Example sentences of "exactly [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Elsewhere , ‘ he put a teaspoonful-and-a-half of coffee granules into his mug and exactly the same into hers . ’
2 Exactly the same battlelines , with exactly the same watchwords and against much the same enemies , now urgently need to be drawn up to save the traditional British pub .
3 Exactly the same battlelines , with exactly the same watchwords and against much the same enemies , now urgently need to be drawn up to save the traditional British pub .
4 Some argue that cheap imports are a waste of money — others say widely differing prices are being charged for exactly the same product and that suppliers which criticise imported cutlery often stock it themselves .
5 No dinner menu at the old Rectory is exactly the same twice over .
6 If you have trouble in finding exactly the same varieties , you local nursery should be able to suggest some good alternatives .
7 Now , the remarkable finding is that PH shows exactly the same pattern .
8 For example , if you have the situation where you want to put two occasionally-used machines quite close to one another , it may be to your advantage that their heights are exactly the same so the job can run across both tables .
9 The remarkable feature of the Mark 3 is the fact that only one basic bodyshell was produced so that standard-class coaches have exactly the same external dimensions , window spacing and appearance as the first class .
10 Massine 's quicker more set version of the tarantella in La Boutique Fantasque shows exactly the same features as those listed above .
11 Ross 's experience struck an identical chord with me , for John Sheard and I had exactly the same experience on the first ascent of Face Route where the second , hanging on a sling to remove gear , was observed by a member of the establishment and a rumour immediately started that was rapidly translated into guidebook writer 's ‘ fact ’ .
12 With loop-in wiring , the wires are labelled carefully , and drawn up into the space above the ceiling , where they should be reconnected in a junction box , in exactly the same way that they were connected in the ceiling rose , and a cable taken from this junction box to the light fitting through the hole in the ceiling ( if the new light fitting is in the same place ) .
13 When you are tackling a larger area — a whole wall , or perhaps even a complete room — you use exactly the same techniques ; the big difference is the sheer scale of the job , which makes the preliminary setting-out by far the most important part .
14 In fact what he has been using are exactly the same as the cheap mass-produced lasers used in CD machines .
15 As for the claim that the Cuk converter approaches 90% efficiency and produces minimal RF interference , exactly the same claims can be made for well-designed standard topologies .
16 Incidentally , a horizontal dipole without parasitic elements is not unidirectional it is bi-directional , having exactly the same ‘ figure-of-eight ’ response as a ferrite rod antenna !
17 I suggest that a simpler approach to detecting the direction of motion of an object , one method of which was put forward by M Kumaran in July , is to use half a 74LS74 D-type flip-flop , as shown in the diagram , which performs exactly the same function .
18 Transmission was by reverse-battery polarity , a simple yet efficient way of ensuring that dots and dashes used exactly the same voltage .
19 Exactly the same can be said of ethical and psychological categories , or any critical categories whatever . ’
20 Mr Clarke said last night : ‘ What I said after the meeting was exactly what I said at the meeting and exactly the same as I have been saying since the White Paper was published .
21 ‘ All I am asking , is to be treated in exactly the same way as Dr Wyatt ’ .
22 A cross-bred boar was reared and fed indoors in a pen , under identical conditions to a domestic pig , and the meats from the two carcasses tasted exactly the same .
23 ‘ It 's exactly the same , essentially , as making nylon , ’ he says .
24 And over the whole six-year period 1979-85 the average growth of M3 was 13 per cent , which happens to be exactly the same as it was between 1965 and 1973 , the period analysed by William Rees-Mogg in his famous article in The Times ( 13 June 1976 ) , ‘ How a 9.4 per cent excess money supply gave Britain 9.4 per cent inflation ’ , which denounced the conduct of economic policy in the early Seventies .
25 A child 's need to understand its situation is not going to destroy the new relationship : trying to live out the fantasy that this is exactly the same as a birth relationship may well do .
26 His defence was to insist that he would do exactly the same again under the same circumstances .
27 A house in Yorkshire and Humberside now costs 55 per cent of one in London — exactly the same as in 1969 .
28 Alternatively , we might feel that people who took care to give different media sources exactly the same rating on an eleven-point scale were indicating quite strongly that they found them equally useful .
29 It is orthodox doctrine that the Archbishop of York ought not to hold exactly the same opinions as the Archbishop of Canterbury .
30 They send me exactly the same as unsigned bands except the tape is invariably a finished master of high quality .
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