Example sentences of "reveal [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , working women were more independent and less likely to marry early ; and the real significance of this controversy was what it revealed about the ideological assumptions of ruling-class men .
2 Peterborough : Shelley revealed as a heartbreaker
3 The coroner heard it revealed for the first time — none of the family knew it — that Charlie had had a stroke a few months before , which explained the strange behaviour .
4 Convenient scapegoats perhaps , but the K G B was open about today 's activities too ; Major General Alexander Karbalnov of the K G B revealed for the first time that seven hundred thousand people have been executed for political crimes since the revolution and that three-and-a-half million have been repressed .
5 Solicitor for the families , Joanna Kay revealed after the hearing that two children would now be allowed access visits .
6 Whether nature does or does not do the same thing is always tantalising , and sometimes revealing about the principles and mechanisms underlying the creation of structures .
7 After all , since much of social research requires a direct encounter with the everyday social world , the act of research can be immensely revealing about the nature of social life .
8 Apart from these texts there are a few which are revealing for the opposite reason : they deny the existence of a trust where it might have been expected .
9 Revealing for the first time the size of the Exchange Fund ( which guaranteed the Hong Kong dollar ) , the Financial Secretary , Hamish Macleod , announced on July 15 that at the end of 1991 foreign reserves stood at US$29,000 million , the 12th largest in the world .
10 If nothing else , the Christmas editions of NME , Sounds , and Melody Maker are a barometer of hip opinion , although not so revealing as the readers ' polls which follow a couple of months later .
11 To identify a fluttering shadow as the outline of a bird is not so revealing as the recognition that it is actually cast by a butterfly .
12 The eastern one was only partly examined , revealing towards the rear a series of pits probably dug for gravel , though no buildings were identified .
13 How valuable this Romanian channel of military information was to the Pentagon may be doubted , but it is revealing of the extent of Ceauşescu 's duplicity .
14 John of Salisbury 's comment that not only the towns but also the fortresses of Gaul feared Henry I of England was revealing of the new situation .
15 However , the incident is highly revealing of the concern felt in Cuba about the difficulties of persuading Moscow to make a substantial commitment .
16 Moreover , if one found that one 's company was at its nadir , the slopes of the V-curve might be revealing of the magnitude of the task in shifting to a better level of profitability .
17 I would never try on something revealing like a swimming costume in a communal changing room , because when I was bigger I 'd be thinking everyone would be looking at the bulgy bits thinking how fat I was ( well , this is what I thought after I found out what my friends had been saying ) , and now I would feel too self-conscious because other girls would be thinking how skinny I look .
18 Bradman says it was Fingleton , Fingleton said it was Bradman , and Leo O'Brien ( the 12th man ) further confused the issue by revealing in a recent interview with Wisden Cricket Monthly that neither Bradman nor Fingleton was in the room at the time of the exchange , but ( former Australian Test players ) Ryder and Kippax , who were both reporting the matches in one way or another , were . ’
19 Films such as Citron 's Daughter Rite adopted a format borrowed from the personal testimony ( the diary , the autobiographical voice ) but exposed the illusory nature of ‘ unmediated ’ film-making by revealing in the credits that the two women who had been reminiscing in the film were in fact actresses playing sisters .
20 This is particularly paradoxical and revealing in the case of notions .
21 Halliday 's analysis is revealing in the way it relates precise linguistic observation to literary effect .
22 Thirdly , just as cross-linguistic comparisons can reveal general functions of language by contrasts between what is encoded in one language and not in another , so comparisons across stages of acquisition can be revealing in the same way ( Ochs , 1979a ) .
23 But Mr Urbanec pointed to hardline resistance to change within the party by revealing to the opposition that he had spent three hours seeking , apparently in vain , to persuade regional party barons that their ‘ policy of power ’ could not continue .
24 April 1945 , the concentration camps at Belsen and Buchenwald , revealing to the world the appalling truth of the Nazi 's endeavour to exterminate the Jewish race .
25 There are still libraries where books and materials themselves are kept on " closed access " , in other words available only on request to the library staff ; the catalogue carries the whole burden of revealing to the clientele the contents of the stock , by subject or author or whatever " retrieval handle " is thought to be worth displaying .
26 Sometimes it is the Had I But Known what grim secret lurked beneath the smiling exterior I would never have set foot within the door ; Sometimes the Had I But Known then what I know now , I could have saved at least three lives by revealing to the Inspector the conversation I heard through that fortuitous hole in the floor .
27 Using the procedures in this way has the dual effect of preparing the case as precisely as possible for the trial judge and of encouraging a settlement by revealing to the parties the exact nature of their dispute .
28 Again , few long-standing customers will surely want to compromise their future bargaining position by revealing to the court the true weight which they gave to the various considerations before them prior to the placing of interim contracts with the employer .
29 and the girl 's reaction is just as immediate and direct , revealing to the reader or audience too the identity of the man as a " " clerc " " : ( " Get off !
30 With their broader streets and freshly painted houses they might appear to be so , but , as Engels remarked , those streets were often unpaved and lacked a sewer , the paint was bound to fade within a decade , and their apparent solidity of build would then be revealed as no more than that of bricks laid end to end .
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