Example sentences of "exactly as i " in BNC.

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1 The one remaining club , Squires , over the water in Catford , shut almost exactly as I started the book .
2 ‘ Every Brownie must stay exactly as I put her — on the ground .
3 It is not surprise therefore , that I heard the story there and I related it exactly as I remember hearing it .
4 I polished the latches a bit with my shirtsleeve , then I put the briefcase back exactly as I 'd found it and took my leaf-trembling self along to the dining car , already regretting , before I got there , that I had n't stayed until the Canadian left , knowing that I 'd wasted some of the best and perhaps the only chance I would get of seeing what Filmer had brought with him on the train .
5 And because all these things will begin to happen … exactly as I have been told they will happen … more and more rapidly … powerfully … and completely …
6 He reacted exactly as I had expected :
7 I want you to draw up the will exactly as I 've said , and let me have it as soon as possible . ’
8 I was in charge of what is known as the governor , which I felt might be an error , but I did exactly as I was told and all went well .
9 On his return he puzzled me by behaving exactly as I expected an S.S.O. to behave .
10 At last I gained the crest of a rise , and there below me stretched the sloping flat rocks , and yes , the mermaids were there , their fur dry in the sun , their bodies slick and contented , their eyes closed , enjoying the afternoon , exactly as I had done myself .
11 ‘ You 're not exactly as I imagined , ’ Estabrook replied .
12 And even the apparent libertine , if Walter 's My Secret Life is in any way an accurate chronicle , had his own anxieties born of sexual discretion : ‘ Does every man kiss , coax , hint smuttily , then talk bawdily , snatch a feel , smell his fingers , assault and win , exactly as I have done ? ’
13 This was the best ; it was John exactly as I remembered him , walking down a road , waiting at a bus stop , hunched inside his big coat .
14 He might say " Things are exactly as I said they are " .
15 The relics were exactly as I 'd left them , inside the hexagram , nothing had changed .
16 Exactly as I tell you , James , clear ? ’
17 But then I thought , Why would they replace the barrier exactly as I had left it ?
18 Do exactly as I say or I 'll cover the mattress with your brains , understand me ? ’
19 It was exactly as I had always imagined the Dark Ages to be , and in its terrible way it was apt .
20 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I have not yet seen a reply from the chief executive , but my understanding is that the position is exactly as I told the Hon. Gentleman in Committee .
21 ‘ It 's exactly as I imagined an old family home , ’ Sir Henry said .
22 There was Barrymore , with the light in his hand , looking out across the moor , exactly as I had seen him on the night before .
23 As exactly as I can .
24 So it 's in your best interests to do exactly as I say , starting now .
25 He was exactly as I remembered him , that June night after our fishing .
26 Exactly as I appear is exactly as I am , he had said that day in Carlingford .
27 Exactly as I appear is exactly as I am , he had said that day in Carlingford .
28 I was lucky not to break the elbow — a colleague in the cycling club appeared that week with arm in sling , having fallen off exactly as I did .
29 I did exactly as I had promised .
30 If you manage to take off , follow me and do exactly as I do .
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