Example sentences of "arise [adv prt] of " in BNC.

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1 It is worth stressing that this study did not arise out of a leisured academic interest but out of an urgent need for material to use therapeutically with highly-disturbed young people .
2 Good work could only arise out of peace of mind .
3 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
4 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
5 The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement , unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal .
6 He argued that thought does not arise out of abstract logical puzzles but from specific problems which we encounter in practice .
7 The University shall not be liable for any consequential or other loss , damage or injury howsoever caused which may arise out of or in connection with the use of the University 's premises by conference/course participants , the Organiser , their agents , servants or contractors .
8 … the primal father had prevented his sons from satisfying their directly sexual impulsions ; he forced them into abstinence and consequently into emotional ties with him and with one another which could arise out of those of their impulsions that were inhibited in their sexual aim … .
9 ( Yet again it must be said — an argument which does not directly arise out of a golden thread approach but which is pertinent here — the two passages in the new testament which speak of women 's subordination both rely on the Genesis account of creation and fall , an account no longer valid in a post-Darwinian age . )
10 Similar claims may arise out of multilateral treaties , especially those that create regional or other organisations .
11 The first submission by Mr. Ashworth was that a public nuisance can not arise out of a lawful act , whatever its consequences , and as what is complained of here , namely heavy goods vehicles being driven along Medway and Bridge Roads , is a lawful act , no public nuisance can arise .
12 If it is correct , in general , that a public nuisance can not arise out of the lawful use of a highway , as Mr. Ashworth submitted , it is not , in my judgment , because there is no unlawful act .
13 Ask yourself what in its particular essence could possibly cause a murder to happen , or what sort of murder might arise out of this particular place or community or life-style .
14 As Herman explains , ‘ [ c ] ollective action may result from structural ties between firms that integrate their interest and facilitate coordination between them — such as a common ownership interest — or it may arise out of a recognized common interest or mutual business interdependence with minimal personal contact and communications among the companies and their officials .
15 ( c ) The causation of the public nuisance or the threat to public order must arise out of the use of the premises for the sale of alcoholic liquor .
16 Other negative feelings may arise out of the learning situation itself , or the student 's total ignorance of the language to be learned .
17 This might sound like an accurate description of your holiday planning and did indeed arise out of a closely related activity : weather forecasting .
18 This is something just to absolutely specific about it , which will actually arise out of the work done by the district councils in their local plans .
19 Although the extra representation for zemstva did not arise out of St Petersburg 's enthusiasm for local government ( but out of the determination of central agencies to prevent any one of their number dominating the rest ) , it nevertheless ensured " a large dose of decentralization " in primary education and gave primary schools a better chance than they would have had otherwise .
20 For instance erm if you 're communicating via a typewriter , there are various common mistakes which can arise out of the fact that two keys are close together , and so you 've hit one key when you meant the other , and knowing that can help the computer to work out what you intended .
21 Readers of The Favourite Game will remember Breavman dissecting a frog , which arose out of such early experiences ; they will also remember his tearing up an economics textbook outside a bank on Sherbrooke Street — another reaction to the struggles and disinterest he later recalled .
22 The plan to make unions responsible for unofficial action arose out of the strikes in the summer on the London Underground , where an informal group of drivers and guards led a long series of stoppages over pay .
23 The case arose out of a letter sent by the Attorney General in the summer of 1988 to booksellers handling Spycatcher warning them they were in contempt of court , because an injunction had been obtained to stop publication of extracts of the book in several national newspapers .
24 Practice Richard Ashworth and ors v Berkeley-Walbrook Ltd ; CA ( Russell , Stuart-Smith LJJ ) ; 27 Sept 1989 As a general rule , where a counterclaim could properly be relied on as a set-off and where it arose out of the same subject matter as the claim , the counterclaiming defendant ought not to be required to give security for costs of that counterclaim unless there were exceptional circumstances .
25 The figures highlight the debate over ‘ reciprocity ’ which arose out of the £2.1bn takeover of Rowntree by Swiss group Nestle last year .
26 He said that he thought the attack arose out of a personal dispute .
27 This new competition arose out of a battle between banks and building societies which arose when the banks made their first major inroad into the mortgage market .
28 These arose out of the feeling that trade unions had to become involved in other spheres of influence if they were to offset any serious injury which might befall them as a result of the General Strike .
29 There are several good accounts of both the history and the methodology of the project , and though the survey arose out of a very particular set of circumstances which may seem alien to many of us , the underlying values and the problems which spring from the lack of accountability to the resident community of the relatively small set of people who own and control the land has very important lessons for every country .
30 This rather uncharitable remark possibly arose out of jealousy as Miller certainly did not give all his attention to the gentry , although , as Kalm said , the aristocracy did seek his advice .
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