Example sentences of "study [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He studies the floor .
2 ( He studies the floor . )
3 According to OECD studies the proportion of elderly people killed and injured is greater in residential areas than elsewhere in urban areas .
4 Almost all the basic ideas of group theory occur naturally as one studies the cube and a fair amount of advanced group theory emerges .
5 The department offers a wide variety of degrees : honours in Fine Art in which half the student 's time is devoted to practical art ; honours in the History of Art which studies the subject as an academic discipline like English Literature or History , involving no practical work but stressing the relationship between the study of the arts and their practice ; and a variety of joint degrees such as those with French or Italian .
6 The project also studies the incidence of profit sharing and employee share ownership across the economy .
7 She studies the inside of her coffee cup .
8 Saussure speaks of semiology ( 1974 : 16 ) as a ‘ science that studies the life of signs within society ’ , a science of which we shall hear more in the chapter on modern French structuralism .
9 Frost & Sullivan 's new report on the US market for key pharmaceutical intermediates studies the complexity of the pharmaceutical industry .
10 I accept that it has taken a few years for the process to be completed , but everyone who studies the history books will be able to trace the downfall of the Thatcher Government — as some may still call it — to the time when she was foolish enough to remove the right hon. Gentleman from the duties that he was carrying out so successfully .
11 When one studies the literature one finds that , surprising as it may seem , the weight of legal opinion is in favour of the second view ; and it is not even clear what is the proper legal means that the Crown should use to establish misbehaviour before dismissing a judge .
12 She studies the drug , you know ?
13 Farming systems research which studies the complex of decision-making by farmers as a whole system implies that the researcher spends time with the farmers rather than in the research station and adapts research needs on the spot — in the farmers ' fields — to ongoing work by the farmers .
14 That is , it studies the relation between the significances of a text , and the linguistic characteristics in which they are manifest .
15 As Harold Laski wrote in 1925 : ‘ Anyone who studies the record of war-control of industry from 1914 to 1918 , will be amazed at the mass of material we possess upon the necessary mechanisms of regulation . ’
16 The hon. Member for Hamilton ( Mr. Robertson ) is not usually given to fanciful rhetoric , and if he studies the movement of opinion in Europe he must know that since Maastricht more and more people have begun to comment on the future of Europe in the same sort of way as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and I did before .
17 Just about everyone flicks through the racing pages and either studies the form , thinks of a lucky number or name , or just plunges in the pin .
18 She studies the clarinet in London , New York , Rome and Detmold , before becoming principal clarinet in a German orchestra and a member of the Düssesldorfer Wind Sextet .
19 Tea and sympathy : Russian president Boris Yeltsin stirs a cup of tea as he studies a copy of his speech before last night 's television address to the nation
20 He let them study the map a while , accustoming themselves once again to its details , then drew their attention to the large red-shaded area to the bottom left of the map .
21 Both Soul and Brief History include Stephen Hawking 's anecdote about being told by the Pope that scientists might properly study the universe after the Big Bang , but that the bang , or Creation , itself , was the province of God .
22 One must clearly study the variation of a species throughout its geographical range , at one moment in geological time , before one can claim that it has changed into something else .
23 It will also study the way the views of expert participants are transformed to fit the requirements of the programme .
24 All you have to do is study the instruction booklet . ’
25 This contact made him study the issue of conformity to the established church .
26 However , I shall study the issue that the hon. Gentleman has raised about the length of time it takes for the grant to get to the applicant and then back to the contractor .
27 We can study the circuit in rather more detail if we look at Fig. 4 .
28 If , as McGuire ( 1986 ) has argued , social psychologists need to study the structure of attitudes , then rhetorical theorists seem to suggest that one should study the structure of public debate on social issues , in order to determine the structure of attitudes .
29 The LIFESPAN Manager should therefore study the rest of this section , so that he or she can either take the recommended avoiding action , or at least understand what is happening if any of the users become confused .
30 One would not use coins to try to make any deductions about economic history or matters such as liquidity if government statistics were available ; one would not study the architecture of Roman temples from coins if the temples still survived .
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