Example sentences of "express [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It represented a synthesis of certain ideas , expressing as uncritical positivism which amalgamated certain propositions from anthropology , biology , psychology and sociology , which was presented as an hierarchy of race .
2 Untrained in any art school , commencing his career in the early 1930s , a homosexual , addicted to the sleazier pleasures of Soho , living for a large portion of his life in the same seedy studio in South Kensington , eschewing all official honours , and a stranger to what used to be called the ‘ salons ’ of high society , he succeeded in expressing in frightening imagery the horrors which lie embedded below the surface of life .
3 Did n't passion arise from a clash of extremes rather than the equal union she and Dmitri shared — and which they were expressing in this long , unmoving screw ?
4 In assuming the mantle of David and writing his own psalms , he may even be expressing in this work a sense of identification with David as a type of Christ .
5 He had been therapist and client both , had asked the questions and supplied the answers , aiming at total frankness , keeping nothing back , expressing to those bare walls , that metal table and black-leather swivel chair , that window with its half-drawn , dark-blue blind , the crawling distastes and shames , the self-disgust , the shrinking from light and the fear which seemed sometimes to beat with frenzied wings against bars in his brain .
6 They may indeed be able to voice interests and demands which their sources are unable to express through any other channel .
7 If the hon. Member for Hammersmith ( Mr. Soley ) and his Labour colleagues around the country , who control far more houses than the Government , showed even a tiny percentage of the indignation that he is now attempting to express about empty houses in Swindon in relation to the 5,000 empty houses in Labour-controlled Liverpool , the 2,800 in Labour-controlled Salford , the 2,000 in Labour-controlled Newham , the 5,500 in Labour-controlled Manchester , the 2,000 in Labour-controlled Newcastle , the 1,000 in Labour-controlled Knowsley , and so on —
8 It does occur to Fukuyama that religion might have some sort of unease to express with all this , but he appears to conceive of religion under only two modes .
9 To express in financial terms capital works necessary to meet the objectives expressed or implied of an organization within an accounting period or periods .
10 In the case of the Hundred Years War , the causes of the conflict were to be found both in the long historic links between England and France , links which were gradually becoming weaker , and in the need to express in new terms the relationship between the two countries ( arguably the two most powerful in western society in the late Middle Ages ) taking into account elements such as national consciousness and diverging methods of government ( to name but two ) which historians recognise as being characteristic of late medieval European society as a whole .
11 If the reader is invited to be suspicious , and is nudged towards a defamatory explanation which the writer " did not care or did not dare to express in direct terms " the publication will be capable of carrying a defamatory imputation .
12 I have tried to express in another paper one conclusion :
13 We now know that opinion polls are almost meaningless except as a rough guide to the sort of views that people believe they ought to express in public .
14 The distorted modes of communication which the individual has set up within himself , and between self and the outside world , as a result of fearing to express in public form certain wishes and impulses of an infantile polymorphously perverse character , can be unravelled with the analyst 's help .
15 The activities of anticolon antibody detected by ELISA expressed as optical density was compared .
16 Eternal values can also be sought in art , as they were by the French art historian Élie Faure , whose open mind accepted disparate arts , a view which he expressed like this : ‘ It is not paradoxical at all to affirm that an Ivory Coast mask and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel express the same need to manifest a harmonious rapport which exists between mankind and the universe . ’
17 One can see , then , a philosophical crux in the very nature of the Ring , one that was certainly apparent and deeply interesting to Tolkien , and one which he furthermore expressed with great care and deliberation .
18 This was not only because , in Walton 's words , his poems ‘ had comforted and raised many disjected and discomposed souls and charmed them into sweet and quiet thoughts ’ ; he was honoured too for his loyalty to the middle way between the excesses of Rome and the austerities of the Puritans , which he expressed with such affection in his poem ‘ The British Church ’ :
19 Another noteworthy aspect of Circumspecte agatis is that it reminds us that legislation at that time was by no means limited to parliamentary acts , but could result from decisions of the king and his councillors , expressed in general writs to his justices and sheriffs .
20 The new statutory definition would naturally draw quintessentially upon existing case law and also current aspirations and modern requirements , expressed in general principles , in terms of broad classes .
21 This proviso was fundamental , and we can find it expressed in two letters of this period on the preference to be given to the claim of monastic life over every other demand — a theme of central importance in his thought .
22 Fleischmann certainly was concerned about the momentum of events ; the news from Harwell magnified this and he expressed to some colleagues his nervousness and wish that the press conference could be stopped .
23 I also said that erm my I expressed that the fears that I expressed at this meeting last time about er the fact that Paul and I now supervise civilian staff , er which I 've never been sat down and told what the civilians term of contract are and what I can or can not say or whatever , so erm I feel it will be quite valuable , and brought it for me to see if anybody think it 's worthwhile pursuing .
24 In the late 1870s the government was almost embarrassed by the enthusiasm for a crusade against Turkey expressed by Panslavist publicists .
25 If the hon. Gentleman had showed even a tiny amount of the indignation that he expresses about empty houses in Swindon in relation to all those in areas under Labour control , there would be scarcely any problems of homelessness in Britain .
26 ‘ My dress hangs here ’ is her only picture of the period and expresses with sharp irony her sense of outrage at her husband 's glorification of American values and incidentally reveals as much about her own sense of insecurity ( est. $1–1.2 million ; £666,000–800,000 ) .
27 Pacey grasps the matter more perceptively when he says , categorically , ‘ he does not take refuge in the ambiguity of myths , but expresses with engaging candour and simplicity his own personal response to experience . ’
28 well not exactly g gon na be on the defensive because it 's , I do n't , it 's , it 's , it 's no less , it 's no less genuine , you know it 's , it 's part , it 's , it 's , it 's a view that they can express in different circumstances ,
29 A balance has to be struck , since too much control of the research setting can lead to situations that lack naturalism and to indicators that lack validity ; for example , the results to structured questions on a topic may not reflect the views respondents would express in any other situation .
30 This stress on will — " loke what wil is for in al " ( 70r. – 205 ) — is an aspect of the concern he expresses in Mixed Life for the importance of a " continuel desire to God " and in Scale 1 ( 22.295b. – 95 ) for a " hole and a stable entencoun " to please God which must underly all that the anchoress does .
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