another victim of scientific fashion , though , unlike McIlwain 's slices , this time probably deservedly .
28 I have already hinted , in my account of the reductive steps the group employed , that a variety of experimentally or theoretically inconvenient processes that also occurred during the behaviour , such as a contribution of the peripheral nervous system , and some of the polysynaptic inputs onto the motor neuron , were dissected away and no longer taken into consideration .
29 Above all , this kind of political romanticism fosters the view that future arrangements can be attained when conflict and dispute will no longer take place , having been replaced by eternal harmony .
30 As a divorcee , Docherty can no longer take communion and has distanced himself from the catholic faith , an institution he believes deserted him in his hour of need .
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