Example sentences of "along by the " in BNC.

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1 One experienced constable explained the process as follows : ‘ Like , whenever we get a new constable in this station , they are guided along by the rest of the men .
2 As I was swept along by the noisy laughing crowd out into the tropical evening I persistently wanted to know what had happened to the dog .
3 Sure enough , she fell in love with the Arabella Pollen dress brought along by the Clothes Show Magazine .
4 It was hard to see and he touched the stones as he walked along by the wall .
5 Deceiving him gave her a fierce pleasure and , as they strolled along by the waterline , with Ben splashing beside them through the shallows , she kept her hatred burning red-hot with a litany of her grievances , chanted over and over inside her head : ‘ He only pretended to like you ; he could n't care less about you ; he thinks you 're thick .
6 Extraordinary as the two operations were , they were propelled along by the belief of many players — both principals and walkers-on — — that the ends were just .
7 Water was carried in leather buckets from the spring along by the castle , a quarter of a mile down the track .
8 Jessie sidled along by the racks to the door leading to the passage and the stairs .
9 He strolled along by the front of the house until he reached the north wing , where he turned down the grassy slope towards the trees .
10 Until recently no one seems to have considered that in addition to filtering lymph , the fluid may also be pushed along by the lymph nodes — despite these structures being the most prominent features of the system .
11 The success of the scheme was rapid and spectacular , borne along by the enthusiasm of organisers and experimental staff alike and by the conviction that here was a programme far more relevant and exciting than anything Kenya had had previously ( which it was ) .
12 You simply get taken along by the system , people crowding around you , the press anxious for interviews .
13 Early morning 's not my best time , specially when I 've spent half the night dreaming terrible dreams and the other half listening to some loon droning on about turtles in Japan — but it was great dawdling along by the river .
14 To Marian it seemed that she and Allen were being overwhelmed and carried along by the rush of sound and the race of the sun up the sky , as though they were part of the birds ' song and the general triumphant awakening of the dawn .
15 And now she was being carried along by the impetus of those two decisions .
16 Kalchu was carrying Lāla Bahādur on his back in a shawl and gently coaxing Hārkini along by the hand .
17 ‘ It 'll be cooler and not so dusty along by the water . ’
18 Borne along by the music and the comforting sermon , she was happy .
19 There is a definite air of mystery around The Black Dog — helped along by the fact that their records have often been near-impossible to find .
20 Eventually it was just a dark dot way up in the shy , almost unrecognisable except for the distinctive flight pattern : it would glide round in a circle , then soar off in a straight line , helped along by the wind , and finally resume its circular flight again .
21 But while these voices of dissent grew louder and louder , and began to breed that stony-faced aspect about which Lowe later remarked , the New Zealand rugby public were being swept along by the manufactured , hyped-up waves generated by the hucksters and the lackeys determined that their clients would get full return for spending their sponsorship and advertising dollars .
22 The air is dangerously alive with the objects — pieces of tin , small stones , branches , tiles — being hurled along by the wind .
23 Whether we take Lorentz 's view that the masses were bored and ready to be distracted or Macpherson 's notion that they had sensed that the movies were at least hinting at new possibilities , it is difficult to avoid being swept along by the romance of those early days .
24 Our goal is solely to establish whether , in a practical ensemble torn apart by antagonism ( whether there are multiple conflicts or whether they are reduced to one ) the breaks themselves are totalizing and carried along by the totalizing movement of the ensemble .
25 The BMA called a press conference on the emigration of doctors an hour beforehand , half the journalists went off to that , and the fierce women sent along by the pressure groups whom I had invited to liven up the occasion terrorised the few press men who remained into almost complete silence .
26 Philip was as reluctant as Henry , but the two Kings were now swept along by the tide of public opinion .
27 This may seem self-evident , but it is not unknown for people to be carried along by the atmosphere of an auction , or the sales patter of a dealer .
28 They followed , Adam first , and Fand led them along by the stream .
29 It is usual for the claimant to be asked to outline the reasons for the appeal following which the adjudication officer may ask questions of the claimant and of any witnesses brought along by the claimant .
30 Well might a poem of that time depict the good ship of state being blown along by the prayers filling its sails .
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