Example sentences of "visit [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 Their landlord visited them at the flat to recover back rent .
2 Two had left so I visited them at home .
3 She was at court every time with me , and she came and visited me at Holloway .
4 Alex attended a similar establishment for boys ten miles away and visited her at every weekend exeat .
5 Carolyn Bartholomew who visited her at Kensington Palace three days after William was born recalls : ‘ She was thrilled with both herself and the baby .
6 Style director Hamish Bowles , a lifelong fan , visited her at her magnificent home , Templeton , on Long Island and spent a day talking to and photographing her in some her favourite clothes ( see page 220 ) : ‘ It 's a ravishing and evocative home , C.Z. is a scintillating hostess and brings a contemporary touch to a house that is almost Edwardian in its management and battalions of staff . ’
7 When the traveller Mary Kingsley [ q.v. ] visited her at Ekenge in 1895 , she found Miss Slessor ‘ has lost most of her missionary ideas and bullies the native chiefs in their own tongue … and is regarded by the other missionaries as mad and dangerous ’ .
8 THE PRINCESS of Wales met one of her heroines when Mother Teresa of Calcutta visited her at Kensington Palace .
9 Eddie McAteer made a public call for the march to be postponed , but Fred Heatley , John McAnerney and Betty Sinclair visited him at home to persuade him not to pull out .
10 When Callahan and I visited him at his large house on Sunset Beach , it was like walking around a graveyard : every board was a headstone with memories buried beneath it .
11 For the last two years or so of Phillip 's life , Marje never visited him at home , according to friends .
12 Therapist Julia Blackburn 's heart sinks when someone visits her at The Maidenhead Natural Therapy Clinic and says , ‘ I 've tried a grapefruit diet , a pineapple diet , a very low-calorie diet , and now I 've come to see whether hypnotherapy might work . ’
13 I never went there to stay , but I was always glad when he visited us at Canonmills .
14 Sister Ellen , our SND General Moderator , visited us at one of the farm schools .
15 When my mother and a friend came to visit me at Wolverton I brought them to Cambridge and , with the confidence of inexperience , I took them punting on the river .
16 ‘ Well , if I ca n't come here , Linton can come to visit me at the Grange , ’ suggested Cathy happily .
17 I can not remember whether he has arranged to visit me at Twickenham .
18 Virginia Bottomley , Minister for Health , has announced that some people on low incomes who also find it difficult to visit their local opticians will be able to get help from the NHS to pay for the optician to visit them at home .
19 She was Smallfry 's mam , but she never , ever came to visit them at Old Ashfield .
20 Once or twice she re-issued her invitation to the Carrows to visit them at Four Winds , but it seemed that there were always perfectly valid reasons why they could not accept .
21 I stayed with Plowman , the Consul , and his wife : they had been in Addis Ababa for the coronation and had invited me to visit them at Harar .
22 In any event your doctor will offer to visit you at your home , or arrange for one of the professional practice staff to visit you , to make sure all is well and that you are able to cope .
23 He was deeply in love with an Over Stowey woman called Ann Rice , but was forced into marriage to a half-mad girl who had visited him at his shelter and who bore him two illegitimate children .
24 Nancy Ball had only been with Hugo for a few months and it was much longer than that since Harriet had visited him at the office .
25 Looking back to her first encounter with Balbinder a year ago , when she had visited him at his previous school , she said that she had been shocked .
26 At a press conference he gave after the collapse of the coup ( on Aug. 21 ) Gorbachev recounted that a delegation , consisting of Boldin , Gen. Plekhanov , Shenin and Gen. Varennikov , had visited him at his holiday dacha in the Crimea on Aug. 18 and placed him under house arrest because he had refused to endorse a state of emergency .
27 Michael might come to visit her at any time .
28 Joan Allen was 74 years old when her son asked her general practitioner to visit her at home .
29 At first I had thought she would recover , but when I learned her illness was serious , I decided to visit her at night , for what might be the last time .
30 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
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