Example sentences of "reveal [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Last night , Scottish Industrial and Trade Exhibitions ( SITE ) , organiser of the awards , revealed the six winning firms to an audience at Glasgow 's Moat House Hotel .
2 He flung open a pair of doors she had not even noticed in the gloom and revealed the largest room she had ever seen , endlessly high , and filled with the grey light of the sea .
3 It also revealed the paltry sums thrown at such communities by BC to compensate for the lower quality of life they are forced to endure .
4 Déby 's rebel forces , a serious irritant throughout 1990 , took power at the end of the year with an ease which revealed the final failure of Habré 's so-called national reconciliation .
5 He initiated and led the search party which found and buried the bodies of Scott , Edward A. Wilson [ q.v. ] , and H. R. Bowers , retrieving the diaries , drawings , and letters that revealed the epic story of their fate .
6 Sunken continents remained popular until better soundings of the ocean floor in the 1870s revealed the sheer extent of the elevation that would be needed to create dry land across the Atlantic and other major oceans .
7 The years from 1522 to 1525 revealed the dangerous frailty of the Crown 's financial base .
8 The May Day parade of 1990 , meant to be a celebration of Soviet unity and triumph , revealed the deep frustrations and divisions in Soviet society .
9 In the nineteenth century , first Thomas Young demonstrated the wave character of light ; then Faraday 's brilliant experimental researches revealed the interlocking nature of electricity and magnetism ; finally the theoretical genius of Maxwell produced an understanding of the electromagnetic field whose oscillations were identifiable with Young 's light waves .
10 Then subsequent research by Maryan Ainsworth revealed the mechanical underdrawing of the Met 's panel , done without changes , and probably taken from a pattern or tracing .
11 These revealed the industrial potential of the neighbourhood and a remarkable series of buildings ranging from simple workshops to elaborate private houses .
12 Finally , the RAC 's responses were interesting in that they revealed the wide variety of provision of training that already existed , carried out within institutions and provided by major regional centres , and also suggested that this diversity would continue .
13 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
14 Sources revealed the Metropolitan police officer , who is based at Forest Gate police station in London 's East End and who was holidaying in Ulster , slept downstairs in a front room terrified the car would be pinched .
15 Indeed , Emile Burns ' survey of the councils of action , after the dispute , revealed the great extent to which they were badly organized and the degree to which in Middlesborough , for instance , ‘ each trade acted on its own ’ .
16 Our inquiries revealed the following :
17 I 've dug out our wartime BOAC accident files in the archives and revealed the following :
18 The evidence that we accumulated proved our common sense approach and revealed the following :
19 By way of example , we have ascertained that a search on the industrial classifications listed below , using purely a sales criterion , revealed the following numbers of companies :
20 After all , they were the women who bought and devoured a novel which revealed the unsatisfied desires seething beneath American small-town togetherness — Peyton Place , which earned Grace Metalious $56,000 a year in royalties .
21 Entry into the EC challenged parliamentary sovereignty ; the growth of direct action and extra-parliamentary politics in Northern Ireland and on the mainland challenged the rule of law and the stability of the liberal-democratic state ; the ups-and-downs of nationalism in Wales and Scotland challenged the unitary state and threatened the break-up of Britain ; the use of referenda [ popular and direct votes on issues ] revealed the crumbling legitimacy attaching to the indirect democracy of voting for people to parliament ; the conventions underpinning cabinet government were buffeted by a trend to " open government " that weakened collective responsibility and Cabinet solidarity ; and developments within the Labour Party have had constitutional implications at the self-same time as the Liberals and SDP have sought to imprint themselves directly onto the British constitution with proposals for radical constitutional change including proportional representation .
22 The experience of Aden was therefore precious in that it revealed the only alternative to acquiescence or schizophrenia : the political struggle .
23 revealed the unnamed and effusive turf accountant .
24 Some , from lower viewpoints , gave glimpses of the faceted dome that covered the expanse of space ; others looked down and revealed the four tiny figures balanced a hundred metres above a vast , circular , grey plain .
25 This clone revealed the ND4-ND4L transcripts ( 1700n . ) .
26 This was expected to confirm that subjects would be seen uniformly away from the central strip , but , as described above , revealed the two halves to be of different sensitivity .
27 The third concert , of Brahms 's Third and First symphonies , revealed the new Karajan at his most lovable , for these were natural , emotional , and — let the word escape at last — profound interpretations : voyages of discovery ; loving traversals of familiar , exciting ground with a fresh eye and mind , in the company of someone prepared to linger here , to exclaim there ; summations towards which many of his earlier , less intimate performances of the works had led .
28 Philip Ettinger , 37 , the brains behind the bid to launch the link , today revealed the new move which coincides with the end of a three-week consultation period when objections to his proposals must be lodged .
29 Leeds manager Howard Wilkinson revealed the first approach was made on Wednesday .
30 In a speech to bankers in London on July 5 , 1989 , Finance Minister Basil Jardana revealed the key objectives , agreed with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) [ see also below ] , of the government 's medium-term economic programme for 1989-93 .
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