Example sentences of "along in [art] " in BNC.

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1 that fill the movie with music and everyone 's heart of joy , with the contagious hit tunes Whistle While you Work , Hi Ho and Some Day My Prince Will Come , you 'll be tapping your toes and singing along in no time , let the story telling magic of Walt Disney capture your heart
2 Do n't go along in a dirty T shirt and floppy gym shoes or try to over-impress or be antagonistic .
3 He 'll be along in a minute .
4 One would find oneself driving along in a pall of black poison .
5 For a while their favourite game was wheeling along in a cart Endill had made until Wednesday crashed into a mound of rusty bicycles and hurt his arm .
6 ‘ Mr Parkinson is with Sir Ewen in the big house , but he 'll be along in a few minutes , ’ Bob informed them after Maggie explained why she was there .
7 The thought of creeping along in a car behind an old woman pushing a pram full of nettles did n't appeal so , mentioning a pressing engagement , I got a garbled set of directions and bade her good day .
8 Tullivers , as it was called , had been the home of old Admiral Josiah Trigg and his sister Lucy for almost thirty years , and when he died , suddenly one hot afternoon , after taking the sharp hill from the town at a spanking pace , his sister continued to muddle along in a vague , amiable daze for another eighteen months before succumbing to bronchitis .
9 ‘ Anyone Can Make A Mistake ’ , featuring backing vocals from Tallulah Gosh 's Amelia Fletcher , shuffled along in a fine pop style but , for once , the reviews were very unflattering .
10 In its humped posture it runs along in a zigzag path , quivering its wings and stopping every so often to make sure that it is being followed .
11 Perhaps the chemical-sensitive patient is like the miner 's canary , carried along in a cage to detect dangerous accumulations of gas in the pit .
12 There was a white lodge with a man in a booth and a turnstile , and above it a notice saying Bristol Zoo and a row of black silhouetted animals in wrought iron walking along in a line .
13 Although its body was serpentine it moved , not by slithering along the ground , but by rearing the forward half of its body along in a coil .
14 The Liberal Democrat leader said : ‘ They are on roads I would not drive along in a Land-Rover when I was sober . ’
15 Talking about how you are getting along in a relationship is going to help it to flourish and grow .
16 Then you 'd get a bunch of compulsory emigrants , once in a while , Indians or Chinese , all wearing identical pyjamas and shuffling along in a crowd .
17 Nature Boy , on the other hand , funks along in a pleasant style and a vocal that my flatmate swears says ‘ funky nibbles ’ , but then he 's mad .
18 Here the skilled operator establishes in her own consciousness a network of alarm signals which go off when the train of thought starts chugging along in a dangerous direction .
19 It is beautifully painted with scenes of the dead person 's funeral along the sides , and scenes of Elysium , or the way to Elysium , on the ends ; smiling goddesses in plumed head-dresses ride along in a chariot drawn by a griffin on one end , and by a goat on the other , presumably ready to convey the human soul to Elysium , to live ever after with the gods .
20 There are even times when I enjoy it in a masochistic kind of way — those are the times when you are really running free , bouncing along in a relaxed and easy manner , with the mind and the body in tune .
21 It is widely accepted that the rate increases as firms get smaller as liquidity burdens are passed along in a ripple effect from the very largest firms through lengthening credit notes .
22 She liked to ride him , as she put it , and the ride was accompanied by a kind of commentary , as if she was urging a horse along in a steeplechase .
23 For too long , inflights coasted along in a crappy state for several reasons : first , the implicit assumption that if you wanted your duty-free goods sold on board then you took an ad in the mag ( so , if you 're making money anyway , why bother to make it good ? ) ; second , the mags did n't even have to compete for ad budgets with proper media , since duty-free is usually handled by a separate division with a separate ad spend ; and last , nobody cares if nobody reads it .
24 Drifting along in a straight line at a steady speed , or following the natural curves of space if you 're close to any heavy objects .
25 ‘ I told you , she 'll be along in a minute . ’
26 He knew roughly where he was , or he knew in theory , and he stumbled slowly along in a westerly direction , sometimes holding onto the trunk of a birch tree .
27 He drives with the windows down , warm air streaming around him , swept along in a jewelled red river of tail-lights five lanes wide .
28 ‘ Maybe there 'll be another one along in a minute . ’
29 Does it have to enrol , turn up at a classroom , do homework , remember to take the right equipment along in a bag ?
30 Islander slips along in a breath of northerly air off Hythe Marina Village
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