Example sentences of "express [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ON APRIL 26 , Qin Benli , the editor of the Shanghai-based Shijie Jingjie Dao Bao ( World Economic Herald ) was sacked for publishing notes of a forum calling for the rehabilitation of Hu Yaobang , the former disgraced Communist Party 's general secretary who died in April this year , and expressing support for the student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square .
2 She rummages in her jewellery box where brooches , necklaces and earrings are jumbled together with enamel lapel badges expressing support for various radical causes — Support the Miners , Crusade for Jobs , Legalize Pot , A Woman 's Right To Choose — and selects a silver brooch in which the CND symbol and the Yin sign are artfully entwined .
3 DORJE WANGDU : a 33-year-old electrician from Lhasa , he received a three-year term of ‘ re-education through labour ’ , without charge or trial , in September 1991 , for peacefully expressing support for the Dalai Lama , Tibet 's Buddhist leader-in-exile , and for possessing ‘ reactionary ’ documents .
4 But none the less the community is expressing support for the FDR-FMLN in ways which it is really surprising to see .
5 Venezuelan President Carlos Andrés Pérez , expressing support for the Colombian government 's anti-drugs campaign , called for a " world war against drug trafficking " .
6 The most consistent reports were of a disturbance at a football match on March 25 in Kavaje ( close to Tirana , the capital ) where members of the crowd chanted slogans expressing support for President Ramiz Alia but attacking the repressive policies of his predecessor Enver Hoxha and the " Hoxha dynasty " .
7 He refused to rule out the military option , while Gorbachev stressed the need for a " political solution " and pointedly refrained from expressing support for a military move against Iraq .
8 A Minister of State , Piotr Nowina-Konopka , submitted his resignation on Nov. 21 , also expressing support for Mazowiecki .
9 On May 29 tens of thousands of demonstrators in Tirana 's Skanderbeg Square , calling for the overthrow of the government and expressing support for the hunger strikers , attacked police with rocks , bottles and fire-bombs .
10 On June 19 , Foreign Ministers issued a joint statement calling on Yugoslavia 's leaders to " resolve their disputes peacefully " and expressing support for the " territorial integrity of Yugoslavia " .
11 Civic and business groups in San Salvador organized a massive pro-government rally on Dec. 7 expressing support for the role of the army and calling for the demobilization of the FMLN .
12 MPs gathered in the House of Common on Sept. 24 for an emergency debate on the government 's handling of the currency crisis , and voted by 322 to 296 in favour of a motion expressing support for the government 's economic policy .
13 The Council issued a statement on Sept. 9 expressing support for the air exclusion zone imposed over southern Iraq , for the Moslems in Bosnia , the Somali people , and the UAE in its current dispute with Iran — rejecting Iran 's " continued occupation " of the disputed islands and affirming that the GCC would support any measures that the UAE might take to " affirm its sovereignty " .
14 If , on the other hand , he was stating as a matter of principle that the coupling of a protest with a payment of money unlawfully demanded per se rendered that payment recoverable , he was expressing views for which no authority prior to that date has been cited to this House and which were contrary to those expressed by Lord Reading C.J. in Maskell v. Horner .
15 There 's Win , still carrying the cheeky pennants and slogans of ‘ 81 , boasting of chewing gum for the ears , expressing admiration for advertising jingles .
16 ‘ We want to make sure that too many laws do n't come about discouraging people from expressing admiration for the female form , ’ he said .
17 He was entirely serious , and had adopted a portentous tone suitable for expressing admiration for the Greatest Living Englishman .
18 I join right hon. and hon. colleagues , obviously , in expressing sympathy for the families of the bereaved .
19 May I and my right hon. and hon. Friends join in expressing sympathy for those who died or were injured in the atrocity in County Tyrone on Friday ?
20 While expressing sympathy for the Iraqi people , the King stressed that the people of Jordan shared the happiness of their " Kuwaiti brothers " .
21 Mr. S. Walker left a note for the Board of Guardians expressing thanks for their kind and courteous hearing when his group had been interviewed on the subject of the unemployed marchers , and for the treatment they had received at the institution .
22 Expressing thanks for the gift said , ‘ Our success is due to the close co-operation between so many people — shipping agents , hauliers , the Port Authority , to name just a few , with whom we have formed great friendships and partnerships over the years .
23 In the week leading up to the anniversary pro-US legislators made plans to pass a Diet resolution expressing regret for the action .
24 The demonstrators were protesting at the imminent loss of 5,000 jobs in the region in the mining , steel , shipbuilding and fertilizer industries , and expressing fears for the future of at least half of Cartagana 's active workforce of 60,000 .
25 This study can not conclude with certainty the nature of the cells expressing mRNA for interleukin 1 or tumour necrosis factor , although the majority are probably macrophages .
26 The harshly punitive impact of the new social conservatism on these women and their children contrasts with right-wing rhetoric expressing concern for the family .
27 The fact that the visit took place on the anniversary of Edmund 's death , together with the peacock cloak , suggests that Cnut was expressing concern for Edmund 's salvation .
28 And that 's another one , you know : she would die of shame if she knew that you were even looking at a Felton , never mind expressing affection for one .
29 Alcuin wrote to Aethelred , probably in 791 , expressing affection for him and urging him to display kindness not cruelty and reason not anger in his deeds , and to speak truth not falsehood , but the sack of Lindisfarne by Vikings in June 793 ( ASC D , s.a. 793 ) provided a shocked and outraged Alcuin with an opportunity to declaim against the evils of Northumbrian society , as he saw them , and the shortcomings of the king himself in a letter to Aethelred and his nobles .
30 He wrote again , a careful , stilted letter , expressing gratitude for the help he had received and suggesting they shook hands and called it a day .
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