Example sentences of "exactly the right " in BNC.

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1 I genuinely liked them as people , I loved their music , and I was in exactly the right place at the right time .
2 It was n't that I was an amazing person or exactly the right guy for the job .
3 ‘ I 've often watched you in the past and wondered how you know exactly the right time to enter the bidding , the right time to leave , ’ Moran praised .
4 the sky was a beautiful blue , the sun in just the right position for the rainbows to come out of the cleft in exactly the right position photographically .
5 That is exactly the right word .
6 The unpredictable English weather meant that delivering the leaves at the right time and at exactly the right stage of development for silkworms to thrive on them was impossible .
7 Mr Pearson 's Shotover has exactly the right air of a rapt scientific experimenter trying to attain power through means of mind .
8 When the Israelites go out to gather it , each of them gathers exactly the right amount for himself and his family ; on the sixth day of the week a double portion is given and collected so that the sabbath rest can be properly kept ; on the sabbath , appropriately , no manna appears at all ; while any kept at the end of any of the first five days goes bad overnight , the half of the sixth day 's gathering put aside for the sabbath keeps perfectly fresh .
9 ‘ As far as I 'm concerned the collection is in exactly the right building .
10 Some of the individual performances could do with more definition and detail , but there 's terrific work from David Burt , who has exactly the right mixture of romantic swagger and ruthless cynicism as Macheath , as well as a first-rate singing voice .
11 Having coached Waikato in the New Zealand provincial championship for some years , Ross was looking for a new challenge and the opportunity to come to Northampton came at exactly the right moment .
12 The Trustees made a recommendation to that effect to the Bedfordshire LEA in 1930 which was accepted by the county 's Adult Education Subcommittee as the scheme ‘ had been conducted on sound lines , was distinctly encouraging , that the particular tutor-organiser was exactly the right person required ’ .
13 Each critic and each interview discovered and reported the uncanny fact of what had happened in the production of the film , that it was one of those once-in-a-generation happenings , bringing together the right story , the right people and the right tone at exactly the right time .
14 Working with creatures of such speed it was important that he used exactly the right type of camera .
15 Food was unlikely to provide exactly the right nucleic acids ready-made , and it was more likely that they were being built up from their components .
16 At the same time , the earthworms burrow deep into the subsoil bringing minerals to the surface , churning and mixing mineral and organic matter in their gizzards , depositing the excavated material on or near the surface in very stable crumbs exactly the right size for optimum exploitation by plant root-hairs .
17 Every held operation using tractors or horses inevitably causes some compaction and damage to soil structure ; it should therefore be the farmer 's aim to create the desired effect with the minimum of passes at exactly the right time .
18 If you want a better-than-equal chance of success , you 've started in exactly the right place .
19 The Board of Trade meeting went off very well , with both Mr Murray and Mr Bushnell answering questions with exactly the right tact and diplomacy .
20 ( It is not exactly the right answer because of the rough averaging procedure we used to arrive at the direct effects . )
21 So I remind myself that it does n't really matter about things being put back in exactly the same place in the cupboard , or precisely the same brand of tea being bought , or the carrots being cut to exactly the right dimensions .
22 But Peter Royston , of Scottish Ballet , had a great sense of humour and exactly the right touch .
23 The swinging leg has to touch down at exactly the right speed and lock straight in time to convert the kinetic energy into lift .
24 He is in exactly the right job : streets ahead of most others in the UK in his number-crunching agility — ‘ in the country 's top 5 per cent , at least ’ , Bloch says — and ‘ unbelievably good ’ at critical reasoning , with a score of 90 .
25 But I was so lucky that with one exception , everything seemed to fall into place at exactly the right time . ’
26 ( It is important when dealing with caterpillars to realise that many species rely for their survival entirely on one plant growing in the right place at exactly the right time . )
27 Each creature perceives just exactly the right amount of the energetic interactions which comprise the physical universe and its creatures .
28 This means it is committed to doing exactly the right thing .
29 Your net intercepts them when they return from feeding and you must therefore ensure that the nets are set in exactly the right place — without the rabbits being aware of your presence .
30 Through that the sounds from the Chandler pickups exuded exactly the right character .
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