Example sentences of "attitude [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eliot stressed that there should be no maintaining of different attitudes for cathedral drama and for West End theatre .
2 And while he was reared on metal and later discovered punk — but did n't necessarily subscribe to the attitudes for fear of losing individuality — he appreciates the blues .
3 Family structure and attitudes about education , for instance , are more constant among black American women ( Smith and Smith 1981 ) .
4 The 1979 survey by Social and Community Planning Research commissioned by the National Consumer Council for this report adds some more recent information , although its primary purpose has been to explore the background of consumers ' knowledge and attitudes about credit .
5 On the other it might end up with the negative attitudes about dementia and care for dementia sufferers attaching to the segregated units . "
6 Although more people are aware of the term ‘ Euthanasia ’ and what this entails , general attitudes about death and its meaning are at best still ambivalent as is the case also in America , but where there is evidence since the 1960s of a burgeoning of courses in schools , colleges and some universities .
7 Hence , accountants have been found to have attitudes about risk which are very cautious .
8 The progressive and insidious nature of the illness should be explained , unreasonable expectation of a miraculous cure dispelled , and emphasis placed on the need to change behaviour and attitudes about eating .
9 The campaign was intended to change certain attitudes about AIDS and HIV , but mainly simply to raise awareness .
10 Authoritarian personalities have been found to display attitudes of hostility towards inferiors and to reject other authoritarian people because of attitudes about authority .
11 To alter this cluster of attitudes to one in which sexuality is seen as an expression of an equal , sharing relationship will require a widespread change in social attitudes through education and other media .
12 In short , of the rules and generalisations that could be made about conveying attitudes through intonation , those which are not actually wrong are likely to be too trivial to be worth learning .
13 Few people have actually done experiments on listeners ' perception of attitudes through intonation .
14 I mean by this attitudes of wonder , reverence and awe , as we contemplate the beauty of the universe and note the fragility of its life-systems .
15 At various points in this book , we may be able to discern how changes in attitudes of curriculum planners to the purpose of the primary school manifest themselves in new ideas about languages of instruction , a new urgency in finding out about community needs , an increased commitment to the concept of basic education .
16 There is much to suggest that the attitudes of society towards sexual offences , particularly the attitudes of many men ( who hold most of the leading posts in the making of policy and law ) , have tended to undervalue the seriousness of sexual assaults .
17 Nor can it be decided exclusively because of changed values and attitudes of society towards women , significant though these are .
18 His or her life-style , outlooks and mores , like those of everyone else , are largely fashioned by the norms and attitudes of society as a whole .
19 The medium-term one I would say is to do with broadly the attitudes of society towards education , and those attitudes have in fact undergone a fairly substantial change over the last ten years or so .
20 erm I think like David , and Lesley well I mean I think like everyone here , that it is the general attitudes of society that you do n't stick with problems and work them through , that family life is breaking up .
21 In this context , the Arrangements document identifies the cognitive skills of ‘ weighing up evidence , developing arguments and drawing conclusions ’ and encourages the promotion of ‘ attitudes of empathy and tolerance ’ ( 1.2 ) .
22 This project will be concerned with the views and attitudes of parent , child and social worker , and their effects on outcome for the family .
23 Traditionally it has meant some form of moral education to encourage pupils to develop attitudes of cooperation and concern for justice .
24 The thesis of the book was that democracy could not be safeguarded by attending to political institutions alone ; a culture had also to exist among the population which combined tradition and modernity , encouraging attitudes of loyalty and respect for the institutions of government while at the same time fostering a degree of political activism .
25 Concern about moral or spiritual or religious attitudes of responsibility with regard to sexual activity has been conspicuous by its absence .
26 The skeleton , whose hands are placed over the groin in one of the traditional attitudes of repose , is slightly proud of the shell ; hence the gable lid , resulting in a close-fitting coffin .
27 It is not religion , nor its truth-claims , that is the trouble , but rather attitudes of selfishness and possessiveness — of thinking of religion or of truth as an entity which we have and somebody else does not have .
28 Perhaps even more than in the case of energising Anglican evangelical clergymen like William Marsh , in the ranks of evangelical nonconformity the powerful leadership of some ministers shaped the attitudes of chapel communities and led them into collaboration across denominational and church/chapel lines .
29 Leadership style is a factor influencing the motivation of individual subordinates and the attitudes of work groups .
30 Identifying the attitudes of decision makers and users towards the current products in the market place ;
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