Example sentences of "along for the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We only wanted athletes of distinction and no one is going along for the trip , ’ Murray said .
2 I was along for the ride .
3 Nicky Cruz and his gang , the Mau Maus , decide to go along for the ride … .
4 Calm and quiet , Trent picked him as the technical adviser along for the trip but without direct responsibility for the outcome .
5 She was part of an equation , nothing more , along for the trip because that was the way of it .
6 In days when guests used to go out on the hill with gillies if they were fishing a large loch , and caught undersized trout , they did n't put these small fish back ; instead , they put them in a bucket , taken along for the purpose , and carefully carried the little fish to an adjacent lochan .
7 One enterprising young man gathered 60 ration books into his brief-case and persuaded an RCAF pilot , due for a recognizance flight that day , to fly him several hundred miles across the provincial border to Atlin , B.C. At the friendly invitation of those concerned I went along for the ride and helped my energetic friends load five cases of Johnny Walker , which we transported back to Whitehorse well in time for a Saturday night party .
8 Close behind is his son , Simon , who came along for the ride on his 1916 600cc Douglas , which falls outside the official December 1914 entry date .
9 Of course you can view it , as some bridle-riders do , as a holiday for your horse — you just go along for the ride .
10 In November 1974 , it was he who talked me into going along for the audition for ‘ New faces ’ at the Blue Angel nightclub in Leeds .
11 She is one of the successful new generation of country artists brave enough to stretch the genre , and talented enough to take its audience along for the ride .
12 Domestic problems do n't arise when the Rayners want to go to a game — the whole family go along for the ride .
13 ‘ It 's a very good thing he 's been involved in the pre-tour training at Lilleshall and is going along for the first three weeks of the Indian tour to bowl in the nets .
14 But then , as the new , more streamlined , machine slips into the twentieth century , moving smoothly and with a new confidence — and by now virtually everybody is along for the ride — it crashes catastrophically .
15 Nobody , though , captured the Bull Dog spirit like quarter-miler Derek Redmond , hopping along for the final 200 metres with a busted hamstring and his dad 's help .
16 With fellow Mud-man Steve Turner along for the ride on bass , Arm has hooked up with a pair of Seattle luminaries who , though hardly household names in these parts , provide such virile guitar bursts and songwriting savvy to vouchsafe our rightful respect from now on .
17 They are along for the duration .
18 Lord knows where they 're heading , but you really should go along for the ride .
19 Some of my colleagues would gladly drive blindfold into a brick wall for this band , and while this collection hardly brings out the suicidal in me , I might be tempted to start coming along for the ride .
20 I think they 're along for the purpose of camouflage , respectability , if you will .
21 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
22 Birchall is n't just along for the ride — he 's an integral part of a finely-balanced three-wheel missile .
23 People from the upper classes were getting on the move , and photography often went along for the ride .
24 She 's along for the ride . ’
25 So I just kept on my way , letting then all come along for the ride , while I hunted for confirmation of what I suspected and feared about Gharr .
26 ‘ I 'm just along for the ride , that 's all .
27 Hurley had not forgiven him for the loss of Syrian George , and he was still under heavy pressure from Washington to show results , but in general Coleman made sure they got along for the sake of his back-channel reports to MC/10 Control .
28 ‘ And you came along for the ride ? ’
29 I went along for the ride ; Mrs Goreng needed moral support and a straight guy to conduct an emergency dialogue with , if the need arose .
30 Or were you just stringing him along for the fun of it ? ’
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